Centered on China
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Pntbttr wrote:

This is me and Leedogs new map...what do you think?

OK first of all the Great Wall of China is still a work in progress...It doesn't look very good yet I really need to redo it a few more times until I can get it to look good...

Second Leedog was worried that you guys wouldn't like that the countries were split up (example: W. Mongolia is in the green region but the rest of Mongolia is in the Orange region)...what do you guys think should we try and keep each country by it's self?

What do you guys think we should improve or change???

Hope you like it.

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Glanru wrote:
It looks good in general. I like the text. I couldn't make a better wall, so I already like it. 

Are you sure there will be enough room for the mini-map / legend? There is very little white space on this map. I would prefer to see more ocean, if anything just to break up the shear amount of visible land.

The river seems a bit bright in some parts, much contrast to the ocean.  It's actually the brightest thing on the map, which draws the eyes to it. The eyes shouldn't be drawn to an impassible more than the rest of the map.

The dotted lines are not very visible. It took me a while to realize there were any. The size and outline are probably fine, but the lines themselves could be darker. 

Because of the large chunks of land that are all the same color (not exactly the same because of texture, but not different enough with the current texture) I would advise using less deep colors. So, for example, if you used 255 R, 0 B, 0 G, I'd increase the B and G to at least 31 and test lowering R as low as 232. Or otherwise mess around with the color. A quick fix would be to add an overall gradient shading layer.

Taiwan's color (probably because the circle covers almost all of it), seems different than the rest of the light green region. The light green region is very far away from Taiwan, I'm surprised you didn't include it in the red region. 

Japan is much larger than Korea (though not fully shown on the map), but only receives one territory. If combined with the point I make just above, you could consider giving Japan mainland one territory and the smaller island another. Then that region would be as large as if it had Taiwan. But, I also haven't completely looked over game play yet.

I wouldn't worry about Mongolia / Russia splitting, it seems to make more game play sense on this map to have them in the regions you set them in.
Leedog wrote:
Glanru, thanks for commenting, anyone else out there like to add to the conversation?
thaithai wrote:
it is East asia,not South East asia.if u add Vietnam country in ur map, why don't u add whole vietnam map, u only show north Vietnam
Vexer wrote:
I'm not a fan of the color choices. Please try a different color scheme, post it, then ask us which we like better.

Please spend some more time on your connection lines. They are hard to see. Try longer thicker dashes. It might also look better if the glow was more a little more spread out from the dash and not just an outline of the dash.

The ocean looks great. But I wonder if it would look better if there was a glow on the ocean around the land like on south africa.

Pntbttr wrote:
sorry been snowboarding all day (BEST DAY EVER! I did tons of new stuff...rails, jumps, grabs, bombing steep trails! FUN!)

Glanru's Suggestions/Questions in order:

I noticed the problem of the mini map as soon as I saw the outline...I'm not sure what to do about it...Suggestions please!

I like the bright parts on the river but I could lower the opacity on the glow of the river and the ocean...I wasn't sure if it would be better with more or less glow...

I can just duplicate the connection lines layer to make it darker...

I actually really liked the colors on this map...I see how it looks by changing it that way (@Glanru)

There are a few reasons for the color differance in Taiwan...1st of all the color is different because I have been playing with the colors and there are different shades in each region...2nd the territory circle has a dark (yet somewhat invisible) ring around it making the color darker than it actually is...3rd it's so far away from the rest of the region...
So do you what the color darker or lighter?

Ummm...I never really thought about that...I'll try it...

Good I was hopeing people wouldn't want that all changed...

Thaithai's Suggestions/Questions:

I'm not really sure why we don't have the rest of it in there...Leedog did the outline...but I think it works better because if you got the whole thing the rest of the map would be smaller...and that would make all the territories harder to fit a territory circle and name in...

Vexer's Suggestions/Questions:

OK...I'll try different colors...

I'll just duplicate the connection lines layer and make it darker...I don't really like the bigger lines I feel like they always look the moment I think I will keep the glow (I might lower the glow opacity) the way it is (because I think it looks really good) but if a few more people say something about it I might change it...

I'll try a glow on the border and see how it looks...
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Pntbttr wrote:
*I'll see how it looks after changing it that way

lol I said @Glanru but above I said "Glanru's Suggestions/Questions"!
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-NoXoN- wrote:
Yes thaithai, this is not south east asia, and not east asia too. You cant make me to believe that pakistan belong to east asia. Seems to be hard to find right name for this map.
Cant wait to see what will you do with title and frame.

 Dont worry about splitting mongolia, you have done same thing with many regions so its ok.
 Try to do something special with graphic in this map, you can do quite much.
Oh you also can make gate in wall if is needed?
Leedog wrote:
The original idea was just to have the map named "China", but with it's regions kind of split up, that might no longer apply.

The tiny island to the right of Taiwan can be removed to make more room for mini-map.

A few people have suggested "gameplay" might be more important than having a country's true boundaries stay in tact. I'm assuming having a few smaller regions with 3 territories makes for bad gameplay?

I have been leaning towards the integrity of the country's borders instead of gameplay... can someone please explain what I'm missing when it comes to gameplay so I can learn.

I'm working on a New York City outline and that could help me immensely knowing about gameplay. Thanks.

Pntbttr wrote:
OK. When you are playing a game what region would you go for if you got favorable placement?

World map: only have to defend one territory! That is a big one...depending on the amount of borders you will either want it more or less...

But you don't want a region so big that you can't take it over...for example Asia in the world map...I've almost never seen somebody go for that region because it is so big plus you have to defend 5 territories once you own it...Sometimes these regions are good for example asia in the world map and Cuba in the Carribean map...those regions might not ever get held for a turn in a game but it is nice to have a area of the map that you have to go through to get to other regions...

so I suggest doing regions of 3 to 10 territories and 2-4 (or sometimes even 5) defending borders...
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Pntbttr wrote:
anybody else? Suggestions please!

I will post an update sometime next week...that's my goal any way...
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thaithai wrote:
i disagree this map.u should show whole of vietnam or u delete vietnam out this map.
such as why don't we only play half of USA map instead of whole of USA.
-NoXoN- wrote:
I think thaithai is not serious but his joke is laughable :)
 What i think that has to change is names for russian regions. You can copy names from world map. Oh that territory that you name W.RUSSIA it is CENTER R.

 I dont like big territories like kazakhstan, is just too big.Maybe there you can have title of map.
 You can make KASHMIR in north of india and pakistan. And you can move tibet to another region.
 Just try your best to make map as it is in real life, is better.