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Virtuosity98 wrote:
The thing is, only Eld World is an HD map, and even that is currently being resized down to normal sizes. So it would be preferable if your maps were also 1024px.
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Hoodlum wrote:
Resized it down to standard 1024, took a few territories out and added a 3 more regions. 10 regions / 51 territories. yet to draw connections/ports

resized edit (click to show)
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aeronautic wrote:
The image link isn't working. If out of edit time, please make a new post and check the spoiler whilst you have 15 minutes of edit time.
Hyd yn oed er fy mod Cymraeg , dim ond yn siarad Saesneg, felly yr wyf yn gobeithio y bydd y cyfieithu yn gywir.
Hoodlum wrote:
host site was down, link should work now. added a 52nd territory as 51 was in the disallowed number (d12 formula)
S.E.ASIA - INDONESIA edit (click to show)
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PsymonStark wrote:
I was going to suggest Timor Leste to complete the 52 terries limit, I don't know what you did though because I can't see any image. This morning I could with my phone... weird.
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Hoodlum wrote:
i ended up adding Buru island in Sulawesi region, since there was only 2 territories now made to three.
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aeronautic wrote:
@Hoodlum, in Post #7 http://www.dominating12.com/forum/?cmd=topic&id=1803#post-30051 you link a Risk Map Editor.

I think I saw that you played recordings of your games as well? This would be something interesting for the programmers to consider for the good of the Moderators and Admins for checking a game after it is finished.
Having to try and follow the progress of a game from the game-log is tedious and inaccurate to the actual conditions prior to reported play.

There is a thread in Suggestions / Feedback where the programmers welcome anyone that can strip down the play back feature part of the program to be utilised here. http://www.dominating12.com/forum/?cmd=topic&id=1927&lastpost=1#post-28771
And also related to this:
Hyd yn oed er fy mod Cymraeg , dim ond yn siarad Saesneg, felly yr wyf yn gobeithio y bydd y cyfieithu yn gywir.
UltrasPlot wrote:
Nice map, but I disagree with the use of ports and sea-lines in the same map, especially since there are only two white ports (sea-line is sufficient.) Also the 3 black ports could be linked by a triangular sea-line instead, as Fendi said somewhere, we have too many port maps...
Hoodlum wrote:
yeah I thought of that, whether it should have ports since it already has sea-lines. because they are islands there were gonna be many to start with so was trying to not clutter up the map with more long lines, i thought of the anchors as a solution, also there are so many ports in this part of the world (research) so thought it might be relevant. Another reason was that my fav part of the map is that swirly bit in the china sea :) and didn't want to draw over that.

yeah bro, it's open source program that could possibly be tweaked by a programmer to simulate log playback. 

Every d12 map would need to be programmed in connections etc, and could be useful for admin staff to simulate a visual game log.

You would need to know the initial drop.

Program it to have an option to place 3 on each for convenience, right now if you play in human mode manually it's designed to place each players go 1 at a time consecutively, so it would still be time consuming, but I imagine that it could be re-programmed.

It has capitals. But it would have to convert a killed capital to opponents territories d12 style.

When that is sorted and the logs connected it would be quite handy for following visual play, as it has territory highligthing within attack play.
Hoodlum is online.
Hoodlum wrote:
South East Asia / Indonesia 52 territories / 10 regions
working link (click to show)
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PsymonStark wrote:
A few things:

1. Why your labels are different in format for same kind of territory? I mean, maybe Vietnam, Thailand, Laos are countries for all the effects are the same of every other territory. Also, why are territory borders different in different regions? This may confuse someone.

2. The most important. You need to choose better the connections. Right now Borneo is a horrible region with all borders. Sulawesi is similar. Bonus need to be recalculated following the formula. Right now most are too low.

3. You need to rename/relocate some territories. West/East/Central shouldn't be repeated. Try to find the way to fit West Java, West Sumatra or West Borneo. Or choose other names. You have W Visayas at east of E Visayas.
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Hoodlum wrote:
I had concerns and specific reasons for everything u mentioned, and you picked up on all of them.
1. yes different format for country names and city/island names, and the dashed lines are not realistic border lines just for the purposes of dividing the land up to fit circles within borders, i made them dashed for that reason whereas solid lines were realistic ones. If someone were to speculate as to.."why are there country names in S.E Asia regions and then there are cities/islands in other regions"?. I wanted it to be known that it was on purpose, just as you picked it up.
For the dashed lines, I thought of putting a small explanation (----- not to actual borderlines) to explain this. probably not necessary to bother as it's a game map, but also it was done for the reason of someone being speculative.

2. I think I calcuated it to the formula and it came up low on most, i think i even added a digit here and there because it seemed too low. im probably not doing it right. As for the all border territories Kalimantan/Sulawesi what would u suggest? cut/change some connections or change region value? was expecting some feed back on that.

3. Yes I originally had W. E. N. S. for many of these places. The islands are small, names are long and that seemed repetitive aswell as cluttering up everything. I'll rework them. Nice spot on the visayas!

*I actually enjoyed the gameplay (risk map editor) with this.
Hoodlum is online.
PsymonStark wrote:
About the borders, there was a lot of trouble because I chose to reflect the real country borders in Balkan. I was told several times to get rid of it because it was confusing... It's not that I personally matter, but...

The font is very important when managing little space, see:


When you have little space, you need a compact font.

On the gameplay I'll try some suggestions later. The best thing about island maps is that you can choose the connections. It's not always the most evident one that you should choose.
Living proof that everyone can be a brilliant great good decent cartographer.
Hoodlum wrote:
Fixed up things mentioned. changed to a more compact font..i think. renamed some. got rid of the dashed borders, place names are same format. adjusted kalimantan and malakau regions more defensible. still dunno how these region bonus's work.
region territories divided by 3 + territories to defend divided by 2.5?

update practice indo map (click to show)

Hoodlum is online.
PsymonStark wrote:
Yes, that's the formula we use.

Also change Bandung for Jakarta and Borobudur for Yogyakarta, it's more relevant because these are bigger cities. Barat, Timur, etc are not optimal as they are West, East just in Indonesian...

I'll send you my proposals later. I think you now went too far while cutting borders :)
Living proof that everyone can be a brilliant great good decent cartographer.