map submission
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PsymonStark wrote:
I usually create them since I became cartographer. I already sent Vexer this one so it is uploaded.
Living proof that everyone can be a brilliant great good decent cartographer.
BETA wrote:
congrats HOOD!!
Thanks for all your hard work.

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Axobongo wrote:
congrats Hoodlum and PsymonS, this is a great map.

i like the size, i like what i call the triangulation of connections
i like the type font and the colors
i like the 3 bonus lands indicated in the lower left box.

~ the first time i played, i thought Sarawak-Brunei-sabah were a bonus land, didn't realize til after i got it that Penang to Singapore were part of it,, haha,yet its pretty clear so i'm more embarrassed by it than critical.

- i am thinking Maluku as a 5 reinforcements seems high,, probably 4 seems more correct.

~~ i sometimes want to comment about capital placement, recognizing its major challenges , but in some maps, they are either on a border of a bonus land, or blocked within.

On this map they are in the blocked in category , until 7p games then they are on border.

i was wondering if for maps of this size couldn't there be both bordered and land blocked capital options in set up?

if that ever happens, maybe maps that have 2 options could have a symbol appear once 'capitals' and the map are both clicked on, maybe just a numeral *2 appearing alongside the map?

~Anyways, i mainly came here to say the map is excellent! one of the best.
“Man plans, Dice & Cards laugh” ~ Axo
aeronautic wrote:
Thanks for the feedback Axo,

Yes Hoodlum did a good job of creating his first map, he had to do a lot of learning for it too, but never gave up.
Psymon worked with him pretty much from the start, being the top notch cartographer he is.
Even though the signature is not on the map, but on the credits, Fendi also added her magic touch and finalised the map.

I'm sure Maluku was discussed in great detail as were all the bonus regions and using Vexer's formula, it was considered to be a 5 bonus, because it has 7 territories and 5 borders to defend.
However, if you would like to use the formula and double check this, we will be happy to change it if it is incorrect?

This map uses the same settings as all D12 maps for Capital placements and any special settings would not be accepted.
You can however submit a suggested placement for the Capitals you would prefer and they will be reviewed whilst still in Beta. You can either place the suggestions on the map for ease of viewing or if you have no way to do this, you can list them by Territory name.
Hyd yn oed er fy mod Cymraeg , dim ond yn siarad Saesneg, felly yr wyf yn gobeithio y bydd y cyfieithu yn gywir.
PsymonStark wrote:
Aero, the Maluku region was chosen as 5 because of its central position. Malaysia should have had the same but two of the the independent states belong to it so we decided to set it to 4. It is fine this way. Remember also that the formula works best with regions with few borders.

And Axo, the gameplay for this map was nailed a month ago. It would be great if the contributions to the map were made while it's being created because it makes much easier possible edits, and with more eyes it's easier to spot inconsistencies.

The cap idea is not for this topic, open one in the suggestions board. That one would need programmer time and thus is difficult to get done. Also in this map it's practically impossible to set 7, 8 and 9 interior caps while meeting the other requirements.
Living proof that everyone can be a brilliant great good decent cartographer.
Fendi wrote:
How are the capital positions working out?

If there are no objections regarding the positions or anything else about the map itself then I will go ahead and remove it from Beta.
Axobongo wrote:
the caps games have been rough, which is one reason i mentioned it , psymon.

i think the odds of being trapped in from the beginning are a bit higher on this map than others.

on one hand, it always a bummer to be the odd one of a game who gets born trapped, we all know its a risk when we start cap games. We have to then either take our cap based bonus lands and go for extra troops, or hope somebody sets us free.

i dont mind different gameplays and strategies based on circumstances , its part of the variety, but if i get consistently trapped in on certain maps, it may put me off that map..

i imagine some clever programmer could come up with an algorithm or whatever they are,, to prevent a trapping, yet i dont know how pressing is that need, and our boy vexer seems a bit taxed and stressed as it is.

but in the spirit of beta testing, i would have to play another cap set up before i could compare, and at least 3 or 4 games .

its acceptable, i suppose , as it is,, but caps set on border for 4p, 5p , and 6p games etc would be nice to try, since those are (i think) the most common game sizes . And yet, i can see how boggling of a problem that may be.

~i may have only played 4 caps games, i dont remember ,, and know i had this debate in my mind and found myself arguing [A. caps should be on borders,, and [B. the way its balanced can't really be messed with. To be honest, i haven't been able to decide, so i mentioned it to see of any other Beta testers have also had a similar hunch

( also , psymons name is on the map)

“Man plans, Dice & Cards laugh” ~ Axo
PsymonStark wrote:
Suggestions on cap positions will be welcome. I don't think border capitals will be such an improvement because the map is quite linear and starting with the path to another region closed can result on an unfair disadvantage because other players would be able to control their regions while keeping an open path.

This map is like Solar System, where you get trapped very easily, due to the semilinear layout, usually with two territories. But again, suggestions are welcome, the conditions for a good cap set are on the guide.

Again, not every map plays good for every gametype.
Living proof that everyone can be a brilliant great good decent cartographer.
HammerTime wrote:
Want to say thanks to all involved in creating such a fine looking the textures,i have not notice any issues yet while playing it an will report any if i do...well thier is one issue...its a real B@#$%ch getting around the map playing caps witout lanlocking yrself fav way to play thus far on it is deathmatch with fog with so many conections between territorys its easy to ambush someone an givem a good hammerin ;)                                                           Also a special thanks to Hoolum for taking time outa his day to help me with my avatar..thanks bro..also to Oxen for finding it :)
Luck,is the defining factor of a good strategy
Axobongo wrote:
this is a well thought out map, an i am sure what i want to mention has been considered, and forgive me if its already been settled, but since its still in Beta, i think testers should think about it as they play:
the connection between Palawan and Mindanao , in Pilipinas,, its hit me in about 3 games that Palawan to W. Visayas would be better , i do have 2 or 4 points as to why,, yet i can potentially imagine a few reasons why it is as it is,, it seems like one of those weird areas that need playing experience to reach conclusion

this may or may not relate to a capitals placement, but for now a cap has to take 3 steps to exit westwards, and it seems 1 step too many.

“Man plans, Dice & Cards laugh” ~ Axo
Fendi wrote:
It's been over a month since this map was released as Beta, if no one has anything to say then it will be removed from that stage later today.
aeronautic wrote:
No negative feedback = no problems. I think you have given it more than enough time for Beta testing.
Sorry I didn't get a chance to test this map extensively. I would have liked to, as it is such a proper risk map of the type I like, challenging and opportunistic.
Hyd yn oed er fy mod Cymraeg , dim ond yn siarad Saesneg, felly yr wyf yn gobeithio y bydd y cyfieithu yn gywir.
Hoodlum wrote:
Just noticed there is a period (.) after Kaliman in the inset.

How did you miss that Psymon? :)

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