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aeronautic wrote:
It's the brain effect thing I was telling you about. The early cartographers discovered it and in short, placed 3D objects set at approx' 30 degrees on the 2D Plan view maps.

What it basically does is gives you the impression of Flying into your focus area, like on Google Maps.

When Westeros is uploaded, you will see this effect 10 fold, as there is much more 3D detail around the map.

(Edit): I am not a fan of embossed land, it's on the cheesy scale. Plus, remember that framed maps are wall maps, not table board maps. They would have folded bindings, but not frames.
Post #86 map was developing, I don't know why you totally changed your theme?
Remember it got to where it was with feedback and preferences from the map followers. It would develop further with more feedback.
Hyd yn oed er fy mod Cymraeg , dim ond yn siarad Saesneg, felly yr wyf yn gobeithio y bydd y cyfieithu yn gywir.
Hoodlum wrote:
it was just a play around, I wasn't heading in that direction with the map, and the master edit is post #86. I already knew your how you'd feel about the frame and embossed graphics from sky islands and east indies. There was nothing much else to go on as far as comments other than matty's.
I did get some interest from my kiwi mates here in aussie about blowing it up as a poster (minus circles/values) with this version tho lol
aeronautic wrote:
Yes I assume there would be interest from outside parties because embossed and framed look cool for maps on walls.

No worries about the latest dabble, I will just disregard it.
I look forward to seeing the update of the actual map.
Hyd yn oed er fy mod Cymraeg , dim ond yn siarad Saesneg, felly yr wyf yn gobeithio y bydd y cyfieithu yn gywir.
aeronautic wrote:
Whilst you are updating this map, please consider one of the most important things in the creation order and that is, scale and position.

When maps have a lot of dead area (sea), as is the case of the 2 boots, Italia & NZ, every pixel is critical to the size of the map because you'll need the land to be as big as possible. I notice you have taken away valuable map area with a game board border.
The important thing is to get the rough map outline scaled, rotated, separated, overlapped or whatever it needs before adding any detail.
Hyd yn oed er fy mod Cymraeg , dim ond yn siarad Saesneg, felly yr wyf yn gobeithio y bydd y cyfieithu yn gywir.
Hoodlum wrote:
gotcha. i think i initially wanted to really get the frame/size/space sorted early instead of making the same mistake of the way i did it with east indies where i had merged it with the background and left no option for an easy edit.
Hoodlum wrote:
Got a bit of spare time, thought I'd play a bit more with some textures before the mountains come.
gameplay is at a bit of a standstill. The last version is the current version at this point depending on the feedback and wouldn't mind some more feedback to play around with. In this dabble I changed the font color/size -- background and land textures

Spoiler (click to show)
Hoodlum wrote:

80 Territories / 16 Regions + 1 neutral

Connections not sorted. Territories no drawn.

Actual regions/territories in reference picture.

Map is rotated. Current Dimensionsto fit = 1024 width + 775 height

Spoiler (click to show)


I've read the previous Philippines thread and it has failed with the rotated view.
I'm wondering if the inset in my attempt helps the map as it does for NZ. Compass is added and long/lat lines to help
It's a large map, with thoughts of it using accurate territories and regions and perhaps a special gameplay with the National Capital as it is displayed
in references I went by.

Reference 1 (click to show)

Reference 2 (click to show)

Edit: I know aero, just keeping my mind off my 12 week challenge :), playing with maps helps the nerves a bit.
Vexer wrote:
This is much better than Pntbttr's attempt primarily because it isn't rotated a full 90 degrees. The longitude and latitude lines and the oversized mini map also help a lot.

I'm glad you haven't attempted territory borders yet. I think you have way way too many territories. On maps where the sea takes up more space than the land you have to keep the territory count low. Those circles are crammed in there and it makes the map messy and hard to read. This map should be in the 39-44 territory range.

I would also make the map shorter by cutting it off at the end of the last yellow island. You don't need to show the last part of the pink island or the very last tiny pink island (Balabac Island) It only has a population of 35,000 so I doubt we will ever have a player from there that will be upset that it is missing. Either that or you can keep the length but reduce the rotation by cutting those parts off.

Actually, if it were me I would rotate it even less and cut off as much as I could while maintaining enough space for an non rotated mini map. The mini map could cover the tail end of the pink island without it being a problem.
aeronautic wrote:
What can I say! Vexer said it all perfectly.

And no! You are not coming over to the Cartographer side of D12, you are too valuable as an admin. :) Keep the dabbles coming though!
Hyd yn oed er fy mod Cymraeg , dim ond yn siarad Saesneg, felly yr wyf yn gobeithio y bydd y cyfieithu yn gywir.
Hoodlum wrote:
Pi2 (click to show)

New Dimensions on Vexers feedback. 1024 x 755

This is what i came up with while keeping all the regions. Shaved it down to 52 territories.
It was easier to lean towards the 52 than the 44 at this stage. I think going lower would mean combining regions, but perhaps 52 might work, if not, the territories are conveniently numbered for reference and I can ommit ones needed. I've added connections for an idea, yet to log it in to the editor and try it.
naathim wrote:
So many hard to defend regions... Lots of 3/3's and 4/4's. It looks like one of those maps where you get one person in the east vs. one person in the west and whoever gets in the middle gets squished lol. But there's also some excellent choke points for larger areas.

The border region around 11,12,14,17 would need cleared up a bit. And that whole 11-15 region would need to be reworked I think. A 5 territory, 5 border region just sounds awful!

I don't think so many connection lines would be necessary. You could use that to close off some territories. Like 24/29, 38/36, change 25/27 to 25/20.

Maybe limit the connection lines and use some ports to make movement easier?


Hoodlum wrote:
Pi3 (click to show)

35 territories / 8 regions. Regions merged/reduced. Territories merged
gameplay assessment
The_Bishop wrote:
I think the letters of the compass should stay upright even when the compass is sloping.

Once again I am not a fan of the connections you drew. Someone looks illogically long and some territories very close each other seem they need to be connected like 9 and 21 for example.

I can understand the game reasons but you should try to make them (to look) a bit more logical. Let say for example 4--11, probably to create an easier west-east path, but if you replace it with 5--10 you'll have a similar effect with a more logical geographical look.

I tend to prefer the colours as they are in the mini-map.
Bonuses look very low.
«God doesn't play dice with the World» ~ Albert Einstein
PsymonStark wrote:
That island #23 (Tawi-Tawi) stops us from a) reducing the width of the map ~100px or b) reducing the rotation of the country by ~15º. There is a lot of empty space there... Maybe a solution could be put it in a box like we usually do with Canary Islands in Spain, so to speak (an example here).

Bonuses are quite low for what we're used to. But those low bonuses are low for all the board. It'd be like Caribbean, but with low bonuses instead of high ones.
Living proof that everyone can be a brilliant great good decent cartographer.