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dough_boy wrote:
So...if the Mafia (House of Tygarian?) is killed off then does that mean that a faction wins? Or do all factions win? Is this like assassination where it is A -> B -> C -> Mafia with Neutral(s) somewhere in the mix?
Kyla wrote:
If mafia (tygarians) are killed then the remaining factions fight for the iron throne until their win condition is met
Hoodlum wrote:
Targaryen: You are sworn to House Targaryen. You win if all other factions, including neutrals, are eliminated.
Iron Throne: You are sworn to the King on the Iron Throne. You win if all other factions, including neutrals, are eliminated.
North: You are sworn to the King in the North. You win if the Iron Throne is eliminated. You could care less who rules those southron halls and holds the Red Keep.
Highgarden: You are sworn to the King in Highgarden. You win if all other factions, including neutrals, are eliminated.
Warrant ☰ ★Officer I and a Gentleman
Hoodlum wrote:
those are the win conditions of the non-royal members of each faction:

so I'm guessing for Targaryen & Iron Throne & Highgarden the royal members have to rule the southron halls and holds the Red Keep?
Warrant ☰ ★Officer I and a Gentleman
dough_boy wrote:
So logic would think we should target the north since they have the easiest path to victory?
Hoodlum wrote:
agree on that. I would also think that experienced fake North players might try and fake clain being Iron Throne, to find out who Iron Throne are, and lesser experienced players North players might claim to be Highgarden. no one will admit to the mafia clan lol.
Warrant ☰ ★Officer I and a Gentleman
Sygmassacre wrote:
I am Walder Frey. I am a free agent looking for a faction to support. All kings/queens claim to me to gain an ally and an extra vote
A Harmonic Generator Intermodulator
Hoodlum wrote:
ultras gonna have a lot to read when he logs in muhahaha
Warrant ☰ ★Officer I and a Gentleman
UltrasPlot wrote:
There isn't actually majority yet.

No Lynch - 9 - (L-0)

But somehow, some way, that isn't majority~
Kyla wrote:
Wow syg lol. Can all kings/queen claim to me too? Just for fun ^^