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Rockbert wrote:
Nice work Tennessee, that was a fun one!
"A writer is a person for whom writing is more difficult than it is for other people."
- Thomas Mann
2ofclubs wrote:
Oh wait Ten said it wasn't mafia but a team game. Team of 1.
#lynch the dealer
MacEohaid wrote:
GG all. KC you played it well. That was a hard one to control, just like luck at a card table. Thanks TLM. You worked hard on that one, I'm sure I speak for all that we appreciate you putting it all together and letting us have some fun on this forum. Great job.
Bluegoetz wrote:
Good game everyone.
Thick I’m sorry I tried to kill you. (I never thought clubs would make it so long lol)
Clubs thanks for doing all the legwork figuring out who was what number.
Bluegoetz is online.
Rockbert wrote:
GG all. KC you played it well. That was a hard one to control, just like luck at a card table. Thanks TLM. You worked hard on that one, I'm sure I speak for all that we appreciate you putting it all together and letting us have some fun on this forum. Great job.

Agreed. :)
"A writer is a person for whom writing is more difficult than it is for other people."
- Thomas Mann