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2ofclubs wrote:
I believe I am proven town. But there wasn't a group chat created.
I cant see movement on map or figure out how it works. Is it working? Wouldn't everyone be in town center during a day phase?
2ofclubs is online.
Tennesseelogman wrote:
the map does not change. all have their home section. if for instance the peri was the sheriff and she requested that she interrogate tennesseelogman = the sheriff would have to leave the pumpkin fields and go to the ???? (wherever the moderator is) to do it. if the lookout was watching the pumpkin fields he would see peri leave and return and would know that she is one of 3 characters (well - only 2 in this case since the GF has detection immunity) . but if the lookout was watching the ??? section (where the moderator is) he would see peri enter and then leave but would not know why. -
if he saw somebody enter and leave a section and another player leave that section but not return = the lookout might surmise that player a was the jailer going to take somebody (player b) to jail - but there are other reasons this scenario might occur.

the lookout is the only character that can see the characters move (because i will tell him) or is concerned w the sections

Live long and prosper
notoriouspat wrote:
@thick, if you believe there is a town group, vet me out next round. If I pass, then invite me in. I dont want to waste time with another vote tomorrow.
Tennesseelogman wrote:
results from night 2 will be somewhat delayed
it is now day 3 - you may place your lynch votes now if you want and discuss in the forum but no more PMs
i will get the night results out ASAP
Live long and prosper
ThickTalon wrote:
I would like to know what the reasoning behind the lynch votes yesterday..

Abs - Blue, 2ofC

Anourre - Rock, Abs
2ofclubs wrote:
For me it was because of day 1 voting. I warned of friendly fire and Abs voted day 1. 
2ofclubs is online.
Tennesseelogman wrote:
early to bed
early to rise
keeps everyone healthy
except 2oc, who dies

2oc was the Godfather = gg

if everyone can get their lynch vote and remarks in by 21;00 - we can proceed on schedule - otherwise i will extend the day
Live long and prosper