map submission
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Fendi wrote:
I had to make Malaysia a tad darker because it was overlapping its region (white) and without the darker background it just looked weird and unreadable. But I'll try to make it less obvious.

Nice catch with the coloured circles, there is a bit of contrast but will see if I can make it better later today.
Fendi wrote:
So this is the best I could get it with the colours. The blue region to me wasn't as bad as the red region but maybe it differs from monitor to monitor. I've also tried fixing Malaysia on the mini-map. I added coloured circles to some regions to make the comparison easier and to see how visible they actually are.

With coloured circles (click to show)
Without coloured circles (click to show)
OXEN wrote:
Looks awesome.. Might replace as a new favorite instead of Caribbean map ^^
Great work!
aeronautic wrote:
A work of art!

I'm happy for this to go to beta.

It was a 3 person project between Hoodlum, PsymonStark & Fendi, so I think it's only right to add Fendi's name to the authors and signatures, what do you think?
Hyd yn oed er fy mod Cymraeg , dim ond yn siarad Saesneg, felly yr wyf yn gobeithio y bydd y cyfieithu yn gywir.
PsymonStark wrote:
I have input it into the system. It could use a bit of checking though.
Living proof that everyone can be a brilliant great good decent cartographer.
Fendi wrote:
Thank you so much Psymon for inputting it. I've looked at it and everything looks fine. And thank you all for the feedback and support.

PS: Don't forget to congratulate Hoodlum on his first map. ;)
PsymonStark wrote:
Oh :( When I read Fendi's message I thought it would be already beta.

Exactly, great job Hood, and Fendi for sure!

Whoooops! The caps! *runs*
(I will input mine but if someone comes up with an alternative solution post it!)

Ok, caps have been input too. And I am still able to edit the message!
Living proof that everyone can be a brilliant great good decent cartographer.
PsymonStark wrote:
Oh, I didn't see that Fendi hasn't signed the map yet. Well, I hope she will upload a signed version when she gets to it ^^
Living proof that everyone can be a brilliant great good decent cartographer.
Hoodlum wrote:
First map! sounds nice lol. one hit wonder more likely. again, thanks, for all the help from V98 posting that first outline and ideas. Feedback from all those who commented, advice and teaching from aero/psymon, and to vexer/psymon/fendi for their hands on input to polish this off. Just teamwork. Hoodlum is on a d12 map, proud moment ;)
Warrant ☰ ★Officer I and a Gentleman
Virtuosity98 wrote:
It's nice to see an idea turn into a great map! Thanks for taking it on Hoodlum, and all your many helpers! :D
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aeronautic wrote:
Yes, ideas is what are always needed.

Out of curiosity, have the thumbnails been made for the live game lobbies, old & new?
Hyd yn oed er fy mod Cymraeg , dim ond yn siarad Saesneg, felly yr wyf yn gobeithio y bydd y cyfieithu yn gywir.
Fendi wrote:
I believe it is created by itself..if not then no, no one has created one yet.