Official Animal Kingdom Game
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Anaxagore wrote:
gg Blue, gg Notorious.

Yeah, good game guys.

Notice that these four animals were honest and revealed their group: RComer- Land (Lion), KC- air (bat), Blue- Sea (Shark) Notorius- Land (Snake). Each truthfully gave their animal kingdom and now they are all dead. Never liked the Plan A or B suggestion by TLM. That is why I held out for as long as I could until 2oClubs pushed me to reveal. I'm not liking 2oClubs or TLM at the moment, both act like they are in the driver seat and are guiding us safely along. Gives me the hee-bee-gee-bees.

Yes exactly. But I'd say 2ofclubs seems more in the known. And there is a deal he is part of so we should focus here before it's too late. Wouldn't be surprised to see a poacher here not gonna lie
Anaxagore wrote:
I mean these guys have been driving the lynches so far and no poacher has died.
Someone is providing wrong info
Tennesseelogman wrote:
this is truly a complex game - so many things are unclear.
i will stay consistent w my vote yesterday since nothing has happened to change my mind
# lynch mac
Live long and prosper
MacEohaid wrote:
this is truly a complex game - so many things are unclear.
i will stay consistent w my vote yesterday since nothing has happened to change my mind
# lynch mac

Oh, that is choice reasoning TLC, I will stay consistent with no foundation. You wanted my group and my species and I provided it and the only other players to provide it are Cheeta and the Bat. The bat reasoned for his life and 2oClubs still went after him after he claimed to be air he was the driving force to kille KC and myself who both are air. You disappeared for the whole lynch debate and now you show up early and with no reasonable argument other than nothing changed my mind. Really? Your plan has backfired and gotten 4 animals killed with no sign of the poachers and you walk along the jungle squeeky clean. Hrrrumph. You gotta have something better than that my friend. You sound like one of the poachers to me. 
The reason that I have chosen to believe that 2oClubs is not air is that he revealed part of his role to me given to him by Abs and it didn't match up with mine so I believe he concocted a fake role and PM'd me and some words didn't match mine. I suspect him now. That is sounder reasoning, don't you think? We animals at least should look for the poachers as they have power to kill us not just limit each other's roles I'd imagine.
Rockbert wrote:
Kudos Abs, this one is difficult, "unclear" is an understatement if anything. I am honestly not sure who to lynch right now. I think for the moment, I will stick with my vote from yesterday until he can provide something to sway me. #Lynch Pygmyhippo. I of course reserve the right to change that before the deadline.
"A writer is a person for whom writing is more difficult than it is for other people."
- Thomas Mann
Rockbert is online.
ThickTalon wrote:
Land is housing one of the poachers. My reasoning is sound as I know for certain a Land goer from investigation.

I voted who for who I voted for, for this reason.
Rockbert wrote:
I will take a shot.

# Lynch Madagascarter


Are you saying that Mada is a poacher? If you have damning evidence from an investigation I think make it known. We can't afford to get this lynch vote wrong.
"A writer is a person for whom writing is more difficult than it is for other people."
- Thomas Mann
Rockbert is online.
ThickTalon wrote:
There is not Proof of Mada, the investigation gave a land goer's name however.

It is either Mada or another land animal. 

I choose Mada, he was one of the first to hard claim animals, a general bad guy play to get out in front and play the " it can't be me I was the first to claim"

I am and was all for waiting to claim openly in the forum. I am pretty sure I have been investigated, so most of you know I am not a poacher, so Mada? what say you?

2ofclubs wrote:
I am 100% Air and 100% sure of 1 other air, 1 land and 1 water. You know who you are. I have deal with a water and Ryo. I have given poacher info. I have given some of my air info.
Given I told a land and a water of air team status the vote should not be on me.

My rocket landed on the the Dark Side of the Moon and coms were severed.
I am willing to wing it (pun)

2ofclubs wrote:
#Lynch Mac
I will step it up from Rocks comment and say you had a chance to sway me and didn't attempt to repeatedly.
Reserve the right to change.

GG Blue and Notor
2ofclubs wrote:
@ Anax If your alledged water team is unified then you know my deals
Spoiler (click to show)
Ryomyr wrote:
I am 100% Air and 100% sure of 1 other air, 1 land and 1 water. You know who you are. I have deal with a water and Ryo. I have given poacher info. I have given some of my air info.
Given I told a land and a water of air team status the vote should not be on me.

My rocket landed on the the Dark Side of the Moon and coms were severed.
I am willing to wing it (pun)

If you were actually the eagle, would you say this so freely? The eagle is definitely the killer operative for the sky clan. You might be drawing more fire to yourself here! :/
pygmyhippo277 wrote:
I think you guys are forgetting that the only way to win is to kill all other factions.
Eat my dust.