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aeronautic wrote:
Here we go, the Final.

Come and support it all!
Hyd yn oed er fy mod Cymraeg , dim ond yn siarad Saesneg, felly yr wyf yn gobeithio y bydd y cyfieithu yn gywir.
Axobongo wrote:
CoNgRaTs to Death From Above team for being the big winner of the tournament !
elysium5 wrote:
I'm sure there will be another one starting soon. How soon, I'm not sure.
"Bad Deadpool... Good Deadpool!"
lifeinpixels wrote:
Well both games have finished. This concludes the end of the team tournament. Thanks everyone for participating! You all helped make it a fantastic tournament.

Congratulations to the winning team - Death from Above, with Aeronautic and Sygmassacre!

2nd Place: Burning Cordoba - Descarado and Oliver
3rd Place: Ay Carmela - Skarni and MuzuaneAskari
4th Place: Blood-n-Guts - Dferguson and Lifeinpixels

I will be creating a new tournament sometime in the near future, so stay tuned! Now that you've all had a chance to play, I'm also going to make a thread for feedback and suggestions, which I will link here when it's created.

Once again, thanks everyone for your participation!
Matty wrote:
It really was 1 on 1, just a bit more complicated, and in the case of AABB (or ABBA for that matter) more extreme.
"Strength doesn't lie in numbers, strength doesn't lie in wealth. Strength lies in nights of peaceful slumbers." ~Maria
aeronautic wrote:
Thank you for your congratulations!

Syg and I enjoyed the 2v2 tornament immensely and had to strategise a lot more than will ever be seen. Our PM's would show the true brain matter that went into our success... it was long-winded and deliberating.

From my point of view, team play is unique and completely alien to everything we learn to be in our experience at D12 and so, requires a different way of thinking and acting within the game and by team PM.

There is good luck & bad luck for everyone in every game, but it's how you recover and predict the future moves & decoys that decide the game.
In games where the opposition have remarked on dice bad luck deciding their fate, I checked the logs and DeathFromAbove had at least equal and sometimes more bad luck, however we changed our tactics accordingly every turn.

We will not divulge our secret to success, but let's just say that our private message thread for each game had to be remade a couple of times due to its immense size!

In tribute to what makes a team, I would like to say a few words about my team mate Sygmassacre.
I don't think I could have locked intellectually & spiritually as much with any other player on D12 and it has been a pleasure to play all the tournaments (4 Man 1v1v1v1 Team, 2 Man 2v2 Team & 2 Man 2v2v2v2 testing Team). He is a gentleman, considerate & conscientious whilst being aggressive & dilligent in action. He is able to take advice as well as give it and offered exactly 50% of what was required by the team.

I have just 2 long term games still running and if they are still active when the next tourney starts, I will be happy to remain as Sygmassacre's team mate, even if a 'Same Time' game is included regardless of our 11/13 hour time difference.
Hyd yn oed er fy mod Cymraeg , dim ond yn siarad Saesneg, felly yr wyf yn gobeithio y bydd y cyfieithu yn gywir.
Sygmassacre wrote: do you do a blushing smiley? loti
Thank you Airman!!! And thanks to all participants in the tourney
A Harmonic Generator Intermodulator
Axobongo wrote:
Here are some raw thoughts that came to mind in reading aeros concerns over same time,, bear with me, i am still thinking,,,

aero, in looking at the logs, it seems sygmassacre is often able to be on between 20:00 and 23:00 , i have noticed you have been able to be on at these times also. i realize its not ideal.

Even for people of the same time zones, it may not always be easy to coordinate to be on at the same time.

i suppose its things like that that actually make team play interesting. The whole thing about team play and accomplishing a good team is really based on a variety of factors , alongside and not solely game play move choices.

[and now the deep thought part] The challenge of accomplishing a strong team, developing teamplay strategy, establishing a communication and confidence in another person, being available for a 'cause' greater than just a quick game alone, and probably a few more reasons that make 'teaming in tourney' an interesting version of the game we know and love,, i have called it more 'intense' , and meant it as 'intense in a good way' , because it provoked more examination and calculation than usual, and again, for a few other reasons also,,)

So, i rambled , but its about Same Time play

i guess these are the options if we want same-time, or even real time to be part of tourneys, and it seems most do like same-time,
what are the possible options?

1. Simply have the ST option, and tough luck to those teams who can't coordinate
2. Some sort of scheduling, resulting in a 'Customized match' , perhaps a Same Time or Real Time match can be arranged better in a final round of the final two teams competing, or final four,, ? based upon agreement of participants ( i am thinking if players agreed to be online at a certain time and day, that game might not go on in long term mode, so it is easier to schedule for a one day game just once instead of accounting for a daily schedule limit,, game can come into play if people agree to be available thus its 'Customized'

NOTE: There may be big differences in 2 teams on the big map in a same time game , than the 4 teams we have tried . We will have to try that too and judge it (2 teams) , i bet it would be exciting