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Vexer wrote:
is the mini map missing the black outline? also, it looks squished. pls get instructions from pntbttr on how to do it right. also, ask him for my formula for determining region bonuses cause yours are way off. no time to type in nicey nice language.
Thorpe wrote:
I thought he post formula on this forum posting maybe I read it wrong...look at Previous pages for it.
I think names need to be brighter also...yes or no?
yes will fix mini map

95.5% of the time you kill a players cap before your 2nd turn in... you fail or die next
Thorpe wrote:
Ok call me dumb! I don't get the formula!

Hi "Dumb"
Go ahead change my name from "Thorpe" to "Dumb"

Please show me how to do the bonuses! Give me an example!
95.5% of the time you kill a players cap before your 2nd turn in... you fail or die next
Vexer wrote:
i thought fendi was doing the labels. was that last update with her labels? they definitely need to be whiter. I will explain the formula after work unless pntbttr beats me to it.
Glanru wrote:
I think that you don't need the arrow on the mini-map for Bryon Sound. But you could move the text right 3-4 pixels. If you plan to keep it though, I'd suggest not having it bend, I half think it's pointing at the green region. The arrow on Concordia should probably stay.

If the text for North Arm territory were placed where the arrow was, you shouldn't need the arrow.

Sometimes Small Islands look better with smaller outlines than are used on the continent or territory boundaries. Sometimes, they don't. If it's not a time consuming task, you could try to reduce their outline by a pixel or by two half pixels, or so. If it takes more than 5 minutes, it's probably not worth the time though. And, as I said, it may not look better, just something you could try if you were up to it.

The water is very hard on the eyes as a dark blue and light blue only.  Eyes try to adjust to darkness or lightness, but have trouble adjusting to both at the same time. I didn't say anything before, I just assumed that you hadn't finished the water yet. The layer you have needs some texture, or shading at least.

The yellow region seems a bit too neon. It stands out among all the other region colors as the brightest and draws your eye to it instead of blending in with the rest of the regions. Eyes at rest on the map should settle on the center, and not immediately notice anything. (The title can be an exception to this, and I wouldn't recommend changing it.)

The brightness seems higher on the minimap than the rest of the map, including the text. I like the word text on the minimap better than on the rest of the map, however it may not work well on the rest of the map as it may effect the look and feel too much. The brightness of the regions of the minimap seems too high. I have to squint to see anything on it. Also, the glow on the numbers on the minimap in combination with the regions being so bright is hard to see.
Fendi wrote:

First off, well done Thorpe. The map looks very good.

Secondly, I was just thinking, is it possible to change the placement of the territory circles that belong to Norm Arm and Bull Point, the arrows do not fit...sorry...
Also, if its possible to remove the arrows that are on the mini-map, but you dont have to. I am more concerned with the ones on the map...

Other than that, great map. Its simple, clean and fresh.

Take care.
Glanru wrote:

Vexer's formula for region bonuses is a guideline to get one started in the right direction. But, we often disagree on bonuses.

For the following: What I mean by expanding is taking a territory in an adjacent region to prevent them from getting a bonus, but not requiring you to defend an additional territory to keep yours or the territory in their region.

Queen Charlotte: 4 is too large a bonus for a corner territory that has 7 territories and only has to defend 2 of them from 2 different regions with the ability to expand out and still only defend 2. It's harder to hold Swan or North Falkand as they are not corners as they have 3 to defend even if they only have 6 territories. My recommendation is that it be reduced to a 3 bonus.

Stanley: 4 seems too large of a bonus for a corner region even if it's defending 4 territories, those 4 territories only border one region. And because of this, it's more likely that someone would take Stanley than Concordia, and then take the Usbowne territory. This would eliminate the chance of the nearby region from completing a bonus and mean that the corner would only have to defend 3 territories of the 7 it held with no competition to bonus. My recommendation is that it be reduced to a 3 bonus.

Bryan Sound: If this is going to be a 3, then the rest of the map needs to be upped by one (except the two mentioned above). It's kind of stuck in a 2.5 bonus range, but that's not a valid bonus. Being in a corner should reduce that to 2.3 and round nice to 2, however, HI Cove territory is a very likely target from whoever holds North Falkland to expand out and brings it closer to a 2.5 which would round up. But, since Roy Cove could expand to Charlres (is this spelled right), I'd say it's a safe bet to place the value of the region at 2.4 which rounds down. My recommendation is that it be reduced to a 2 bonus.
Thorpe wrote:
Great comments guys and thank you!
I agree on some of the bonuses and will look at it some more. You should of seen what another site thought on the bonuses should be using their way wow! A lot of 6 bonus armies!

I love the input!

And one from Fendi...I'm having a heart-attack!

Toning it down some on "Neon" is what I thought and the mini-map too.

 The ocean is a real ocean shot and might not want to change it though...maybe lighten up the darker area though....I will see how that will look.

Again "Thank-you"



95.5% of the time you kill a players cap before your 2nd turn in... you fail or die next
-NoXoN- wrote:
LOL thorpe

 Will -NoXoN- give you a wrong formula? i cant find how did you got +6 bonus, mostly i get is +3.

 For green region i get +4,50 bonus, i also told you from my mind without looking any formula, green should be +4 and i told you red should be +3.

-NoXoN- wrote:
Sorry for reply without being asked.
 i dont like you connection from albermarle to great island. if it was my map i would connect albermarle with north arm.
 Mybe you like to erase some small islands they looks like black dots.
 Well i have many critics but i save them, Who wish to listen creazy -NoXoN- ? he see something that other cant see. wonder why
Thorpe wrote:

I redid the darkness of the text and then the mini-map, put the background back but lighter.

Also have redone the ocean.

The text in mini is being fixed by Fendi and the connection lines by Vexer or Glanru. Thank-you all!

I fixed the neon green territory, made it blend with the rest of the map and on the mini-map also.

Tone down the brightness of the mini map also.

So if you guys see something else let me know!

NoXon what map were you looking at to get the big bonus from? The one I just threw in numbers on one map to see how they would look? LOL...make sure you look at the latest one...sorry I need to delete some of the old maps.

We are almost to the finish line folks!

Now it all the names, the bonuses, and all that "GEEKY" stuff that you have to program in that makes the maps work.

Any Ideas on the Caps? Start Thinking

Cause right now my brain is toast!


All of the people that helped...thank-you!
95.5% of the time you kill a players cap before your 2nd turn in... you fail or die next
Glanru wrote:
The minimap fine where it is now, but it could look a little better if it were a little more saturated. Lightening it just a smudge might do that. The line around the minimap now covers one of the small islands, it's not bad, but it would look better if it didn't cover the small island.