Experimenting / Learning
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Hoodlum wrote:
thanks epic. new hobby :)
Changed some place names better fit/non repetitive. changed connections, revalued region, got rid of anchors. changed text color over inset for readabilty. border edits. Kept 52 territories but relocated noticeably addition of Timor Leste (east Timor) for gameplay factor (Indonesia has occupied it for a lot of time and this way the map would seem to be supporting the occupation)
Pysmon advice edits (click to show)
PsymonStark wrote:
Lol, you didn't modify Manokwari and looks special :P
Living proof that everyone can be a brilliant great good decent cartographer.
Hoodlum wrote:
ill play with it a bit, just overwrite the picture in the above spoiler so youll see the change. i couldnt get it right without it looking special. maybe take the black outline out
PsymonStark wrote:
I can do the text for you if you need. Generally pdn is not the best way to do the labels.
Living proof that everyone can be a brilliant great good decent cartographer.
Hoodlum wrote:
i think that did the trick..yeah i hadn't used pdn for the rest of the text either as the program i used i was more familiar with but it is even more limited with making clean outlines for text. just this one bit of text is on pdn :)
The_Bishop wrote:
2 things look a bit weird to my eyes. These being the Luzon---Sorong connection and East Timor, whoops sorry, Timor-Leste turned yellow as part of Australia.
«God doesn't play dice with the World» ~ Albert Einstein
PsymonStark wrote:
Luzon-Sorong was before a port connection... do you think it was better?
Living proof that everyone can be a brilliant great good decent cartographer.
Hoodlum wrote:
anchors or ports better?
maybe a curved connection or no connection.
I prefer the ports, but would few ports be necessary to have. With my next proposal ports might be overdoing special instructions.

I like Pysoms idea of adding Timor Leste and his reasons, and the change of color to disassocoiate it from Java, but wasn't sure if it should be part of Australia, so how bout a neutral color, and a + 1 bonus for whichever Java or Northern Australia player holding these regions occupy it.
It would be easier for N.Australia to hold it, but it would be a hot area, as it is in real life politics?
a +1 bonus for it being occupied by whoever owns northern australia or Java regions. (baltic sea style)

*Changed the region value of australia back to 1 and Java to 3 to cater for the bonus

Northern Australia + Timor Leste = +1
Java + Timor Leste = +1

special gameplay (click to show)
Virtuosity98 wrote:
I like the way this is progressing!

A few suggestions:
1) The Luzon / Sorong connection does seem somewhat out of place and unnecessary. Is it really needed?

2) I think the Java region is quite severely underpowered. It has the same amount of territories as Sumatra, but 1 more border than Sumatra. Yet the Java bonus is +3, and Sumatra is +4. I think that Java should be boosted to +4.
Formula work:
Sumatra Bonus = (8 territories / 3)+(3 borders / 2.5) = 2.67 + 1.2 = 3.87... This should be rounded up to +4, as the other +3 regions are much easier to defend than Sumatra.
Java Bonus = (8 territories / 3)+(4 borders / 2.5) = 2.67 + 1.6 = 4.27... This should be rounded down to +4.
Java Bonus + Timor Leste Bonus = (9 territories / 3)+(4 borders / 2.5) = 3 + 1.6 = 4.6... This should be rounded up to +5.
Therefore, with the +1 from the Timor Leste Bonus, everything works fine with a +4 for Java.

3) Obviously Timor Leste will need texturing like the other territories.

4) On your minimap, you misspelt "Kalimantan" as "Kaliwantan". ;)
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PsymonStark wrote:
I like the new Timor Leste status. The difference with Baltic is that more than one region can own it! I think though like V98 when he says Java to be +4.

Luzon-Sorong makes a 5 hops loop. Like most others on the map. I don't know if it's needed or not though.

@Hoodlum Manokwari is on the northeast part of Sorong. That's why I changed the border and added a connection. I forgot to explain it. That part is still pretty inaccurate... check this map. Make Manokwari all the gulf part and Sorong a smaller territory with the western cape. Then make bigger Jayapura. And try to remake those horizontal straight lines. Follow the Merauke-Jayawijaya borders.

Also Pontianic is Pontianak. I don't know what I was thinking about.
Living proof that everyone can be a brilliant great good decent cartographer.
Hoodlum wrote:
ah yes i see the mistake in spelling and i missed that border change up too. and i'll up the value of java back to 4, which is the right assesment. i should have just put australia down rather than both of them. should i just omit the luzon sorong link?
some things to work on :)
Virtuosity98 wrote:
idk whether to omit the Luzon sorong link, but if it stays, make it curved :)
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Hoodlum wrote:
omitted the soron / luzon connection for now. re-drew papua dividers, corrected spelling Kalimantan / Pontianak. re-corrected Java value

Had a go at actual terrain location texture. Definitely have to organize the layers for ease of adjustments for future practice/projects.

corrections (click to show)
PsymonStark wrote:
Is it just me or different labels have different sizes?

Kununurra, not Kununarra. I would even choose Kimberley better.
Living proof that everyone can be a brilliant great good decent cartographer.