Game Thread
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elysium5 wrote:
I have to go to work so as the last Tractionist standing, if I die these are my parting words...

When the stalkers are released, target Peri and Anax or the Green Scum will win. I am sure they have achieved there other win clauses and are playing you all.
"Bad Deadpool... Good Deadpool!"
Madagascarter wrote:
Should’ve announced earlier, but the highest bid for the assassin is priced at 30 coins.
Playing Deep Sea Adventure, you can't track me

Summer 2 Countdown

Get your purchases in 2 hours beforehand
2ofclubs wrote:
I abstaine.
I thought stalkers can't vote. Is that part of being a free stalker?
Shouldn't you be voting for the thief¿
Still waiting for that chat.
jkl3699 wrote:
Don't use W

Clubs, this is addressed to you
Madagascarter wrote:
I actually haven’t started yet… A housemate wanted to talk and now I currently have the motivation to clean the kitchen. The two are completely unrelated.
Playing Deep Sea Adventure, you can't track me

Summer 2 Countdown

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Madagascarter wrote:
Vienna Crumbles Down

The Green Storm, despite heavy losses, picked their next target Vienna and struck just a week after Striking Down Arkangel. However Vienna was in no shape to fight. Vienna was heavily in debt, the mayor had decided to buy cheaper defence weapons and fuel. Unfortunately, most of their defence weapons didn't work. Vienna was defenceless. Even their radios had cut out so they couldn't call back up. The Green Storm ruthlessly cut through the city, destroying and dismantling it. Vienna's losses, total, Green Storm losses, negligible.

Elysium5 was Nimrod Scarlett, Mayor of Vienna. Lynched with 36 votes. Died, hiding in his wardrobe. A cowards death. Nimrod was the writer of the News Papers.

Winter 7 is Starting

The war is in it's final stages, no Stalkers/Slaves for sale.

The Final battle awaits
Playing Deep Sea Adventure, you can't track me

Summer 2 Countdown

Get your purchases in 2 hours beforehand
periwinkle wrote:
Looks like me and anax blew our load....oopsie....we wanted to be sure.
periwinkle is online.