Experimenting / Learning
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Hoodlum wrote:
they were different sizes, due to re-editing with wrong sizes probably. just resized them all and changed Kununurra to Kimberley (overwrite last image see last recent spoiler).
Hoodlum wrote:
Where's New Zealand? It's down under down under. Where men are men and sheep are nervous!
This is my version of NZ reduced so far..dunno if ronalchn will be back anytime soon to finish his NZ project off, but I wanted to keep up some practice with NZ map now that I have an idea of the process. Had a go at some impassible features. (still have to add a legend). Made two versions. A natural version which needs scrolling (dimensions 1024 x 960) and compact version as suggested by Vexer on ronalchn's NZ map. (1024 x 645)
NZ Map version 1 (click to show)
NZ Map version 2 (click to show)
Hoodlum wrote:
edit ''Waitomo (south island) has been changed to waitake since

wai = water / river etc
aeronautic wrote:
I always wondered why ronalchn made the map as 2 separate islands, when it could have stayed as it rightfully should look and that is as you have done in the 1st version.

I would stay with the real shape of NZ.

I'm not keen on the font used on the main map. I would have liked to have suggested using a traditional Maori font, but they are largely unsuitable for labels due to their Koru's etc. I would suggest the font used on the mini map also on the main map. It is always preferred to keep the same font for labels on all parts of the map.

I would also suggest putting (Aoteroa) in brackets as it is the Maori name for NZ, so either use this on its own or bracket it.

The Queenstown label can be placed with its last couple of letters over the Queenstown territory. It is okay to put labels overlapping as long as the territory it overlaps is clearly labelled as something else, in this case Southland. You have done this with the Gore label.

I know Invercargill, is the Commercial Centre of the Southland region, but it is one of the smallest territories on the map, is there any way of incorporating some of the Southland territory? You should really cheat a little here and expand the (boundary) divider to incorporate suburbs linked to it in some way and increase it by twice its size if possible.

I don't want to discuss any graphics yet as the game play will have to be reviewed.

Dimensionally, due to the shape of this land mass, it will always be difficult to reduce the neutral (sea) area and increase the land area.
(Edit): However, I would cut off the right side of the map close to the main land and have a complete (both islands) mini map in the top left neutral (sea) area.

Generally looking very good!
Hyd yn oed er fy mod Cymraeg , dim ond yn siarad Saesneg, felly yr wyf yn gobeithio y bydd y cyfieithu yn gywir.
Hoodlum wrote:
I thought of using a Maori font but didn't have any installed. I thought they might be too flashy and distracting as labels, but Maybe for Aotearoa title? I think I will bracket it rather than have it on it's own, got to have New Zealand in there as it's recognisable. I prefer it's original shape also obviously as a Kiwi. NZ is barely recognisable on most maps as it is.
I thought of adding Chatham Islands as well and some other islands I've never heard of, and put them in their own region to fill up the sea area and they could sum up to get pass the forbidden number range, but most of those island are further south which would require more scrolling. I got the right count of 44 only omitting Stewart Island (45th) going from the reference I followed so that was quite convenient. I had thought of using Stewart Island rather than Invercargill because it is small, but that wouldn't make sense to a local. I'll find some references to see if I can extend it justly somehow.
aeronautic wrote:
If you look at real Ordinance Survey Maps, you will notice that islands that are off the map are sometimes brought into the map and placed in a box with information of where they really reside. Therefore you could bring in some outer islands if you wish and use them as extra non-bonus regions (stepping stones for connectivity / game-play).

There are lots of on line sites to download fonts, so if you want to use a Maori font for Aotearoa, go ahead and do so.

Remember it is not just 45 territories that are forbidden, it's 45 to 51, so if you are going to add any territories you have to add 8 at least.

I didn't want to get into graphics yet as I am still looking at the current game play, but 3D bridges are less preferred and harder to make nice and not cheesy. Most people tend to like the suggestion of a bridge with map like symbols, but in the case of game boards, we also colour them with the colours of what they connect, so if 2 different regions, the bridges will have 2 colours. Inland seas and lakes are preferred without water colour, normally just showing the background and rivers have a suggested requirement of being blue with white outlines, blended at the estuary and an even width, as narrow as possible (usually about 3 pixels) to suit the map scale.
I will make you some mountains for this map when you are ready for them. (I don't want a credit on the map, I acquired a good understanding of what works and will simply send you the semi transparencies).

