aka New Map...No Name
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Vexer wrote:
sea names look good.

i agree with fendi. the land is just all wrong.

I see some sharpened forests but over all it's just blurry. I have been saying this all along so it should not come as a surprise. I think you should start over with the land. If you can't get forests and terrain to look right then you'll have to scrap it and go with a more generic texture. We can't have fancy unless it looks right otherwise we have to default to plain.

You have plenty of time to try again. i won't have time to do the lines for awhile. there are just too many maps going on right now.
Vexer wrote:
well i shouldn't say the land is all wrong. the color scheme is good. the overall look is fine, it's just the details that are the problem. they aren't there because it's blurry.
Thorpe wrote:
95.5% of the time you kill a players cap before your 2nd turn in... you fail or die next
Thorpe wrote:
Yes the mini map needs changing but waiting for responce from Vexer and Fendi.
95.5% of the time you kill a players cap before your 2nd turn in... you fail or die next
Fendi wrote:

This texture is better, however you need to lower the opacity a bit, there are too many bumps and dents and also its still glowing in some areas. I think the brightness of it will be fixed once the texture is lowered.
The white borders are standing out too much, maybe make them more grayish or play with them, your choice.
The forests are now reminding me of moss (sorry), but they are much better than the ones in the previous version. If you cant make any more changes to them then I think you should keep them this way or start over like Vexer said.
I like how the edges look on this map, but they are too smudged in some areas.

Overall, I think you have made an improvement

Take care.
Pntbttr wrote:
I like the texture but I agree lower the opacity a little...I liked how you made the edges kinda merge with the water before, I don't like how it looks now...I think the dark blue region should be a little lighter...forgot connection to island...mini map looks like might need update...still don't like connection lines...didn't you used to have a connection from like ARMAS to emmdizzle or something?...I think you could add a little more texture to the oceans...white lines need to be changed...I'm ok with the title...

still don't like gameplay but that's probably not going to change...

I love the map...hope it wasn't too negative...just want to be helpful...
Thorpe wrote:
95.5% of the time you kill a players cap before your 2nd turn in... you fail or die next
Vexer wrote:
now it's blurry again. We liked the last version it just had too many 'bumps and dents' like fendi said. The terrain was too dominant. But the sharpness was right in the last version.

The compass did not resize well. It's jagged. It doesn't match the map or any other map. It's too glossy. It has it's own light source and shadows. It will never match any map and should be discarded.

The title still needs updating to Realm of Honored Players.
Thorpe wrote:
[image][/URL] Uploaded with ImageShack.us]
Ok If this does not work then forest are out!

Plus sending the file to Fendi to see what she can do.
95.5% of the time you kill a players cap before your 2nd turn in... you fail or die next
Vexer wrote:
it doesn't look right. i think you can do it if you just start with the version that was close and modify it until the terrain doesn't stand out too much.
Thorpe wrote:
got what you wanted I think.

I will redo it and find out.hehe
95.5% of the time you kill a players cap before your 2nd turn in... you fail or die next
Matty wrote:
Sorry, but i liked the texture from two maps ago alot more than this one - this is so, well, shiney. It used to have a nice middle age like look, and now its nothing really.
I mean, it was a little too bumpy maybe, but this one defenitely is not bumpy enough.
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