Blech. While the original has some graphic and gameplay issues, I think it's awesome that there's a lot of the smaller towns/castles in in from the book. I know that leads to 'mountains' and 'forests' tiles, and way too long to boot, but it makes it more of a special map.
Plus you're adding Essos to the Westeros map

I LOVE your trees and your mountains!!! And your river's are so fractally!
Like that you have the original 7 Kingdoms. But if you're doing that, every territory in Essos should be it's own region... Maybe some kind of gimmick over there? Maybe instead of having a fixed bonus, maybe you get +1 for each two territories you gain? Move Volantis closer to the shore, where it should be, cut off the Eastern part of Pentos and make a Rhoyne territory (or Mother Rhoyne or Golden Fields, or Chroyane or The Sorrows) out of what's left to even make it even. Which would give you a good excuse to get rid of Ibben, which is nowhere near the North.
Just make Skagos part of the Beyond the Wall. I don't know what you would call that region, there's a couple names, but Wildlings it should not be.
I know it's tiny, but you should really include Dragonstone in the Crownlands. It's where the Targaryens actually came from.
Felwood should be Summerhall. I'd make Kingsgrave into Yronwood. Summerhall and Yronwood play a larger part in the books. Yronwood is the second strongest Dornish house after the Martells.
Goldentooth is loyal to the Westerlands, or at least neutral. I'd change it to Raventree Hall (which is closest to your territory) or Seagard, which is a major city just north.
It's Silverhill, not Silverhall, and I'd rename it to Crakehall anyhow, more of a known name.
The Barrowlands looks like the Borrowlands in that font lol. You could just name it Barrowtown, there's a city there.
NO WINTERFELL?????? SHAME!!!!! Should be where you have Lonely Hills. The Grey Hills should be the Grey Cliffs, Karhold, or The Dreadfort. It's actual territory is the Grey Cliffs, and Karhold is right there, but The Dreadfort should probably be included somewhere in the North.
Queenscrown is one word and is part of the Gift and is abandoned (although so is Summerhall, so you can ignore that part of the suggestions lol). Those mountains are where the mountain clans Liddle, Wull, and Norrey all live. But you never hear about their towns or what the mountains are called and 'Mountain clans' doesn't sound good either.
Love the font. The texture's a little blah, but without the final colors... eh, who knows lol.
It's hard to see the impassable mountains between Oldtown and Starfell, but that again is probably just color/texture issue.
The anchor at Felwood is ambiguous, not sure which territory it should actually be with.
Whew, sorry for the nerdsplosion, but this is my jam. (I had a freudian slip there and wrote 'this is my ham', so it must be lunchtime!)
Blech. While the original has some graphic and gameplay issues, I think it's awesome that there's a lot of the smaller towns/castles in in from the book. I know that leads to 'mountains' and 'forests' tiles, and way too long to boot, but it makes it more of a special map.
Plus you're adding Essos to the Westeros map :P
I LOVE your trees and your mountains!!! And your river's are so fractally!
Like that you have the original 7 Kingdoms. But if you're doing that, every territory in Essos should be it's own region... Maybe some kind of gimmick over there? Maybe instead of having a fixed bonus, maybe you get +1 for each two territories you gain? Move Volantis closer to the shore, where it should be, cut off the Eastern part of Pentos and make a Rhoyne territory (or Mother Rhoyne or Golden Fields, or Chroyane or The Sorrows) out of what's left to even make it even. Which would give you a good excuse to get rid of Ibben, which is nowhere near the North.
Just make Skagos part of the Beyond the Wall. I don't know what you would call that region, there's a couple names, but Wildlings it should not be.
I know it's tiny, but you should really include Dragonstone in the Crownlands. It's where the Targaryens actually came from.
Felwood should be Summerhall. I'd make Kingsgrave into Yronwood. Summerhall and Yronwood play a larger part in the books. Yronwood is the second strongest Dornish house after the Martells.
Goldentooth is loyal to the Westerlands, or at least neutral. I'd change it to Raventree Hall (which is closest to your territory) or Seagard, which is a major city just north.
It's Silverhill, not Silverhall, and I'd rename it to Crakehall anyhow, more of a known name.
The Barrowlands looks like the Borrowlands in that font lol. You could just name it Barrowtown, there's a city there.
NO WINTERFELL?????? SHAME!!!!! Should be where you have Lonely Hills. The Grey Hills should be the Grey Cliffs, Karhold, or The Dreadfort. It's actual territory is the Grey Cliffs, and Karhold is right there, but The Dreadfort should probably be included somewhere in the North.
Queenscrown is one word and is part of the Gift and is abandoned (although so is Summerhall, so you can ignore that part of the suggestions lol). Those mountains are where the mountain clans Liddle, Wull, and Norrey all live. But you never hear about their towns or what the mountains are called and 'Mountain clans' doesn't sound good either.
Love the font. The texture's a little blah, but without the final colors... eh, who knows lol.
It's hard to see the impassable mountains between Oldtown and Starfell, but that again is probably just color/texture issue.
The anchor at Felwood is ambiguous, not sure which territory it should actually be with.
Whew, sorry for the nerdsplosion, but this is my jam. (I had a freudian slip there and wrote 'this is my ham', so it must be lunchtime!)