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ThickTalon wrote:
@clubs - I like some have mentioned .......purchased a vest because I am afraid we haven't killed the mafia killer. With us not being able to tell who is who when they die I am miffed at what to do. So I protect myself with a vest. 

If we all have a vest noone will get shot...LOL and we can continue the conversation in the Day phase. Who do we want to focus our lynch on. I think that there is no behind the scenes anymore. now that NPAT is silenced a full reveal of all is pointless because we won't know what he is until tomorrow .
2ofclubs wrote:
I have info.
Yes on the vest again.
Did someone reveal alegd Jacob info on a dead players faction to you?
I went over and reread the white. I think I know and the game will be over when Npat dies. TOWN WIN ;)
2ofclubs wrote:
If yes and you know I am the silencer. What was the reasoning behind getting the said info. I am pretty sure it was a good cover lie for the time and game status when shared. If how I know it was good cover lien doesn't hold water then well played scum. It should hold water. All the silencing were violated except yours thick. That's part of me deciphering the what how and way the RN/ real news/ Ryo News we have. .......
Tennesseelogman wrote:
I hate you all but secretly love you! It was nice to be back, as a present, I will host the next game ;)
great abs - i love/hate your games. again - sign me up if the start date is Feb. 3 or after

perhaps due to some of the unorthodox features of this game - some players that usually have to exit near the beginning are still around. it may be a bit premature but since i might not make through the night - i will say it now
gg all
thanks jacob - well done
Live long and prosper
Tennesseelogman is online.
2ofclubs wrote:
Lol I am the one who won't make it. It's been said kill clubs even if he's on your team.
That is unless you know your caught and that vest can only stop 1 slug.
2ofclubs wrote:
You guys want info.?
Ten gave me a players faction and said he got it as retribution for them breaking silence. See the thing is I am the silencer and I got retrubition for them breaking silence in coins. Why would TLM get it??
I suspect funny business. Also why would he want me to silence Npat??
He also led the no shoot on Rock, Yet rock was shot. That's perfect cover for scum shooter to let mafia take the blame and stay hidden. TLM has also not explained any of his actions and we don't know what he has been actually doing besides talking and likely feeding us to mafia.
There is another caveat to the deads faction/role reveal that implicated NPat, TLM, KC321, and Rockbert. When I pointed it out to TLM he responded with basically IDK. Abs was aware of this info too and is now ABS. I am not sure if others know but AbS was trying to claim the town banker role from last game at 1 point. I think the twist on reusing the role was this time he could choose to fund town or himself and it bite him.
What I am saying is it is smelly that TLM got such info and how. Players are dropping and TLM is not talking or replying to this stuff. Thick spent his money on a vest.
Also ten seemed to know alot about roles like I couldn't silence a person 2x. That AbS had money. That Ryo could inspect. Etc
In conclusion I say if there is a Town Vigilante out there, SHOOT TLM. If I am wrong sorry Tennessee and there will still be 2 town against 1 scum.
What backing do you want? I can say I left out the coin gift from my Jacob chat I shared. So the 2 who got it would not know what I know about the TLM smelly reimbursement claim.
ThickTalon wrote:
You guys want info.?
Ten gave me a players faction and said he got it as retribution for them breaking silence. See the thing is I am the silencer and I got retrubition for them breaking silence in coins. Why would TLM get it??
I suspect funny business. Also why would he want me to silence Npat??
He also led the no shoot on Rock, Yet rock was shot. That's perfect cover for scum shooter to let mafia take the blame and stay hidden. TLM has also not explained any of his actions and we don't know what he has been actually doing besides talking and likely feeding us to mafia.
There is another caveat to the deads faction/role reveal that implicated NPat, TLM, KC321, and Rockbert. When I pointed it out to TLM he responded with basically IDK. Abs was aware of this info too and is now ABS. I am not sure if others know but AbS was trying to claim the town banker role from last game at 1 point. I think the twist on reusing the role was this time he could choose to fund town or himself and it bite him.
What I am saying is it is smelly that TLM got such info and how. Players are dropping and TLM is not talking or replying to this stuff. Thick spent his money on a vest.
Also ten seemed to know alot about roles like I couldn't silence a person 2x. That AbS had money. That Ryo could inspect. Etc
In conclusion I say if there is a Town Vigilante out there, SHOOT TLM. If I am wrong sorry Tennessee and there will still be 2 town against 1 scum.
What backing do you want? I can say I left out the coin gift from my Jacob chat I shared. So the 2 who got it would not know what I know about the TLM smelly reimbursement claim.

