Corruption Town (Mafia Thread)
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Hoodlum wrote:
unlynch mada. he's still the other mafia team tho.
#lynch kyla
Warrant ☰ ★Officer I and a Gentleman
Hoodlum is online.
Hoodlum wrote:

Can you tell me why?

because mada is mafia
Warrant ☰ ★Officer I and a Gentleman
Hoodlum is online.
Hoodlum wrote:

Madagascarter 2 vote - Huskers, Vicious
Kyla 7 vote - Madagascarter, anaxagore, DraconaOrden, MarcESK, mayba, muzuane, paceme
Warrant ☰ ★Officer I and a Gentleman
Hoodlum is online.
MarcESK wrote:
How can I know that Mada is Mafia?
I need facts... I can not Lynch anybody just because I feel like.
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skarni wrote:

Madagascarter 1 vote - Huskers01,
Kyla 8 votes - madagascarter, Anaxagore, DraconaOrden, Mayba, MarcESK, MuzuaneAskari, Hoodlum, Paceme

3 abstains (vicious, kyla, dwcalvert)

22 hours left to finish day. It's being busy, more than 30 converations of PM to read
Llibertat Presos polítics catalans. Love Democracy.
Anaxagore wrote:
Come on Skarni, the game is already long enough
You can't say the day will last 24hours and 2 minutes before it's over put 22 hours more...

8 people have lynched Kyla... can we please move on?

skarni wrote:
Anaxagore I said from the very begginning it would last until Tuesday 22h catalan time. Please check it.

People asked me by pm if this was respeceted some hours ago and I said yes, they probably want to change or perform some actions.
Llibertat Presos polítics catalans. Love Democracy.
skarni wrote:
Please Anaxread carefully before accusing the moderator





The most famous Cop and the biggest hope for the Corruption Ton citizens was found dead early this night in his house in Zaplana Dresses Ave. Authopsy was runned fast to try to find out some clue that can drive to the murderers, and rests of 2 posions, cyanide and Mercury were found in his blood.
Funeral will be this afternoon, with high security , as riots can be expected as Harry Bosch was one of the most loved heros of the town.
Harry Bosch was CheekyTeeky.

Last minute News

One of our lead investigators has sent us the following breathtaking news:
Investigations say that Paceme is Bigote Jr.


Day 3 starts now. Time limit is 46 hours (time change due to my shifts). This means 22:30 Catalan time from Tuesday.
Llibertat Presos polítics catalans. Love Democracy.
skarni wrote:
It's not all about lynches on that game. I said I would be respecting the times fixed on each phase. I cannot cut it now when probably Kyla is sleeping or somebody else and has relevant info who feels confident to have time enough to share.
Llibertat Presos polítics catalans. Love Democracy.
Hoodlum wrote:
cool. still time to all switch to madagascarter
Warrant ☰ ★Officer I and a Gentleman
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