Game Thread
  • 551 posts
  • Page 7 of 37
Ryomyr wrote:
Hypothesize with me ...

You are a Gang think you know your you shoot? 

I am not the math savviest, but you have a 13/15 chance to make a clean kill, right? So, only a 2/15 chance of killing the wrong player? (This may not be the most fun way to play, but you gots to like them odds.)

Hypothesize with me again ...

You are a Body think you know your Dirty Cop and/or offer protection, right?

Anaxagore wrote:
Scaface Capone is 1faction of course. Bugs another. Are there more? Are cops a seperate or incorporated into gang?

Where did you read about these factions?
Tennesseelogman wrote:
as many of you know i am typically in favor of a lynch on day 1, even tho there is usually not enough evidence - at least we get a shot at a mafia instead of just letting them pick us off - and we usually have about a 4 out of 15 chance of killing a bad guy = i am ok w that. BUT this game is much different. - we are all bad guys, just on different teams. if there are 3 factions w 5 players each then we have a 10 out of 15 chance of killing a player not on our team - and that's pretty good odds. throw in some statements and claims and the odds of killing somebody in a different faction go up.
it seems that 2oclubs has pretty well claimed capone gang - so there should be 10 of us (non-capone) voting to lynch him and 5 refusing to vote for him.

lynch 2oc
Live long and prosper
Abs wrote:
and the capone gang will probably try to lynch me

Well this is good enough logic for me, I agree we won’t find anything out until we know who the gangs are and I have no idea where clubs has got Capone from. It has nothing to do with me so on that basis

#Lynch 2ofClubs
jkl3699 wrote:
#Lynch Tenn Your hurriedness to lynch someone is dangerous and I have a suspision that you're probably not on my team.
pygmyhippo277 wrote:
I agree, I am gonna go #lynch tenn

It's a blind vote, but if tenn thinks its a good idea to vote first then maybe we should listen to him, just not in the way that he wants, unlikely he is on my team.
Eat my dust.
pygmyhippo277 wrote:
So who's a part of George "Bugs" Moran's gang?
Also, are we just gonna ignore this, this seems like a gang claim to me
Eat my dust.
Hoodlum wrote:
Lynch 2ofclubs

Not my gang, not my problem either.
Warrant ☰ ★Officer I and a Gentleman