Make Dominating 12 look and function better!
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RayintheLevant wrote:
@sf I use a Macbook laptop with a click pad

Let me be as clear as possible:

I am attacking from point A to point B with 20 troops. I chose the from/to and click on attack "once". I win the dice roll and the system advances 1 troop into point B and subsequently closes the control/command box, bypassing the step in which you determine how many troops you wish to advance into point B.

No refreshing of the page remedies this issue as the system has determined you gave the command to advance only 1 troop into position B.

No double or multiple clicking needs be involved for this phenomena to occur unfortunately.
dough_boy wrote:
What browser are you using? I am on a MBP, and using Chrome with no issues. If Safari it might be a Safari bug. If you are using Chrome, trying using it in Incognito mode, maybe you have some sort of extension issue.
sfclimbers wrote:
Hmmmm. Haven't seen that one. That sounds even worse than what myself and others have been seeing. At least we can recognize the bug in the troop movement dialog and refresh before committing the troop movement. Might want to try Firefox for a little while.
RayintheLevant wrote:
I will try to screen record the problem should I find myself in a position to go out on a longer elimination run in one of the long term games I am currently in.

The likelihood of it occurring in a longer run on the board is usually high and more obviously noticeable. When a player is just attacking 1 adjacent position, it goes unnoticed because the turn ends with a final move of troops, if at all. 
Cireon wrote:
I have rolled out a change where the backend will now detect if the frontend does something unexpected. So if you start seeing errors, then the frontend is wrong, and refreshing will do the trick.

This should help us figure out where the issue lies. If the issue is in the new UI, then this will stop people from accidentally not moving any troops.
“This is how humans are: We question all our beliefs, except for the ones that we really believe in, and those we never think to question.”
- Speaker for the Dead, O.S. Card
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sfclimbers wrote:
I think that I've seen the new error pop up at least once (I was moving quickly, so didn't pay close attention). Out of curiosity, have these helped you guys get a better understanding of what's happening? If it was in fact the new error, it did seem to self correct, because I did not end up moving the wrong number of troops :)
vikingo1337 wrote:
Any comments on the position of the pinned box, C? Would be nice to be able to see the rolls again.

Can we please move the box? The rolls are (still) hidden behind it on a phone.
"The brave man well shall fight and win, though dull his blade may be."
~Fafnismal 28
periwinkle wrote:
i play 95% of my turns off my phone...the box is never in the can pin it so it is out of the way. personally i like the box....
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hiscorginess wrote:
phone is hell to play on for me - really hard to click, turns is halfway disappeared
maybe because i use the firefox app? dont know
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