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Moai wrote:
No but i have some experience with graphic design, so graphics won't be that hard, creating a good layout will be a little harder but it won't be impossible. What do your like better USSR or Russia?
aeronautic wrote:
The finer details such as the name can be sorted at a later date.

I too came here only with graphics skills and then had to learn bit by bit how to make a game map.
Of course already being adept with Photoshop is half the battle.

Making a game map on any site is a completely new and different experience for graphics guys, but perhaps more so here at D12, because the standards are high compared to competitor sites.

The best thing to do to start your suggestion with a view to creating the map yourself is to read the DXII Guide to Map Making first. It explains just about everything you will be up against and will need to know in order to make a map here.

Then you could make a rough demo of what you suggest as a Risk game map and place it here. Don't make it look fantastic, because it's only to give us an idea of the shape & the potential game-play, it might not be feasible for a game map.

Have a look at some other maps on the site to see how they are balanced and separated into regions and territories.

One thing to note* if using a real geographic location for the map, you'll need to research the real names and try to utilise real shaped borders as much as possible. Of course there is some artistic license given in order to overcome things like "four corner connections", that's where 4 territory borders meet in a Cross ( + ) or ( x ). This causes confusion on what can attack what.. Also for merging territories for the sake of gameplay and various other things.

I look forward to seeing a demo of the map you are suggesting.
Hyd yn oed er fy mod Cymraeg , dim ond yn siarad Saesneg, felly yr wyf yn gobeithio y bydd y cyfieithu yn gywir.
PsymonStark wrote:
Yay, Russia is a nice place to play Risk! I like very much the idea. There was a demo somewhere for a Russia map but I think it was ditched.

I would go with USSR as long as the gameplay is good. It's more historical and war-like. Count on me giving all the feedback I have!
Living proof that everyone can be a brilliant great good decent cartographer.
naathim wrote:
It was started but abandoned. I think because it was so wide, the map was bunched and scrunched because it has to curve with the horizon. Will have to come up with a way to avoid that.

Imperial Russia would be just as much fun. To start you out:

Spoiler (click to show)

Honestly this would probably be a better focus because it's much more tight and really as you go east, everything's just so much larger and spread out. However if you want to do the full thing, this is of course probably where you want to start out because it's already almost a perfectly designed gameplay (however it's Russian Federation):

Spoiler (click to show)
Moai wrote:
Naathim lol we picked the same map. I think i would be hard to fit it perfectly but it's not that bad, I saw some maps online which could work well, I hardly would have to mess with the dimensions with the Russian map, the USSR might be a little harder though. And if it doesn't turn out well the imperial Russia map would be perfect to use instead.

I'll post my rough draft in here shortly
The_Bishop wrote:
The first Imperial Russia image looks more appealing for me. Or also an USSR map.
As for the gameplay, as a first impression they both don't seem excellent to be turned into a game map.
But who knows, some good solutions can be worked out probably.
«God doesn't play dice with the World» ~ Albert Einstein
The_Bishop is online.
Moai wrote:
Here's the very rough draft of Russia:
Russia has many rivers so if you find any which would work well with this map please do tell. Correct me if I'm wrong but the map would be very hard to play with how it is now. Im gonna work on the USSR version later today, i think the USSR has more possibilities, and will flow better. and the Imperial Russia still sounds like a really good alternative.

PsymonStark wrote:
Regions in your map are either easy or very difficult to defend. Remember you need to fit circles and names inside each territory, so you could think merging some of the smallest ones. The map floating on the void seems a bit weird, maybe you should also draw the surrounding countries.

But the graphics part is neat :) Maybe you need to be more consistent with the border thickness.

I tend to be quite direct in my opinions, don't take it badly though :D I'm looking forward to see the other draft.
Living proof that everyone can be a brilliant great good decent cartographer.
Moai wrote:
I didn't add a background cause I'm just using that map to layout the regions right now and i completely agree defense wise...
The_Bishop wrote:
An old idea back in this thread was a map of the Northern Hemisphere having as theme the Cold War.

This is a rough image from mine:
Cold War (click to show)
Supposed to be a very small size map, 21 territories possibly, but it can be worked even at large size really.

This one is a more detailed map proposal from Virtuosity98:
Northern Hemisphere Map (click to show)
I think it has 81 territories that is a size particularly nice for me. Well, it has not a "Cold War" look for now! But it can be adjusted for that, including obviously a Soviet Union region. It was a period of great tension between US and USSR, the war actually never started but it could happen at any moment. Our map might be set like a virtual Third World War of that era, sort of fanta-historical theme (as it is for Europe 1814).
«God doesn't play dice with the World» ~ Albert Einstein
The_Bishop is online.
Moai wrote:
I'm completely discarding the Russia map and am starting the USSR, would you be apposed to me using a map that doesn't have the bordering land as a base? Here's the one I'd like to use(I'm gonna take off Mongol Uyghur and Manchuria SSR since they're not really a part of the USSR): https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BxeOF9NKPK_CTk04cWs2ZTV4RVE/view?usp=sharing

I'd add a back drop and the region bonus will make up most of the background so there won't be much empty space.

If you find a good map to use as a base that has bordering land that'd be great!
Moai wrote:
Use this link instead: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BxeOF9NKPK_CXzRkTnhlTFhSMDA/view?usp=sharing

(Edit by aeronautic) I tried making the link appear as an image in a spoiler, but for some reason it won't work.
Hoodlum wrote:
reference 1 (click to show)

rivers lakes could be used (click to show)
Cold War theme.

Wall of berlin , special game play a drop of a wall of decaying neutrals by rounds representing years - 1961 to 1989.

Early in the game the wall is too big and pointless to penetrate. The map would need to be big so as to get a fair drop of
troops on each side in lesser amount of players.

Only a narrow path is available, representing the Brandenburg Gate, but basically you are playing on two maps, east and west sides

As the wall decreases it may be card trading time and the wall will be penetrable by then. epic long term games!
aeronautic wrote:
I'm not sure if the site is ready for any special gameplay coding?!

BTW When I was in the RAF, there were 3 entry points to the British sector in West Berlin allowed through/over East Germany: 1 Road, 1 Train Track & 1 Airport, but I don't recall that we were ever allowed into East Berlin via any means after the building of the wall.
Hyd yn oed er fy mod Cymraeg , dim ond yn siarad Saesneg, felly yr wyf yn gobeithio y bydd y cyfieithu yn gywir.