Make Dominating 12 look and function better!
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dough_boy wrote:
This is a glitch in general, and I have found it is usually due to a timeout. You can tell in the interface it shows a 0. If you ever see this make sure you just refresh first.
Cireon wrote:
I think I found the reason why this is happening. I'm currently running some local tests to check if I didn't break something else by fixing this.
“This is how humans are: We question all our beliefs, except for the ones that we really believe in, and those we never think to question.”
- Speaker for the Dead, O.S. Card
Cireon wrote:
Sadly it only makes things worse.

I am also unable to reproduce this issue locally, so any more information about under what circumstances exactly it happens (perhaps a video) would help us debug this faster.
“This is how humans are: We question all our beliefs, except for the ones that we really believe in, and those we never think to question.”
- Speaker for the Dead, O.S. Card
vikingo1337 wrote:
Any comments on the position of the pinned box, C? Would be nice to be able to see the rolls again.
"The brave man well shall fight and win, though dull his blade may be."
~Fafnismal 28
Cireon wrote:
Yeah, happy to move the dice, though fixing the bug has priority right now.
“This is how humans are: We question all our beliefs, except for the ones that we really believe in, and those we never think to question.”
- Speaker for the Dead, O.S. Card
elysium5 wrote:
I guess I don't really notice the glitch because the old one had it as well so I adapted my game by refreshing first every time I move troops. It's automatic for me now and I don't even think about it while I do it. Kind of like driving a stick shift. I'm not into speed games so it doesn't bother me at all but I can see how refreshing each time may not be the best solution for others.

I can't believe how buggy and glitch free this site is compared to how it has evolved since the beginning so to me a few glitches aren't bad and the work you guys are doing to continue to improve the site is incredible and you are volunteers doing all this with your free time which is even more incredible.

I get that sometimes people are frustrated but I wish they new how much free time is put into the site and how hard you guys work.

I just wish some people had a little more patience.
"Bad Deadpool... Good Deadpool!"
sfclimbers wrote:
My observation is that when it does happen, it is usually when playing very fast; conquering territory after territory in quick succession while going for the win. For what it's worth, here is my usual setup/game settings:
- Macbook Pro with an external monitor
- Chrome with many open tabs, often 2-3 tabs of Dominating12, sometimes multiple Chrome windows - each with 2-3 tabs of Dominating12
- When more than one Dominating12 tab open in a browser, usually have: 1 for my active game, 1 from when I Invited Users to that game, 1 for reading forums while waiting for game to start
- When more than one Chrome window open (each with multiple tabs) usually same as above, except duplicated for simultaneous 2nd live game
- Live games
- 3 minute clock
- Beta UI enabled
- Definitely seen it on World Classic, possibly other maps also
- Seen it with 3 players, 4 players, and 5 players for sure (as linked in my earlier posts to this thread), possibly with 1v1 also but don't recall
- I don't recall whether it's ever happened as a simple one-off attack. Seems to be when using a single large force to sweep the board. It's like it know when the worst possible moment would be!
Cireon wrote:
It's a client side bug. As explained above, it goes away when you refresh, so we need to catch it in the moment :(
“This is how humans are: We question all our beliefs, except for the ones that we really believe in, and those we never think to question.”
- Speaker for the Dead, O.S. Card
RayintheLevant wrote:
Hi Cireon.

Refreshing the page does not resolve the problem. I have tried this now on more than one occasion but the box simply vanishes after pressing the attack button and moves 1 troop ahead. I have refreshed the page again and again in a long term game minutes ago to no avail.

You are obliged to change course and plans when this happens. However, this is not always possible, as is the case in this long term game 1213818 with troops on the way to a game victory, getting stuck in South America.


RayintheLevant wrote:
The irony is also that after experiencing this problem for a second time, I started being very, very, careful and making sure I am not double clicking ... especially when I notice a lag between my action on the keyboard and the response on the system.

Of note, I have to refresh the page numerous times in probably every game I play. I always receive the red server error box during live games.
Matty wrote:
Of note, I have to refresh the page numerous times in probably every game I play. I always receive the red server error box during live games.
Seeing that error box when you refresh is normal - it is updating the map status every few seconds, so if you refresh, you are probably closing one of these requests and then the box pops up.
"Strength doesn't lie in numbers, strength doesn't lie in wealth. Strength lies in nights of peaceful slumbers." ~Maria
Matty is online.
sfclimbers wrote:
@RayintheLevant Independent of this thread. I had a mouse that was misbehaving, triggering double clicks even though I only ever did a single click. Any chance that is your problem? Other symptoms were that single clicking window frames would actually cause the window to maximize, or double clicking a single word of text would actually select the entire line, etc. Most apps it didn't matter too much. But on Dominating12 it was fatal.