Game thread
  • 1025 posts
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Tennesseelogman wrote:
votes are on mada or 2oc
mada is droid but claims good droid
2oc is likely BH
no BH has come forward - we know all (3) droids and can lynch them anytime so no rush
opening posts says droids are bad. BH seem to have the kill ability and private mafia type chat - we can not let BH kill all droids (likely their win clause)- so i say kill a BH now and maybe droids later
obviously many different opinions and speculations
Live long and prosper
Tennesseelogman wrote:
more rundown
co-moderators are new at this (this is a good thing that they are this involved) but have overlooked some things. i recently hosted and made many mistakes due to it. they have a good game set up so be patient and have fun even if you get misinformation or don't agree w the balance of the game :)
Live long and prosper
elysium5 wrote:
more rundown
co-moderators are new at this (this is a good thing that they are this involved) but have overlooked some things. i recently hosted and made many mistakes due to it. they have a good game set up so be patient and have fun even if you get misinformation or don't agree w the balance of the game :)

"Bad Deadpool... Good Deadpool!"
pygmyhippo277 wrote:
It is now night 2

During the day all 3 androids were found dead!

Mada was voted for
Thick and ely were retired.

Congratulations bounty hunters...


There are rumors of androids that don't even know they're androids, and they also could pose a danger to the public!

The bounty hunters now have to root out these impostors and kill them before they can kill anyone, unconsciously.

Thanks for playing androids

Eat my dust.
Abs wrote:
It is now night 2

During the day all 3 androids were found dead!

Mada was voted for
Thick and ely were retired.

Congratulations bounty hunters...


There are rumors of androids that don't even know they're androids, and they also could pose a danger to the public!

The bounty hunters now have to root out these impostors and kill them before they can kill anyone, unconsciously.

Thanks for playing androids


Can you post the Role PM for the Androids please like we do in all games when someone is killed?

antrison wrote:
Sorry guys. I got confused about server time vs real time. Tbought i Missed deadline last night. Saw this morning i hadn't but by the time i read and caught i really did miss. I understand now and won't miss again.
pygmyhippo277 wrote:
Elysium PM:

You are an Android.

Your starting balance is: 0

You are a specialized android in the “art” of seduction.

ONCE per game you can seduce another player, and because of this their feelings towards androids change, and they are stripped of the bounty hunter rank(if they are a bounty hunter)

Sleep(Night): You do not go out and cannot be investigated or killed except by a “retire android” ability(#Sleep)

Visit(Day or Night): You visit a player of your choice, if you own a hovercar, you DO NOT start with a hovercar(#Visit Player)

Send message: You can send ONE 25 word message per day without visiting someone(#message player: <message>;)

Win Condition: Eliminate hunters.

Mada PM:

You are an Android.

You are a specialized android in the art of trapping.

Your starting balance is: 0

Twice per game you can set a trap that will automatically kill the target if they are doing anything that night(#Trap Player)

Every night that you choose to not trap a player you have three options

Sleep(Night Only): You do not go out and cannot be investigated or killed except by a “retire android” ability(#Sleep)

Visit(Day or Night): You visit a player of your choice, if you own a hovercar, you DO NOT start with a hovercar(#Visit Player)

Send message: You can send ONE 25 word message per day without visiting someone(#message player: <message>;)

Win Condition: Eliminate hunters.

Thick PM:

You are an Android.

Your starting balance is: 0

You are a specialized android for jobs that require a lot of strength.

Twice per game you can kill a bounty hunter using brute force, unless they are performing the “Retire Android” action(#Attack Player)

Every night that you choose to not attack a player you have two options

Sleep(Night): You do not go out and cannot be investigated or killed except by a “retire android” ability(#Sleep)

Visit(Day or Night): You visit a player of your choice, if you own a hovercar, you DO NOT start with a hovercar(#Visit Player)

Send message: You can send ONE 25 word message per day without visiting someone(#message player: <message>;)

Win Condition: Eliminate hunters.
Eat my dust.
Abs wrote:
Wow! Ok so Droids outing themselves was not a great idea as it was like a big red target for the BH.

Next step is we need to find the BH scum!