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Mayba wrote:
Just because Highgarden is gone, doesn't make the previous claims irrelevant. If there were indeed 5 people that claimed Highgarden at one point then it's strange for one of the factions to have 5/16 roles. 

I'm not saying you or Riskk are for sure mafia, but I'm almost positive you both couldn't have been Highgarden. That's where my suspicions arise from (that and Mada's last few posts).

Vicious wrote:
1 question:
Is Riskk even playing cuz he doesn't respond to PM?
Mayba wrote:
He's been active so probably just not responding on purpose?
Vicious wrote:
@mod your count doesn't include my vote either.
#Lynch CheekyTeeky
Kyla wrote:
or mine for riskk, not that it matters. Village is completely split
Hoodlum wrote:
i vote hurry up with this game. I'm ready for the next. :)
don't watch game of thrones, and i died early, but this was fun....grrr day kill!
Warrant ☰ ★Officer I and a Gentleman
Kyla wrote:
as soon as this one is done I'm starting the next ;)

I would like this one to hurry up too, so lets all get riskk lol
Kyla wrote:
if you guys don't listen to me and get risk I'm switching to mafias side ^^