Game thread
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periwinkle wrote: if the car dealer dies.....will the mods replace him? I like your idea tenn.
Tennesseelogman wrote:
about 12 hrs to go - but many of those hours will be sleepy time for those of us in the usa. so vote early and often
vote count for now
lando - 2 - tenn, blue
no vote - 2 orz, ryo
anax - 1 - hood
2oc - 1 - peri
ant - 1 - 2oc
no voted - 6 - abs, spec, lando, ant, ryo, jkl
dead - 3 - thick, mada, ely
Live long and prosper
periwinkle wrote:
Hello Everyone I'm just gonna announce that this is an


New information is being revealed!

I am an Android! But I am not a bad Android. In fact, Androids are crucial for human survival on Mars and you have to bring Androids with you for the humans to achieve their win conditions. You could go to Mars without a robot workforce but pretty soon, you'd die out, which would be a little bit of a hollow victory. But are we evil. No. Us androids were programmed to help the human race advance in the fairest system a computer could operate in. Unfortunately, we have been scapegoated as evil by the Bounty Hunters.

This cannot contradict more what the opening description of Droids are….

It’s too smelly Mada, I have been there in The Dark game when I was a Droid (Researcher). I admire your creativity but it’s just BS. If we can get a confirmed non town killed, I am all for it

#unvote clubs

#vote Mada

So you are a Bounty Hunter. Good to know. You are now Number 1 in the top three suspect list:

Abs, clubs and ryo

Ely said this in post 590. I would prefer to get a BH. Still thinking...
Tennesseelogman wrote:
periwinkle wrote:  Posted: 9 minutes ago 
Post #737 if the car dealer dies.....will the mods replace him? I like your idea tenn.
i did ask directly and they said yes since his is a "critical" role he will be replaced but they would not reveal who it would be or how that player will be chosen.
neither would they ID the other "critical" roles. critical prob means critical to the game but not critical to the advancement of a particular faction. ie - don't know if cop, or doc are critical. mailman is . opera (sad to say) is not. either animal dealer maybe not but at least 1 probably yes
Live long and prosper
Bluegoetz wrote:
Tennesseelogman wrote:  Posted: 3 minutes ago 
Post #740
periwinkle wrote: Posted: 9 minutes ago
Post #737 if the car dealer dies.....will the mods replace him? I like your idea tenn.
i did ask directly and they said yes since his is a "critical" role he will be replaced but they would not reveal who it would be or how that player will be chosen.
neither would they ID the other "critical" roles. critical prob means critical to the game but not critical to the advancement of a particular faction. ie - don't know if cop, or doc are critical. mailman is . opera (sad to say) is not. either animal dealer maybe not but at least 1 probably yes

two messages today. and early in the game they said that mailman would be replaced, so I don't know that i would call me critical.
trying to get me killed?
antrison wrote:
#vote lando

Have to start somewhere i suppose. I wonder if they'll be a fire sale on cars
periwinkle wrote:
periwinkle wrote:  Posted: 9 minutes ago 
Post #737 if the car dealer dies.....will the mods replace him? I like your idea tenn.
i did ask directly and they said yes since his is a "critical" role he will be replaced but they would not reveal who it would be or how that player will be chosen.
neither would they ID the other "critical" roles. critical prob means critical to the game but not critical to the advancement of a particular faction. ie - don't know if cop, or doc are critical. mailman is . opera (sad to say) is not. either animal dealer maybe not but at least 1 probably yes

Ok. That makes sense.

Unvote 2ofclubs

#vote lando
Tennesseelogman wrote:
Bluegoetz wrote:  Posted: 5 minutes ago 
Post #741
 early in the game they said that mailman would be replaced, so I don't know that i would call me critical.
trying to get me killed?
no not trying to get you killed - and you are not critical but your role is. just stating the facts.
actually i think i stated that yours is a non-threatening role w practically no hope of reaching your win clause and that you are maybe the most trustworthy player here in case somebody wanted to reveal info through you - if you state that you will do something = you will do it. in fact , i am the same way but have gotten a bad rap and a few bad, rotten, wormy apples have spoiled the whole barrel and painted me as the bad guy sometimes.
Live long and prosper
Tennesseelogman wrote:
about 10.5 hrs to go - but many of those hours will be sleepy time for those of us in the usa. so vote early and often
vote count for now
lando - 4 - tenn, blue, ant, peri
no vote - 2 - orz, ryo
anax - 1 - hood
ant - 1 - 2oc
not yet voted - 5 - abs, spec, lando, ryo, jkl
dead - 3 - thick, mada, ely
Live long and prosper
Tennesseelogman wrote:
i have invited a couple of players to my opera - if the mods get on-line and the invitation goes thru - i really would like to chat w you before the vote deadline
Live long and prosper
2ofclubs wrote:
Animal dealers are critical. We need car and animal to prove we are successful and worthy of Mars.
2ofclubs is online.
Tennesseelogman wrote:
2ofclubs wrote:  Posted: 2 minutes ago 
Post #747
Animal dealers are critical. We need car and animal to prove we are successful and worthy of Mars
yes but we don't need both of them - we can get a real animal from the zoologist or a fake one from the elec animal dealer
Live long and prosper
jkl3699 wrote:
I'm not really sure what's going on, so for now I'll go with the crowd and just #Vote Lando. Hopefully, I'll be back up before this phase finishes
2ofclubs wrote:
I'm not really sure what's going on, so for now I'll go with the crowd and just #Vote Lando. Hopefully, I'll be back up before this phase finishes

Hate to admit but I am cornfused too. Lando is the car dealer not animal right?
I may have to buy a car as well as a pet if I get some cash so I didn't want to jump on the wagon. But if dealers will be replace I guess it's doesn't matter.
@ Lando get in your fastest car and run ;)
Just maybe the cop can hold back the mob or you can get to the hospital in time.
2ofclubs is online.