• 648 posts
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elysium5 wrote:
Can you all imagine Tenn's day today with 2ofc only allowed to talk to him;)

I am so sorry clubs, I know I give you a (well deserved:) ) hard time in these games but I'm going to pile on it a little more with...

OMG, Thick...do you know how much Vodka hurts coming out of your nose and how much of a pain it was to clean off my monitor, keyboard and desk???!!!
"I can picture in my mind a world without war, a world without hate. And I can picture us attacking that world, because they'd never expect it."
MacEohaid wrote:
So I’ve never played Among Us, but is this game similar to that?

C'mon Price, quit stalling. What do you have to offer to the forum?
2ofclubs wrote:
Can you all imagine Tenn's day today with 2ofc only allowed to talk to him;)

I am so sorry clubs, I know I give you a (well deserved:) ) hard time in these games but I'm going to pile on it a little more with...

OMG, Thick...do you know how much Vodka hurts coming out of your nose and how much of a pain it was to clean off my monitor, keyboard and desk???!!!

Thxs I busted a gut too.
2ofclubs wrote:
So I’ve never played Among Us, but is this game similar to that?
Yes, also Wink Murder, Who goes There.....
MacEohaid wrote:
Still haven't heard much from these. I encourage you, new or not, participate, share your thoughts and communicate with other on PM.

5 - robit

7 - pdbq

9 - hs0602

10 - calebdecker

15 - thepriceisright
Ryomyr wrote:
At the risk of getting kicked from the site: @%!@#$ all you all good guys and I hope all you good guys @#$%@#$%@#$-ing die painful deaths this game.

What's red, white, and blue all over? 

GG -- Well-played, so far.

Kill them all my comrades. Kill them all.
2ofclubs wrote:
At the risk of getting kicked from the site: @%!@#$ all you all good guys and I hope all you good guys @#$%@#$%@#$-ing die painful deaths this game.

What's red, white, and blue all over? 

GG -- Well-played, so far.

Kill them all my comrades. Kill them all.
But Honey I love you.
pdbq wrote:
Wait so what is this thread? 2ofclubs just sent the link, judging me for not participating in it
MacEohaid wrote:
Wait so what is this thread? 2ofclubs just sent the link, judging me for not participating in it
What are you a Joker or something?