Game thread
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2ofclubs wrote:
#Vote Blue For now because he voted me w/o reason.
LOL He wasn't even on my suspect list.
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2ofclubs wrote:
Hey Orz do you know anything about my car being jacked? I only got 2 No's from my thread posted question. I also asked Vice and got a creamy "1/2n1/2 to go with my coffee :P " answer. The Host are real jokers ;)
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Bluegoetz wrote:
Clubs the only reason I need is I’m fairly certain you are not the cop or doctor.
But in addition, your posts are cryptic and sometimes confusing (not helpful)
I think the game almost ended yesterday (might have but moderators adjusted for a scenario they didn’t see coming) I think the bounty hunters are closer to winning the. Anyone else, and I think you might be one.
orzhovboss wrote:
Hey Orz do you know anything about my car being jacked? I only got 2 No's from my thread posted question. I also asked Vice and got a creamy "1/2n1/2 to go with my coffee :P " answer. The Host are real jokers ;)
Nah, don't know anything
I heard that someone ordered two of that same thing for two different A's.
orzhovboss wrote:
Clubs the only reason I need is I’m fairly certain you are not the cop or doctor.
But in addition, your posts are cryptic and sometimes confusing (not helpful)
I think the game almost ended yesterday (might have but moderators adjusted for a scenario they didn’t see coming) I think the bounty hunters are closer to winning the. Anyone else, and I think you might be one.

He visited me last night and we talked some and created a code. That explains some of the cryptic stuff.
2ofclubs wrote:
Fair enough. My cryptic isn't too cryptic for those it's intended for in most cases. Also I don't want to feed the droids but try to feed the town.
At least my 100% are 100% unlike other hard claims that are false or innocent claims that are false. No offense Anax & Hood.
2ofclubs is online.
2ofclubs wrote:
#Vote Antrison aka highly suspected hacker/car thief.
2ofclubs is online.
Tennesseelogman wrote:
unvote 2oc and #vote lando
glad you asked - lando seems to be the most powerful player on the most powerful team. he started w 30k and needs 60k and a car and a pet to win. he has direct access to a car and pet in his faction. according to a prior statement by mods - he can sell for any agreed to price = so he can donate a 3 cars to his elec animal partner (anax) who can then donate 1 back to him and 1 to the other partner (zoo). then he can sell just 6 cars to get the other 30k and migrate. actually the 3rd teammate can donate his 30k and he is set (i know they are smart enough to have already figured this out)
that's way too close to winning.
i want to kill a BH but we can not yet risk 2oc being the last droid and giving the BH a win.
we need the cop to investigate a potential BH and tell one of us proven town if he does not want to out himself and we can report it. if the claim is false the pretend cop dies next.. proven town are tenn, hood, spec. blue. lando. anax (but let;s avoid the last 2)
Live long and prosper