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skarni wrote:
I'd be in, I prefer 4 people, and i can help to organize that!
Llibertat Presos polítics catalans. Love Democracy.
MuzuaneAskari wrote:
I am sorry but I don't think I will have time to organize this until the second/third week of October. If someone wants to seep up this, it's more than welcome.
Gato que avanza, Perro que ladra
MuzuaneAskari wrote:
Finally I got some time to write this. I will suggest something ready to start to make it faster.

There will be four teams with four members each (I hope we will get 16 people). There will be four games: Deathmatch, Classic Map and Increasing Cards.

The first ranked member of every team will play against the other first ranked and so on.

The winner of the match it will be the team with more points:
- Winner of each game: 6 points
- Third eliminated team: 3 points
- Second eliminated team: 1 point
- First eliminated team: 0 points

I guess most of you are thinking that some people may play just to eliminate one team in a certain game, and I am not against that. We are playing four games at the same time, but the result is global so maybe in some board one player will have to suicide against another team to win the match.

We have already a team: rogerfederer, oliver, skarni and MuzuaneAskari

The other players interested are:

- Sygmassacre
- lifeinpixels
- joca
- elysium5

We still need 8 more players.

Obviously, you can suggest another way of doing the match but, please, say something concrete, something easy to ask what the players prefer, like:
Muzuane´s game or lifeinpixels´ game?

Not more debate, otherwise we will never start this?
Gato que avanza, Perro que ladra
MuzuaneAskari wrote:
If you want to create a team you are free to do it (or just join to one player), but I will complete the teams with the players who are not assigned.
Gato que avanza, Perro que ladra
MuzuaneAskari wrote:
So, now we have two teams and these 3 "free" players:

- Sygmassacre
- joca
- elysium5

We need 5 more players
Gato que avanza, Perro que ladra
Wise wrote:
lifeinpixels - Oct 16, 06:24 PM
Ok I have three more players for my team - Brewdog, Wise, and Dferguson.

The Dominating 12 Dream team!
lifeinpixels wrote:
Muzuane, I have 2 suggestions for gameplay.

1st, I think the pairings should be based on rank points, not rank itself. That way there is no advantage/disadvantage for players like you who choose not to purchase certain ranks.

2nd, if I understand correctly, each game will only have players from the different teams. I think that isn't as fun as actually having players from the same team in a game. For example, me and brewdog vs you and skarni would be fun, since I will be working with someone in my own game. Otherwise it's too much like a regular tournament, except that you'd be relying on your teammates in other games.

This creates a slight complication with awarding points... once a team has won, and assuming both players from that team are still alive in the game, who gets the points? I think this shouldn't be too hard to do - I propose that a moderator split the points between the two winners. I think this should apply even if one of the players on the winning team is dead, since it may have been a sacrificial death. Maybe you could get moderator privileges for a short period for these games, or we could ask another mod/admin if they'd be willing to help out.

It would be possible to modify this to have 3 teams of 2 players each, or a big 4v4 game, etc. Might be a good idea to try in the next tournament, if this one is successful.

Using your idea (4 players each from different teams in a game) would be fine, but I just think it's not as fun as having your own team members in your games. It makes the game more of an actual "team" match as opposed to regular tournament-style games.

Either way, thanks for organizing. I've been wanting team games here for a while so this will be exciting!
MuzuaneAskari wrote:

1st point: I meant exacttly what you said. Thank you for making it clearer.

2nd: I think it would be very funny playing in 4 boards against the same teams (every team should have the same colour in the 4 games). I never thought about the points in these games and until the "team gameplay" was created we will have always that problem.

If we don't find the other players we need we can try as you say (or if the others prefer that gamepplay)
Gato que avanza, Perro que ladra