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dough_boy wrote:
Well...I might as well just come out and make my symbolic guess as to who our Sith Lords are... Without further ado:

Sith Lords (click to show)

Are there any odds on whether I survive the night?
Hoodlum wrote:
lol can give you 4 bullet proof vests and you still manage to die!
Warrant ☰ ★Officer I and a Gentleman
dough_boy wrote:
lol can give you 4 bullet proof vests and you still manage to die!

I know...and I was debating about not using one the first night. Didn't think we would figure it out in 4 nights...only took 3.

Sad thing is the last two games I had protection so I was able to make it to the end and be MVP (I think). Unfortunately Mad didn't see fit to do that this time. I am guessing if the Sith don't get me one of the Neutrals will if they have kill actions.
elysium5 wrote:
All I can say is I feel bad for ya, dough. I really do. You haven't had any luck but you did play a great game last one. MVP for sure.
"Bad Deadpool... Good Deadpool!"
elysium5 is online.
Anaxagore wrote:
Potential roles links. I'm a giving extra good guy roles so that we don't play the game of "Lets just claim and then some people will be doubled up!

I don't know what you think guys, but actually I am still interested in seing what people say they are.
Sure Siths can take the good roles no one declared... but still they would have to wait to be the last ones to talk (to be sure the role is free) + they would have to make a convincing description of their role
Last game, all good guys wanted to show their roles (except Sygamassacre if I am right) so it is good start to judge people.

Who wants to reveal its role??
Anaxagore wrote:
Potential roles links. I'm a giving extra good guy roles so that we don't play the game of "Lets just claim and then some people will be doubled up!

I don't know what you think guys, but actually I am still interested in seing what people say they are.
Sure Siths can take the good roles no one declared... but still they would have to wait to be the last ones to talk (to be sure the role is free) + they would have to make a convincing description of their role
Last game, all good guys wanted to show their roles (except Sygamassacre if I am right) so it is a good start to judge people.

Who wants to reveal its role??
MarcESK wrote:
Potential roles links. I'm a giving extra good guy roles so that we don't play the game of "Lets just claim and then some people will be doubled up!

I don't know what you think guys, but actually I am still interested in seing what people say they are.
Sure Siths can take the good roles no one declared... but still they would have to wait to be the last ones to talk (to be sure the role is free) + they would have to make a convincing description of their role
Last game, all good guys wanted to show their roles (except Sygamassacre if I am right) so it is good start to judge people.

Who wants to reveal its role??

I'm HE-A1 droid. beep. bup. beeep.
Spoiler (click to show)
elysium5 wrote:
@Anaxagore, I sent a PM to you. Did you get it? I actually sent a PM to everyone but not sure if they all made it out so if you didn't receive one, just let me know.
"Bad Deadpool... Good Deadpool!"
elysium5 is online.
Hoodlum wrote:
Potential roles links. I'm a giving extra good guy roles so that we don't play the game of "Lets just claim and then some people will be doubled up!

I don't know what you think guys, but actually I am still interested in seing what people say they are.
Sure Siths can take the good roles no one declared... but still they would have to wait to be the last ones to talk (to be sure the role is free) + they would have to make a convincing description of their role
Last game, all good guys wanted to show their roles (except Sygamassacre if I am right) so it is good start to judge people.

Who wants to reveal its role??

me! done.
go for it anaxagore
Warrant ☰ ★Officer I and a Gentleman
Jimi wrote:
Jimi you are Yoda.

“While you were so busy forcing me into a boner, you forgot you were committing one yourself.”
