• 343 posts
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Abs wrote:
Can someone bring me up to speed on what is going on with which groups, sub groups etc? I dont have any real read on the game but reach out if you have it in your heart to accept me back in the game
pygmyhippo277 wrote:
Here’s the thing, I was screwed from the moment that blue voted me first, no one’s gonna flip, the lynching is just bandwagoning at this point, something needs to change, there’s more strategy in the lynching then just going along with everyone else.
Eat my dust.
pygmyhippo277 wrote:
Oh and just fyi, I’m out of abilities, you should go for someone like ryo or Ryan, I suspect they are holding a kill ability, though I can’t be certain.
Eat my dust.
Abs wrote:
Oh, and by the way, Abs, I sent you a PM. Please respond

didnt get a PM Ryan, you sure you sent it to the right person!?
ThickTalon wrote:
PYG is correct.

For the record I don't have any communication with PYG, so if he goes this round so be it, but...... we are getting to where it seems we need to look at the silent partners here.

Ryan with the Forum post for Abs to check his PM.....BOO.. something smells like a Joker.

#unlynch Abs

#Lynch Ryan
ThickTalon wrote:
I may be incorrect but here is the count.

PYG - 6 - (Blue, RC, Rock, Abs, Ryan, Peri)
Ryan - 3 (Talon, 2ofC, PYG)
Tennesseelogman wrote:
if there is a tie vote at the deadline = all players who voted will be given an extra 30 minutes to change their votes. if still a tie after the new deadline = all players in the tie will die.

actually, that does not sound fair. it give an advantage to those who would be on-line at the deadline. time zones should not dictate when you can play. that is why i made the lynch votes private in one game. but public lynch votes there is still a possible benefit to being on-line at the deadline.
i would also have to semi-reveal the use of extra votes if they made or broke a public vote tie which would diminish the value of the extra vote.

therefore, i am eliminating the
extra 30 minutes
thing. this does leave room for last minute (second) vote manipulation (as has been done in the past). there are still no being saved by a tie. any and all players that get the most lynch votes = get killed that day.

i will check and see if any were not on-line between this post and the deadline and see if it would have made a difference under my previous stated rule above. (posted at 17:11)
if you don't read this - i am sure 2oc will tell you about it :)
Live long and prosper
2ofclubs wrote:
I want to remind us that TLM said:
"-there also may or may not be ways for you win other than reaching the target number.
-you may or may not know what the other players cards are.
-You do not have to have been in any conversation with any of them to win
Could be by:
Not PMing
Suits - Flushes
Trips or better

"All players were send the same opening PM so that info will not be repeated." ....TRUE but Role PM were different.
ThickTalon wrote:
TLM is not on line... 1 hour left.

PYG - 5 - (Blue, RC, Rock, Abs, Ryan, Peri)
Ryan - 4 - (Talon, 2ofC, PYG, Peri)