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2ofclubs wrote:
Club Soda
Suit and Tie Club
Elite Club
Jacks and deuces are wild. "Aerosmith:
Tennesseelogman wrote:
public lynch votes
kc -3 - rc, rock, blue
ryo 3 - kc, thick, peri
rc - 1 - 2oc
peri - 1 - ryo

did not vote - 0

dead - 6 - notor, mac. mada, pyg, ryan, abs

after the application of extra votes = ryo is dead

Club Six
you win if you can survive to the end and the sum of all remaining cards totals 12
you have been gifted an extra peek from the beginning of the game at no charge

ryo bought a disguise, a protect, and a distract. he lost his disguise due to a missed voted and had his protect and distract left over

it is now night 6

Live long and prosper
ThickTalon wrote:
The more this game goes on the more I'd like to Lynch TLM for not giving me an extra ability to start the game like most others:P
Rockbert wrote:
The more this game goes on the more I'd like to Lynch TLM for not giving me an extra ability to start the game like most others:P

No kidding. Everyone but one person I think was given one from what we've seen so far.
"A writer is a person for whom writing is more difficult than it is for other people."
- Thomas Mann
2ofclubs wrote:
The more this game goes on the more I'd like to Lynch TLM for not giving me an extra ability to start the game like most others:P
2ofclubs wrote:
Thanks Tennesseelogman! Hope all are having afa fun.
5 of kind, Royal Flush, Straight Flush, Four-of-a-Kind, Full House, Flush, Straight, Three-of-a-Kind, Two Pair, One Pair, High Card and 2 of clubs. All in
2ofclubs wrote:
I am not table talking or babbling.
Agreeing and acknowledging the extra ability comment.
Thanking Ten for game.
Expressing attitude about game play.
Pointing out poker hand ranks and 2oc is at the bottom...I guess that may be considered babbling! :P
Respectfully ♣︎♣︎ aka ♠︎♠︎♠︎♠︎
Ps to bad there isn't another 4 left and i have no intent on harming an owner of a lonely heart (Yes 1981)  ;)
Tennesseelogman wrote:
i think will need to go work on a project at church at 20:00 and will not likely be back until around 22:30 before i can process and post night action results but the deadline is the same
Live long and prosper
Tennesseelogman wrote:
i did not have to go - we rescheduled

last night players were restless and did not sleep very well but at least nobody died. As a result, the table is filled with grumpy players this morning. The players are barely seated when accusations begin to fly
"somebody must have snuck down here last night and peeked at my card because it is not lying in the position i left it" as they look around the table. the dealer speaks up and says that since many left in a huff yesterday and just threw their card down that he had straightened things up a bit as he was wiping the crumbs off of the table and spreading the remaining chairs out a bit.
that same player starts tapping the table again - at first he was just nervous about the game - now he does it just to irritate other players and see if it will result in useful info coming his way.
several start the day w a cup of coffee, another w orange juice, and the same 2 hit the bottle again as they tell themselves that it is not really killing brain cells and it will not affect their play as they carelessly wave their cards around

it is now day 7 - this is not the same childish game anymore - proceed
Live long and prosper