Try to remember the invaluable aesthetics tip I gave you about map viewing angle and the brains perception of 3D instead of forced 3D. This is why 3D bridges are so difficult, they mess up the perceived viewing angle.
Take a look at the mountains on Italia, there are many ways to draw mountains on maps and the reason they took so long to get right was that I was constantly making mountains that were at the same angle as the map, i.e. 90 degrees to your actual viewing angle and although I was getting frustrated with how many hours went into each type and then got outright rejected, I always knew they weren't right, but couldn't fathom why. I eventually looked at 100's of old maps that traditionally used graphic depictions instead of the modern 2D symbols and I noticed everything graphic was drawn at a 30 degree angle (approximately). It was then that I realised how the brain sees these things and what it makes of them.
The early cartographers were very clever people and that is why old hand drawn maps are not just a page of mathematical & geographical genius, but a piece of art too.

We call ourselves cartographers, but have no part in the weeks, months and years of endless journeys, triangulation & mathematics as well as piecing it all together and creating an accurate model of land as seen from the air before flight was mastered.
We are simply copying from an endless supply of resources available at the click of a mouse button and making it into a nice looking game board. I recently went to lots of other risk sites to see where we are in the "cartography" scale and I can say without fear of contradiction that across the card, D12 recently became number 1. I also looked into their cartography systems and they have what looks like corporate set up's with teams of people brandishing very important sounding duties and they over complicate the whole system, taking an eternity to pass maps on from stage to stage and producing what can only be described as either child like or too flashy, renditions of maps. Where as, we have 1 Leader, 2 Game Map Makers (editors) & 1 Game-Play Analyst and we 'blow them out of the water'. The reason is, the boss lady Fendi and the main man Vexer know what standard and theme they want & expect and they have found what is currently the right team to make this happen. One day another -NoXoN- may arrive here and stay and the D12 cartography department will jump up a notch, but for now, we are it.

Sorry that was a bit long winded, but as this is still in Map Dabble, I see it as a learning place and wanted to share some of what I have learned.
Hyd yn oed er fy mod Cymraeg , dim ond yn siarad Saesneg, felly yr wyf yn gobeithio y bydd y cyfieithu yn gywir.
Hoodlum wrote:
I like all the info aero. well done d12..not a suprise though, good leadership, high standards,
skill & teamwork.

I had thought of that idea of putting the extra islands in a frame, even NZ's claim to Antartica, but I'll just keep to the main lands and the 44 territories as it's convenient.
I think it's probably possible to just connect Invercargill to Gore instead of having a southland gap running through both of them, that would double Invercargills size.
PsymonStark wrote:
I prefer the option with the two islands next to each other. It's well recognisable, nice looking and most importantly, more game-friendly. Remember that people mostly use laptops with a vertical resolution of 768px and then the map would be much less popular and also complained about. The "original" map has too much water surface.

Also, if you redraw the rivers you can avoid many if not all of the bridges. I see that the only river used as impassable is the Central Otago-Waimate one and the Southland-Clutha, so the rest could be even deleted. And that would be good because the map is very cluttered. If you went on with the split islands version you could make them bigger thus having more space for everything on the map.

By the way, Auckland a 3? There are 2 Waitomos?
Living proof that everyone can be a brilliant great good decent cartographer.
Hoodlum wrote:
I made a mistake with the two Waitomo. in the split version.(no plural s in Maori language eg: Maori's, the south Island one will be corrected to Waitaki in my next edit. I actually forced it to make a river border connection in the North Island so as to balance out what I started in the south. I drew the rivers in the south based on ronalchns version, so really I could probably delete them all and save the trouble of bridges. it was something I wanted to play around with at the time though, rivers not necessary for the map then. I think the port in Auckland calculated it to be 3 according to the formula, but yeah 3 seems a bit much for a 2 territory region lol.
Vexer wrote:
You can save about 100 pixels in length if you rotate New Zealand 15 degrees clockwise. you would also be able to make the land bigger.

If you are going to go with the split version then you should trace the layout that I made. I went to a some trouble to maximize the land size. In your version the land is much smaller.


Aside from the cheesy swirl, the background is quite nice.
Hoodlum wrote:
hmm yeah that's an option, probably a compass needed. the swirl I was trying to hide a NZ symbol in there (koru)..guess it doesn't work.:D

I'll continue to play with both versions for now. expand one, rotate the other and work with the feedback.
Vexer wrote:
Shows how little I know about new zealand. It might be better to try and hide a koru icon in the ocean instead of a computer generated swirl.

Like this one maybe:

Try using the multiply blending mode.
Hoodlum wrote:
i didn't have much success tracing over your sample one Vexer, anchors were in the way and my attempts looked bad.
I think the split version is the best option though and resized the split one i did and retraced over it. There's a bit
more land space, less open water space. The other version didn't look right (to me) in a degree tilt and still required scrolling.
I'm satisfied (as a Kiwi) that I can see the right NZ view in the inset at least.

map edits (click to show)

resized Dimensions 1024 wide 650 height
Split version map resized & retraced
Region re-value (needs the right assessment)
spell checked
Title stylized (Koru type font)
Mountains / Rivers / Bridges gone. Lakes recolored
Invercargill border extended.