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Dferguson wrote:
Round one totals:

Team RED first with 12 points
Team PINK second with 11 points
Team purple thrid with 10 points
Team light blue fourth with 7 points.

Lets make some teams whole and start the next set. :)
Thorpe wrote:
Congrads Red Team. Now because of this all I see is "red".
95.5% of the time you kill a players cap before your 2nd turn in... you fail or die next
aeronautic wrote:
Are you able to join a team as Thorpe now? If so, do you require your place in the team back?
Hyd yn oed er fy mod Cymraeg , dim ond yn siarad Saesneg, felly yr wyf yn gobeithio y bydd y cyfieithu yn gywir.
Thorpe wrote:
I have always been able...but I do not like to play with the card trade-ins like it is.
95.5% of the time you kill a players cap before your 2nd turn in... you fail or die next
lifeinpixels wrote:
You know that it won't change for deathmatches right? So you'll never be able to play deathmatches...
Thorpe wrote:
Again...I got my rank through play Caps and rarely do I play deathmatches...they are just to long for me, even long term games.
95.5% of the time you kill a players cap before your 2nd turn in... you fail or die next
Spartakus wrote:
ty guys Red team is always ready to give you a chance for lose another round :p :)))
aeronautic wrote:
Spartakus, we go back a long way mate..... you know andjelicicic duped me with his final act. Dropped all his troops either side of my main army, killing my game with his premature exit!!! This is Deathmatch Consecutive not "Same Time", there won't be the chances you had with others in my match! Let's get it on!!
Hyd yn oed er fy mod Cymraeg , dim ond yn siarad Saesneg, felly yr wyf yn gobeithio y bydd y cyfieithu yn gywir.
lifeinpixels wrote:
Hey everyone, I think it's time for purple team to take their revenge! ;)

Anyways, as I mentioned earlier, I'll be taking over Muzuane's position of leadership for this round at least. I would like to propose a few changes and see what you guys think.

First off, I think we can add more of a team element to this team tournament. Instead of having one player from each team in a game, I want to put 2 players from each team in a game. For example, me and Brewdog vs. Skarni and Oliver. The objective would not be to eliminate the two opponents. This means that Brew and I could eliminate both Skarni and Oliver without either of us dying, but the game would end there. However, if one of us did die that would be ok; only one player from your team needs to remain at the end to win.

I think this would create some very interesting and unique gameplay not present in any other games. For example, if I am right before Brewdog, I could suicide and Brew could kill me for my cards and end the game that way. Additionally, it would be easier for us to share regions next to each other because we could have 1s on our borders. This would be best with deathmatches, because in caps it would be advantageous to give your cap to your teammate which would be boring, and in domination, 2 players on a team will make it harder for one teammate to conquer the necessary regions.

There are two ways we could go about doing this: we could split each current team of four into two teams of pairs (for example my team might be split into me and brew, and wise and ferguson). Or, we could still use the existing teams and they would simply comprise of two "players" (each player is two users). I'm leaning towards the first option but I'd like to hear what you all think of this first.

With two players on a team in each game, we could vary the types of game. For example, assuming that we break players up into teams of 2, and we have 8 teams, we could play an initial round of 4 games with 2 teams in each game (4 player games), and then the final round could be an 8 player game consisting of the 4 winning teams.

Possible issues:
1. Colors. We will have to have teams use 2 colors and remember that during the game. Worst case, a team may have to use different colors in different games, but I don't think this is an issue. Maybe if we bribe Matty he can add a few new colors to the database to be used for teams only, a light and dark variation of each color (light green/dark green for one team, etc).
2. Communication. I propose that we allow private messaging between teammates that the other team can't see. Since individual players in normal games don't have to share their thoughts and strategies with their opponents, I think we can treat teams similarly.
3. Points. It's understandable that players may not want to suicide for the benefit of their team if they will lose points even if their teammate secures the victory. Therefore, I think that for this type of gameplay to work I will have to arrange for points to be returned after each game, and if possible, divided among the winners. I will talk to the staff to see what we can do about this. Worst case, we will play a non-points tournament.
4. Ending. If a team wins but both teammates are still alive, they can send me a message and I will be able to end the game for them.

I know that these are a lot of changes to consider. Please take the time to think it over and give me your opinions and feedback. I will continue to talk to the staff to make sure that we everything is clear before we begin, since this will be very different that any games which have been played here before. But I think that if we can get this to work it will be very exciting!

An overview of what happends will be updated here:

Summary: I propose that team games consist of 2 players from each team. Strategies and potential issues are discussed above.