Well this is the most organized anyone has been in game 3. Why did you wait to reveal this Information? Seems like we could have used this against a possible scum TLM earlier when there were more of us to poke him. 

If we all have vests we may be able to get TLM tomorrow if he is Indeed bad. Can you unsilence Pat...lol. we need to discuss.

Tennesseelogman wrote:
wild accusations flying - ask what you what. - let's stay the course - i am the town shooter and i will not shoot myself - if i get shot, it will be mafia that does the shooting
Live long and prosper
Tennesseelogman is online.
ThickTalon wrote:
Also ten seemed to know alot about roles like I couldn't silence a person 2x. That AbS had money. That Ryo could inspect. Etc

Pretty sure Abs claimed banker
Who knows what Ryo or you revealed to TLM in chats. 
Tennesseelogman wrote:
if i were scum - why would i give out full info about ryo - i would keep that to myself? thanks - i'm glad you asked. because i was fully expecting to die early in the game like many other times and wanted to get that info into the hands of what i thought (think) is a trusted town. i think we have this game won - let's not snip at each other last minute and create doubt. again - ask anything.
Live long and prosper
Tennesseelogman is online.
Tennesseelogman wrote:
Also ten seemed to know alot about roles like I couldn't silence a person 2x.

i think was discussed when i thought jacob was the silencer and that he was randomly picking names since the pattern is not what i expected. = which is that clubs and i would be silenced every phase.
That AbS had money.
he made that claim
That Ryo could inspect.
he could inspect - i got that info directly from jacob and i explained how and why. and shared ryo's full info w you (both of you i think)
Live long and prosper
Tennesseelogman is online.
2ofclubs wrote:
I asked for PM thick several times.
I asked why TLM was on Ryos hit list.
Isn't strange that Jacob would reward TLM with Ryo's full bio because he broke silence. I would be the benefactor and being the silencer not TLM. And I did get rewarded with coin. TLM confirmed that when he broke silence and warned others not too.
I am not going back to read who said what 1st and how on AbS coins or repeat silencing. But what I recall is TLM suggested no repeat in thread before discussed in chats.
I wasn't sure if TLM shared Ryo stuff with Thick or anyone else but ABS who was silenced and killed. ABS did post in TLM Abs Clubs chat when silenced but it got deleted before I could read it. I did not get rewarded for that break of silence.
TLM also said he had info to share before Ryos announced death. Then came out with it privately. Why not to all if it was a scum death¿ It would have gone a long way as him being and helping town.
Plus what good would it be for Ryo to spy on coin balances as a neutral.
Note, I am not on the hot seat and have come clean with all a side Npat not having my reveal supposedly but he was on Ryos hit list.
As anax would say if TLM is town he isn't truly helping and in fact hurting and should go.
There is just a lot of questionable stuff. I just couldnt see away me stoping TLM alone. Kudos for him getting this far.

2ofclubs wrote:
Did he share this with you Thick and why not Npat?
  Tennesseelogman said:
21 Jan 2024, 20:37
here is ryo's
Spoiler (click to hide)
From: Jacob24
To: Ryomyr

Jacob24 said:
18 Jan 2024, 17:47
Faction: Neutral (Will appear Town to Index and Investigations)
Role: Teller
Income: 4 coins
Ability: Each night phase you may select 1 player to view their current coin balance, income, and all transactions. (#Check player)
Note: Town Win Condition: Mafia Dead = You Win
Win Condition: Outlive NPat, TLM, KC321, and Rockbert 

Spoiler (click to show)
Spoiler (click to show)

2ofclubs wrote:
Take the shot on TLM.
If he survives, his aledged vest is gone.
How many coins do each of you need to buy a 2nd shot. Let's get done tonight. When Npat comes on we can relay info freely in chat.