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Thorpe wrote:
I need to know about the game play and what you think.
This is my first map ever!
95.5% of the time you kill a players cap before your 2nd turn in... you fail or die next
Thorpe wrote:
fix image later sorry
can't seem to get it to work

95.5% of the time you kill a players cap before your 2nd turn in... you fail or die next
Vexer wrote:
try uploading a jpg not a png. save the file as a jpg
sekretar wrote:
 Fanstastic map!!! Whauuuuuuuuuuuuu!Miracle!and verry nice colors..like rainbow...:P
Thorpe wrote:
new update ...never mind don't like it...lol
95.5% of the time you kill a players cap before your 2nd turn in... you fail or die next
Paddlin wrote:
Thorpe, nice work. My thoughts are to reduce the green, blue, yellow, and purple countries to fewer territories. Given that it is a smaller map, no one will likely hold those large areas if their point value is too high.

Other than that, it looks like it is coming along nicely. I know that map making is a very time consuming process. Nice to see the work. 
Pntbttr wrote:
Nice job Thorpe. I like the map.


here are my ideas on the regions and connections (I think you could cut out some of the map to make it a little smaller but thats up to you)

I also think you need to play with the textures.
here are a few sites with textures:
(you can just resize and canvas resize to make the size you want)

are you useing Paint.net????

If you are than you can make your own textures by makeing a new layer than double clicking on it and changeing the effect to overlay and than you can use white-black colors and a pretty big brush and use different shades on the map and then going into effects and blurs Gaussian Blur and bluring it as much as you like....than if you want to you can also go into effects and distort and than jitter and play with those settings

you can also make a texture with (effects render) Clouds....and a few others

If you're useing Paint.net than hit the "More>>" button on the color box. the color box will get bigger and there will be a bunch of sliding things that change the color. play around with the slides with the "V:" and "S:" in front of it.

Is that to much?
Glanru wrote:
Deciding if or what territories will only be able to attack and be attacked by one territory can be hard. You already have two yellow ones, a blue one (or two, I can't tell it's dark and so are the lines), and a red one. So, I suggest changing the light green territory all the way on the left to connect with a line not just to the one below it, but also to the one below and to the right. The light green region on the left is rather long. I think it's a bit too long to snake in like that, especially with the red region already being like that but one territory shorter on the snake.
Thorpe wrote:
wow and yes paint.net
and still working on textures
and thx for the input and not to much info for me as long as it is written.
Thx Pnttbr
and thx Glanru for yours on connections

you guys rule!

95.5% of the time you kill a players cap before your 2nd turn in... you fail or die next
Thorpe wrote:
Pnttbr I made this map for 4-5 players and with what "GG" says about the game play. I like your idea a lot but seems to be for more players...Glanru, Vexer please look at Pnttbr ideas for areas and let me know what you think.
95.5% of the time you kill a players cap before your 2nd turn in... you fail or die next
Pntbttr wrote:
Names? Here is a link to a download for the text that is(i think) on the panama map and medditeranean sea map: http://fontzone.net/?q=Androgyne

These are my other sugestions(these are already on PDN):
Trajan Pro
Viner Hand ITC
Lucida Calligraphy
Lucida Handwriting
Segoe Script
Monotype Corsiva

I think making the text white looks best but others might disagree.

BlackOutline/WhiteOutline(or glow)(for text):
New layer(behind text)
paint bucket black or white (for glow and whiteoutline do white)
click on text layer
magic wand tool
Flood Mode:Global
click on spot without text
click on layer with black/white
click on edit scroll down to erase selection and click
now gaussian blur(you can play around with this I normally do 1-3)(if you want a glow or darken than you can blur it even more or blur it than use wand at like 50% and click on the bulky text than make anouther layer and use paint bucket to fill than blur as much as you like)
(if you want a glow put the layer in overlay)

also you could shorten the connection lines up to the land and not all the way to the territory circles. I think you should also change the connection lines color...to make a glow around the connections just make a layer use the line tool and use white right on top of the connections and put in overlay and blur.