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aeronautic wrote:
I agree with The_Bishop and apart from what he has mentioned, I like the effect you have done with the land to sea outlines, it just needs a little "noise".
Although, very artistic, I don't think you should have made the folds in the map to look like a game board, I believe you should just keep the essence of a board but not literally create a board image, just the map. This is also why I believe the frame should be reduced to just a thin band around the map.

I know I sound hypocritical due to Italia, but we only used the impression of a board due to having to rotate the map and utilised the space for the Legend by the use of a game card on a table. We didn't even use any banding on the map so as to keep the physical look of a board to a minimum, just keeping the essence.

When there is only map to be seen, we should maximise the map area.

I like the name change and if other people also like the game cards, I would make them smaller. I don't like the dice and again would like to see the essence of a game board without too much physical representation.

It is hard to explain why we all accept that we are looking at a game board when the thing is up on end on a screen in front of us, but the brain sorts it all out for us and we need to aim to keep to what works so as not to cause confusion and this is what aesthetics is all about.... what the mind feels comfortable with.
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PsymonStark wrote:
I don't like external additions to the maps. Well, at least those more visible than the coffee cup stain in world expanded. Right now they draw too much of my attention. A lot of weight of the image has now gone to the bottom left part because of that white. Also, Singapore and Brunei should be switched, because Brunei is shorter and fits centered on the middle card label. And thus Singapore to the rightmost card.

Edit. Just noticed the "bends" of the board in the middle of the map... Ugh, I don't like them at all! :S
Living proof that everyone can be a brilliant great good decent cartographer.
aeronautic wrote:
If it is decided to keep the cards as a Legend visual aid, I would suggest not using the Infantry, Cavalry & Cannon, but use a blended mini image snippet of the territory listed on the card.

I can make these for you tonight and upload them as separate images for you to download and add as new layers, if you wish? I will however need to make them from a map image without circles on it, if there is one uploaded.

(Edit): I, like Psymon, still believe that the bottom left corner needs sorting out. The dice should go, the cards should be made a bit smaller, the title needs moving away from the edge of the map, the map edge needs to be made as just a small strip (this will help with the title position). This is beside the things I mentioned earlier about the fold lines etc.
Hyd yn oed er fy mod Cymraeg , dim ond yn siarad Saesneg, felly yr wyf yn gobeithio y bydd y cyfieithu yn gywir.
Virtuosity98 wrote:
aeronautic said:
If it is decided to keep the cards as a Legend visual aid, I would suggest not using the Infantry, Cavalry & Cannon, but use a blended mini image snippet of the territory listed on the card.

I was going to suggest the same thing! I like the changes, but agree with aero and Psymon that the dice are unnecessary, as are the fold lines.
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PsymonStark wrote:
I haven't commented it before, but I think that neither D12 or the triangle should appear on the cards. The reasons of this? Basically that the font isn't corresponding and the triangle isn't on its correct dimensions, and plus there is no smaller DXII brand image than the complete Dominating Twelve.

Other reason is that no map has direct DXII mentions on it. To be frank, I think it's a bit against the feeling of the game, but this may just be me.

Edit: In fact I tried an alternative. I don't know if aero meant something similar to this one or anything totally different.

Spoiler (click to show)

What I don't understand of these bonus is why they give only 1 and not 2 like a normal 3/3 region.

Edit: If you keep only the internal edge, you can make the same with the minimap. Well not the same, do it better ;)
Living proof that everyone can be a brilliant great good decent cartographer.
aeronautic wrote:
Brilliant! I love your version of the Legend Psymon! Good call changing from cards to this!
The only thing I would do with it now is create bigger gaps between each image because between Brunei & Singapore it looks like the same map with a vertical border.

I am not keen on the embossed title.
Hyd yn oed er fy mod Cymraeg , dim ond yn siarad Saesneg, felly yr wyf yn gobeithio y bydd y cyfieithu yn gywir.
PsymonStark wrote:
The title was just a try too because I don't like the current one...

Swapping Brunei and Singapore solves the problem.

Spoiler (click to show)

@Matty There always is someone to point my errors out. Why is this? :P
Living proof that everyone can be a brilliant great good decent cartographer.
Matty wrote:
PsymonStark - Jan 13, 09:12 PM
Other reason is that no map has direct DXII mentions on it.

But I do think that that map should be the only one having the symbol, to keep it unique.
Apart from that, the minimap that spymoon made looks pretty.
"Strength doesn't lie in numbers, strength doesn't lie in wealth. Strength lies in nights of peaceful slumbers." ~Maria
aeronautic wrote:
@Spy Moon, excellent work mate. BTW if you weren't so precise we wouldn't notice your errors !!!!
Hyd yn oed er fy mod Cymraeg , dim ond yn siarad Saesneg, felly yr wyf yn gobeithio y bydd y cyfieithu yn gywir.
PsymonStark wrote:
I'm glad that you guys are nice and don't correct my English.

