Game 2 thread
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Jacob24 wrote:
Tri-Mafia Challenge Game 2 thread!

3 games run back to back to back, and the winner(s) of all three take the glory!

Player List:
1. Crywolf
2. 2ofClubs
3. Rockbert
4. TLM
5. NPat - G1 MVP
6. ThickTalon - G1 Win
7. KC321 - G1 Win

Phases will be 24 hours long, with the cutoff being 18:00 server time most days (a little bit later on weekends most likely, will be communicated ahead of time)
There will be 2 primary factions (Town and Mafia), with possible neutral(s).
Normal mafia rules apply (no screenshots, no outside communication, no codes, no edits)
All PM groups if any will be created by mod (Jacob24)
The game will start with Day 1 - lynch at will!
Forum is open 24/7
Lynch votes take the form of #Lynch player or #Lunch player or #No Lynch or #Abstain - No lynch and Abstain are NOT the same. No lynch means you vote for nobody to get lynched, abstain means your vote does not count for anything.

NEW CHANGE: Coin donations will now be processed mid-phase! If you send them to me in the first 6-8 hours, I’ll have them updated within an hour or two. After that it’ll depend on when I’m sleeping.

Coin System (click to show)

Town Store (click to show)

Black Market (click to show)

Role PM Format (click to show)

Final Notes:
Town Store and Mafia Black Market prices are fixed this game.
Mafia know each other and have PM
Role PMs have been assigned and sent out. The forum is open now.
Everyone starts with 2 coins and will receive income at the end of each day phase (including day 1)
Coin donations and PM groups are the only things that are processed mid-phase. EVERYTHING else will wait until the end. You may purchase an item and use it for the same phase you purchased it or you may save it.

DAY 1 HAS BEGUN - Lynch if you so desire
"clubs - go suck eggs! :)"
Tennesseelogman, 2024
Jacob24 wrote:
Phase order will go: D1, N1, D2, N2 etc
"clubs - go suck eggs! :)"
Tennesseelogman, 2024
2ofclubs wrote:
Present. I will 99.99999% claimed Neighborhood Watch Captain.
Jacob24 wrote:
Everyone starts with 2 coins, you’ll get more at the end of each day phase including this one
"clubs - go suck eggs! :)"
Tennesseelogman, 2024
2ofclubs wrote:
Game started 18:00
1. Crywolf Last active 03:36
2. 2ofClubs  On line
Faction: Town
Role: Doctor
Income: 7 coins
Ability: Odd night phase you can inspect a player ability. (#Shoot player) and on Even night phase you can inspect a player faction. (#Distract player)
Win Condition: Eliminate all mafia
3. Rockbert  On line
4. TLM    Today, 16:06
5. NPat - G1 MVP     8 minutes ago
6. ThickTalon - G1 Win   active: Today, 17:17
7. KC321 - G1 Win      44 seconds ago

I have a theory for us good citizens.
1. Crywolf   town  seen F M H-CIGYO/G2   and PM me
2. 2ofClubs  Town (Changed Filter and now 100% town)
3. Rockbert  Scum
4. TLM    town   seen chat 07 Jan 2024, 18:55 and PM me
5. NPat - G1 MVP     scum/neut
6. ThickTalon - G1 Win   town 2x PM snap in G1 never questioned
7. KC321 - G1 Win      scum/neut
Rockbert wrote:
Clubs, I don't understand why a doctor would have a "shoot player" ability. Can you explain? Also, I am not scum. I am town.

Are we able to open chats the same way as last game?
"A writer is a person for whom writing is more difficult than it is for other people."
- Thomas Mann
ThickTalon wrote:
What is up Playas.

Unlike last game I am Town.

Open for chats.

I have some knowledge of the Mafia roles if they stay similar to last game. Chances are that they will have a disguise so we will need to have someone pay for a full index. Maybe we send all coins to one player and that player gives the index results on here and in private?
2ofclubs wrote:
Clubs, I don't understand why a doctor would have a "shoot player" ability. Can you explain? Also, I am not scum. I am town.

Are we able to open chats the same way as last game?
Clubs, I don't understand why a doctor would have a "shoot player" ability. Can you explain? Also, I am not scum. I am town.

Are we able to open chats the same way as last game?
I AM 100% Town - just starting conversation.
Faction: Town
Role: Doctor
Income: 7 coins
Ability: Odd night phase you can inspect a player ability. (#Shoot player) and on Even night phase you can inspect a player faction. (#Distract player)
Win Condition: Eliminate all mafia
I will give full role in trusted PM .
Crywolf wrote:
Im Town and open for chat! Dont understand club's message about me lol, but heres the time to beat mafia finally now. And for payback from the last game

New Mafia game coming
Tennesseelogman wrote:
i am here - just got home - weird thing = wife wants to eat out on a friday night. briefly reviewed forum. nothing really to go on yet. donation is a good idea but for now we each have only 2 coins so even if 3-5 of us donate 1 coin = it is not enough to buy an advanced investigation, a vest, or an index (these things we need). we could start a pm. does somebody have the free pm ability again like i did last game - if so please include me.
jacob - how much is the extra shot?
Live long and prosper
2ofclubs wrote:
I have been monitoring on line activity. Its interesting.
Game started 18:00
1. Crywolf Last active 03:36
2. 2ofClubs On line
3. Rockbert On line
4. TLM  Today, 16:06
5. NPat - G1 MVP   8 minutes ago
6. ThickTalon - G1 Win  active: Today, 17:17
7. KC321 - G1 Win   44 seconds ago

1. Cry on now
2. Club on now
3. Rock on now
4. TLM on now
5. Npat on in last hour
6. Thick not on since thread post 2.5 Hrs ago
7. KC on in last hour
Jacob on now
This tells me something.
Jacob24 wrote:
i am here - just got home - weird thing = wife wants to eat out on a friday night. briefly reviewed forum. nothing really to go on yet. donation is a good idea but for now we each have only 2 coins so even if 3-5 of us donate 1 coin = it is not enough to buy an advanced investigation, a vest, or an index (these things we need). we could start a pm. does somebody have the free pm ability again like i did last game - if so please include me.
jacob - how much is the extra shot?

Not saying
"clubs - go suck eggs! :)"
Tennesseelogman, 2024
Tennesseelogman wrote:
how do we know how much to save for it then? or is it just for mafia? seems like the other black market purchases are mafia type.
Live long and prosper
Tennesseelogman wrote:
ok - i think i see now - last game these were not posted until after the game was over
Spoiler (click to show)
Live long and prosper