Game Thread
  • 318 posts
  • Page 17 of 22
Jacob24 wrote:
Happy Birthday Jesus!

”She will bear a son, and you shall call his name Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins.”“
‭‭Matthew‬ ‭1‬:‭21‬ ‭ESV‬‬
"clubs - go suck eggs! :)"
Tennesseelogman, 2024
2ofclubs wrote:
To my friends - Happy Holidays.
To my foes - Happy Holidays
2ofclubs is online.
Tennesseelogman wrote:
so mac - describe the 7 fish dishes to me. if it is not battered and fried catfish = it would be new to me :)
Live long and prosper
MacEohaid wrote:
so mac - describe the 7 fish dishes to me. if it is not battered and fried catfish = it would be new to me :)
We make
Seafood salad: scallops, shrimp, mussels, octopus, celery, pepperoncini, olives, lemons, olive oil, spices
Fried Calamari
Baked Salmon: butter, salt and pepper
Clams Casino: Baked with breadcrums, bacon bits, spices
Crab au grattin
Tennesseelogman wrote:
ok - you can stay in the game - no voting to lynch mac - seafood is my love language - no matter what your faction is = i am now on your team
Live long and prosper
2ofclubs wrote:
ok - you can stay in the game - no voting to lynch mac - seafood is my love language - no matter what your faction is = i am now on your team
I love seafood /fish (fish fry) too and as fishy as it seems, I can be or on your team already.
I may know who is targeting looking for you or who you are targeting looking for you.
2ofclubs is online.
ThickTalon wrote:
ok - you can stay in the game - no voting to lynch mac - seafood is my love language - no matter what your faction is = i am now on your team
I love seafood /fish (fish fry) too and as fishy as it seems, I can be or on your team already.
I may know who is targeting looking for you or who you are targeting looking for you.

your sentence last makes sense none at all.
2ofclubs wrote:
It does make sense. Especially to the one it applies to and they know who they are. And they may even not be part of this 4 way discussion (Thick clubs ten mac).
2ofclubs is online.
MacEohaid wrote:
Tried to put a picture of the meal in but I'm too old apparently.
Rockbert wrote:
Anyone know when we're starting up again?
"A writer is a person for whom writing is more difficult than it is for other people."
- Thomas Mann
2ofclubs wrote:
Deadline I believe, I’ll process this tonight

Post 228 Posted: 24 Dec 2023, 16:01
2ofclubs is online.
Tennesseelogman wrote:
i am sorry to report that mada fell off the edge of the earth. so i will take over the moderator position. just copy/paste and send me your role assignment PM that mada sent you.
even though he is gone - i know he would want us to carry on as tribute to him. RIP - this one's for you man. groovy?
Live long and prosper
Jacob24 wrote:
i am sorry to report that mada fell off the edge of the earth. so i will take over the moderator position. just copy/paste and send me your role assignment PM that mada sent you.
even though he is gone - i know he would want us to carry on as tribute to him. RIP - this one's for you man. groovy?

"clubs - go suck eggs! :)"
Tennesseelogman, 2024