Day 2 Posting
  • 196 posts
  • Page 8 of 14
Votazap wrote:
good job guys
Spoiler (click to show)
UltrasPlot wrote:
hahaha james already wants to modkill me... anyways, even with my guard, we are now in MYLO... SHOOT.
JamesKer1 wrote:
The time has come. Votazap, in silent defiance, was lead to the noose. And as the trapdoors flapped open, he would meet the same fate as BETA before him.

Welcome to Lordes and Ladies Mafia! You are the Earl of Mafidom, a member of the Royal Court.

You are a Jack of All Trades (JOAT). For the purposes of this game, you must perform actions in a specific order, one per night (including night 0). They are Kill, Save (Doc), Track, and Investigate. If you miss an action submission, the rest of your abilities will be stripped away. You win once all anti-town roles are eliminated.

And with this death, more information is revealed...

Night 0- Kill Madagascarter
Night 1- Save Virtuosity98

Night 2 has begun. You have 24 hours.
OXEN wrote:
Whut... Da... Come on Votazap u could have "not" been so god damn suspicious... Hmmm makes me confused...

Sygg a bit late on lynching vota.. Hmm But u might be right WM is on my list!! But something still aint right with V98... 

Isn't Vota coming with a testimonial? Would like to now why he protected V98?
UltrasPlot wrote:
So yeah, you could've easily proved to us you weren't mafia without leaking much but instead you do nothing, make us think you're mafia, and get lynched...

suspicions are focused on WM.
UltrasPlot wrote:
Also guys, I'm using my guard tonight. We will STILL be in MYLO tomorrow though.
UltrasPlot wrote:
Also Madag, requesting a guard just in case I get mafia killed and my guard's priority is below the mafia kill. Unlikely I know, but if this guard isn't executed we lose.
JamesKer1 wrote:
Final Will and Testament of Votazap

Spoiler (click to show)
JamesKer1 wrote:
After the lynch of one of the last remaining powers the town has, the villagers returned to their homes. They sat up all night, dreading the gunshot to come at any moment and end their Kingdom. However, there was no gunshot. Not at the castle, not in any of the villagers homes. The Outlaws were holding out- but why?

Town must lynch successfully or face endgame.

5 town left
4 Royal Court Left
1 3rd Party left
2 Non-Royal Court Town Members Left
4 Outlaws Left

Day 3 has begun.