@Hood, if you want the layers, PM me ^^
Living proof that everyone can be a brilliant great good decent cartographer.
Hoodlum wrote:
nice psymon i like it. i've only just briefly skimmed these messages but i dont have much time on the internet.. I wish I could have more time to catch up.
yes psymon i would like them!
This is what i ended up doing. i was going to use infantry/cannon/horse. because making the territories seemed a bit of a task, then i thought of flags. (But i really like what you have done here)
Went through the connection discussion and so basically did Bishops since Psymon didn't mind/like them
but I felt that Australia should have a connection to Papua so went with Arnhem-Merauke as Psymon suggested.
I gave thought that it would be good to have two 5 bonus point regions by bumping Malaysia up as Psymon
mentioned but I was thinking since there are two independent states within Malaysia region, it would justify
to keeping it at 4.
Other edits since the last.
Played around with a dual color + map color.
Decided flags were an easy option to put on cards legend and by the territories on the map.
I turned down the creases effect opacity.
color circles seem fine, the black circles might struggle on some of the smaller islands but they will look
different when they have numbers inside them.

circle color test connection etc (click to show)
Hoodlum is online.
Hoodlum wrote:
in comparison, my version of the legend is a bit too much and distracting as I thought it might be.
The way I made the frame addition is it is attached with the background as a layer, so this is why I have been hesitant in changing the frame because I had already did a overhaul resize for everything else in the middle. It would mean for me overhauling everything again for a size change to keep the 1024 width dimension, and I feared mistakes, happening where I might ruin other things I took a long time to do, like the borders/inlines/coloring/texture etc. (a map making lesson, amongst many others)..
so thats why i opted for the alternative to try and alter it to suit it to look like a board rather than a mounted frame (creases/overlay of cards & dice adds). What's become of this though is the special game play which hadn't been actually decided on or discussed but it looks like a keeper!

What Psymon had done with his version of the legend is awesome, fits well, is attractive yet isn't distracting, maybe I wont need to change the frame :) Ive asked both Psymon and aero to help out with further things in regards to graphic which I hope they don't mind, whether it be advice or hands on. I'm not sure on what more I can add to this myself to make it better. appreciate the interest and all the input from the team!
Hoodlum is online.
naathim wrote:
Oh man, this is looking so good you guys!

I think everybody's been in that boat Hoodlum, where you're like OMG NOT AGAIN!! It is waaaay scary making big changes.

I like both your's and Psymon's legends. Your's adds a lot of pizzazz to it and it looks sharp and clean and I feel like it achieves more of the gaming board you are going for. I love the little flags!!

Psymon's isn't as distracting though. And the detail is just so spot on!

I think it'd be a tough decision about which one you want to go with.

I do agree with Aero that the title on yours is a biiiit to close to the rest of the map. Maybe switch the title and the dice? Or take out the dice altogether and move your title along the bottom edge?

I think you're going to have to rejigger your colors. The yellow on Malaku fades really bad into the background with colored circles (that was really clever of you btw). The dark blue on Sulawesi is a little too dark and clashy with the rest of the map (although that's just an opinion it's probably fine in all honestly). But Australia and Sumatra are still just too similar. I'd suggest making one of them a purple region.

The Singapore-Riau connection is very difficult to see. Maybe take out one of the little islands there to make it more visible? Or if you go with Psymon's version, swing it out and around those islands in a little loop.

The real question is how many Survivor locations can you find? :P
Hoodlum wrote:
lolll i love survivor!!
yes good point about the yellow of maluku fading into the background with the colored circles. I wonder if it matters what other color i choose, as the circles are just as big as they are.
and if any other color would show up on the mini-map. i'll do some tests on those mentioned.
I think changing either australia or sumatra to purple might be tricky with java being purplish, I thought colors were gonna be the easy fun part, but when there are so many
regions it's tuff to get the right balance to separate yet blend them to look good. but it will give me something to play with tonight.
As for the title, I hadnt given much consideration on placement when I first did that placement edit, i had just did a quick edit right before the name
change to east indies. I had initially had it placed where some of the dice were sitting on the title but they seemed to be distracting things no matter what.
(The dice are actual images i found in the d12 directory, re-colored to make the white ones.) yup and that connection is a bit tough to see, I'll do the loopy thing. I kinda don't want to delete
any small islands since so far everything has been done aimed towards keepin' things to fact.
Hoodlum is online.
The_Bishop wrote:
I'm okay with all connections and bonuses but I'd feel better with Palawan--W.Visayas connection (Philippines) and a +2 for the Independent States.

I would like the cards with the brown images of the states over them. I would get rid of the flags. (Otherwise you should put flags for every country represented there but it doesn't look the case).

I would put the title between cards and Australia, some dice between Indochina and Philippines and some more dice on the Pacific Ocean. (and no dice where they are now)

I would also try to see how it looks the mini-map surrounded by the same frame you have on the map (but reduced in scale).

I was imagine to maybe set a capital on Kuala Lumpur, but I can see the basic circle is already partially covering the letter "K", if you add the white circle it will be completely covered. If necessary "KL" is a very common abbreviation for Kuala Lumpur.

Edit: Forgot to say, it's looking ultra-cool, congrats!
«God doesn't play dice with the World» ~ Albert Einstein
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