Experimenting / Learning
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naathim wrote:
What a difference an update makes! LOL

This is such a linear map, no matter how you place the connection lines. Ports will be your friend on this one. 3 or 4 should do it. 4 13 20 and 34? That would let you take out connections between 4/11, 13/19, and 14/35. I think lol

Much better on the territory/region apportioning. Although I think you lost some territories? So that's :(

I think you'll need different connection lines. With the background, I could have SWORN you connected 29 and 3 lol. And just kind of straighten them up a bit, I'm sure you just kind of put them on there knowing they would probably change, but I'll point out 6/22 goes through the mini map border and 22/23 seems off kilter.

Looking pretty good hood!
Hoodlum wrote:
the graphics are all just thrown together since I had to merge some borders i had to draw the map, rather than use the reference one.., so colors, thick borders, connection lines etc are just there for now, and there is a lot of messy things going on. the main thing i'm after is to get the gameplay sorted so disregard any graphic stuff. The sun, compass and long/lat lines are just ideas to be able to show that this is the philippines map on a different angle. the mini map helps too.

so connection lines, and everything will be changed anyway, and likely to be ports there..and maybe once gameplay is sorted someone can help with the graphics again :) if it is an acceptable project. otherwise, just some fun and practice and I'll work with all the feedback given
Vexer wrote:
I think we should keep maps with ports to a minimum, only when necessary. They are usually only necessary on large maps or maps with extremely limited connectivity.

I think connectivity can be solved on this map using connection lines alone.

The problem with ports is that it makes it so that anyone can win. Sounds like a good thing right? Nope, it's a bad thing because it means that someone will go for an early kill and ruin the game. It's better if one player has a better shot at winning than the rest. Use some team work to keep them from winning then stab everyone in the back and take the win for yourself.
Hoodlum wrote:
PIv3 version (comparison (click to show)
PIv4 (click to show)

I actually don't play maps with ports that much myself. cept for NZ :)

Game play changes & a few graphic changes for readability.

connections re-organized, changed the compass text (bishop)
kept it portless (vexer)
added long/lat degrees so as not to confuse lines. (Naathim)
Not sure how to pull off the box idea without it conflicting with the minimap. (Psymon)
Territory name suggestions (click to show)

The_Bishop wrote:
Yep, definitely better!

It doesn't look too much scrolly for me. Maybe the territory 23 will be cut in my screen and I will need to check it sometimes when I play, but not so often: it doesn't look such a live area of the board. Or I can cut off the number 1.
«God doesn't play dice with the World» ~ Albert Einstein
PsymonStark wrote:
I'm getting tired of that Gabriola font in all maps!

The compound labels with Spanish should have the article in lowercase, like Davao del Sur, not Davao Del Sur.

I don't mean to contradict Bishop but I think that the NSEW letters should be oriented as the wind rose.
Living proof that everyone can be a brilliant great good decent cartographer.
naathim wrote:
Hmmm. What about connection line from 8 to 21 instead of 9/21? That way you keep the borders down. (and you could see it a bit better).

I think you've compensated for the limited movement by keeping bonuses artificially low? It's such a small map you don't really need huge bonuses anyhow I suppose.

Calabarzon and E. Visayas should be +3. W. Visayays should be +2 (make it match Bikol and Davao which have the same stats) Luzon I think would be more fair as a +2 as well. Bangsamoro I think should be +3. Just because it's largest and hardest to hold (if you don't get that whole south island bit).

Maybe not so many interconnections in Bikol? Take out 12/13 or I think 10/13 would be best. Make it look less busy. Or maybe take out 12/14 and add back in 13/21. I think I like that better. Makes the region more defensible, but also adds a cross connection to the map (which I already know you took out the one from 13/20).

I really like the way this looks hood. Just a nice solid map!
Hoodlum wrote:
PIv5 (click to show)

I'll give it a try psymon when I tackle the graphics.
In the meantime I think I addressed the feedback on Naathims suggestions. Changed some labels and sea font and changed back the compass letters which I liked better this way too.
Hoodlum wrote:
PsymonStark - Mar 19, 12:49 PM
A detail: #2 is Cordillera, not Cordilerra.

updated #2
aeronautic wrote:
I agree with Psymon on the Compass Rose, because background graphics and anything not to do with game-play, should be just as a proper map or orientation of the map would be and are not required to be easily read.
Hyd yn oed er fy mod Cymraeg , dim ond yn siarad Saesneg, felly yr wyf yn gobeithio y bydd y cyfieithu yn gywir.
naathim wrote:
Well, I think it looks pretty good for gameplay all in all. It's not overly busy with the connection lines and I think you've balanced it well so it's not too linear either (as much as possible on a technically narrow map). And you've got pretty good regions. Some people might grouse a bit because there's not any 2 territory regions that are easy to snag.

I think psymon's suggestion about cutting it off and moving tawi tawi (what an adorable name! It probably means 'slaughter thine enemies' I'm sure lol) into an inset.

Oh, and I also like the Philippine star you got for the title, very pretty!
Vexer wrote:
Here's what I meant by rotating and cropping. I tried to incorporate Psymon's idea of the small inset map as well. It's gonna look weird since I didn't have the source file so I just cut and pasted things. This image is 1024 x 768. Notice the inset has it's own north pointer.

Philippines Rotation Suggestion (click to show)
naathim wrote:
+1 to Vexer's suggestion. The rotation looks much better than the almost lateral previous version.