Mafia Game Thread
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BadKarma wrote:
shows how wrong i was - glad we didn't salt him
gg - ryo
No kidding! I had put him as slug at least once on my “current thinking” list.
Buen Camino!
BadKarma wrote:
FYI, for the record, Ryo was pro- Salt Pygmy in the last tally.
Did this enter into the slug calculus?

Buen Camino!
MacEohaid wrote:
Ryomyr also wanted to salt JKL first then also Pygmy. Hoodlum also voted to salt Pygmy. We can't go no vote this time. Who has this figured out? I only have inklings after 3 rounds. Leaning towards JKL or Pygmy.
Rockbert wrote:
#Salt Pygmyhippo
"A writer is a person for whom writing is more difficult than it is for other people."
- Thomas Mann
Rockbert is online.
2ofclubs wrote:

1. @Tennesseelogman tomato
2. @Rockbert ?
3. @KC321.  ???
4. @notoriouspat ?
5. @Rcomer727. ??
6. @ThickTalon ?
7. @jkl3699   ??? Note hood never confirmed nor ha the alledged 2nd inspection
8. @2ofclubs. Good
9. @Ryomyr.  tomato
10. @Hoodlum. gardner

11. @MacEohaid ???
12. @pygmyhippo277 ????
13. @Abs ?
14. @Anaxagore ??
15. @DreamStreet Ten 2 ???
16. @BadKarma. Good
4 slugs 9 town (1 gardner 8 tomatoes) left.
False claims, unproven claims, strange voting, dare i say transplanted tomato, in actives, no abilities, etc
Personally I am not as comfortable as some of you alledged tomatoes are coming across. Ut will trust the numbers and plan.
2ofclubs is online.
Rockbert wrote:
whoever is the gardener, please investigate enough tomatoes to form a coalition to start moving us in the right direction. i am a little concerned that we are just getting picked off here. If that's the case we might as well salt someone in hopes we get a slug. Seems like two people we know were tomatoes were on the same page with salting Pygmy. One of those people was a gardener. We don't know if Hood investigated him, but then Hood plays in a strange way so who knows? I don't know if I can continue with the no salt right now. Not saying I wouldn't go back to it if a compelling argument could be made, but right now we're just getting picked off while we sit around. I think we go with what our two dead friends thought was a slug, that's why I am right now, voting to #Salt Pygmyhippo
"A writer is a person for whom writing is more difficult than it is for other people."
- Thomas Mann
Rockbert is online.
Abs wrote:
I for sure thought Ryo was going to flip Slug, but I said all along that JKL and Pygmy were suspect. JKL also came right out the blocks to Salt people but has started to be much quieter now, perhaps because his slug friends were telling him he was drawing too much heat…

I still don’t have clear read on who is 100% slug but my top suspects are this stage are JKL, Pygmy and I am a little in the middle about Anax and BadKarma
Abs wrote:
But also agree we need to Salt someone this phase….so happy to join in on #salt Pygmyhippo
2ofclubs wrote:
1. @Tennesseelogman tomato
2. @Rockbert ?
3. @KC321.  ???
4. @notoriouspat ?
5. @Rcomer727. ??
6. @ThickTalon ?
7. @jkl3699   ??? Note hood never confirmed nor ha the alledged 2nd inspection
8. @2ofclubs. Good
9. @Ryomyr.  tomato
10. @Hoodlum. gardner

11. @MacEohaid ???
12. @pygmyhippo277 ????
13. @Abs ?
14. @Anaxagore ??
15. @DreamStreet Ten 2 ???
16. @BadKarma. Good
4 slugs 9 town (1 gardner 8 tomatoes) left.
False claims, unproven claims, strange voting, dare i say transplanted tomato, in actives, no abilities, etc
Personally I am not as comfortable as some of you alledged tomatoes are coming across. Ut will trust the numbers and plan.
NOTICE Pygmy is my only one with FOUR ???? = biggest slug, 99.999 suspect, slimiest, ....what ever you preferred label.
I am not comfortable = I don't know if I can continue with the no salt right now.

squirm pygmyslug666
2ofclubs is online.
2ofclubs wrote:
 #Salt Pygmyhippo277

Mac use # Bold for your vote.
2ofclubs is online.
Tennesseelogman wrote:
as i suspected - the gardener inspected ryo since some of us sus him as slug and the real slugs did not want to give us another cleared tomato .
i am late to the party this morning. i am all for salting a slug - please remind me what has been said or done to make pyg the target except for - well the 2 dead players voted for him.

Rockbert wrote:  Posted: Today, 05:53 
Post #412
 We don't know if Hood investigated him,
why would you say that? hood got only 1 inspection before he was killed and it was jkl - and he cleared jkl.
Abs wrote:  Posted: Today, 06:54 
Post #414
I still don’t have clear read on who is 100% slug but my top suspects are this stage are JKL, Pygmy
 same thing here - why would a townie even be considering jkl?
# no salt for me = stick to the plan. no time to panic. this was all expected.
based on the 2 comments above, i could go with a salt on rock or abs. later today i will review all the comments by these 2 and report any other comments that seem slimy
Live long and prosper
Tennesseelogman wrote:
Rockbert wrote:  Posted: 09 Aug 2022, 05:27 
Post #69
salt me and you're killing another tomato. Let's hear from the Gardners. have they investigated anyone? PM me if you have Gardners.
not a reasonable request unless you are trying to get a new player to fall for it. this and the above is the only hints i have against rock - not too strong i admit

abs has been fairly quiet - and by his own admission, he comments a lot when town to help figure things out and is quiet when mafia so as to just sit back and let town kill itself along w mafia kills = no need to comment
Live long and prosper
BadKarma wrote:
A quick log in this morning - full day of festivities- my grand daughter is being baptized today, followed by a family gathering - I hope to log on again later after the shindig. We head back home tomorrow morning (6 hour drive) so I’ll be intermittent tomorrow too.

I’ve had JKL on my slug list. I wavered for a moment with that easily faked attempt to make him look legit.

I have Pygmy on my list of unsure. But would be willing to shift based on opinions of other known tomatoes 

Tenn, your Rockbert assessment is weak at best, as you noted. I believe he is tomato

Buen Camino!