• 654 posts
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2ofclubs wrote:
6 Ten - Anax Ryo rcom Ely Pyg Lando
4 Anax - Ten 2oC Mac Notor
Extra votes and blocks unknown.
MacEohaid wrote:
At this point in the game I usually go back to page one and review everything and I did that this game. What I found out was I am totally confused and still trust nobody. It seems that everyone has voted against both sides at some point in the game and I think there is a neutral party that has been wreaking havoc the whole game and wants us to believe they are who they are not. I'm going to be opposite George therefore and bust things up and go for Anax.
Abs wrote:
Day 5 is over….

It has finally happened, after retreating to The Wolf’s Lair, Hitler is dead…..AKA TenLogMan

Abs said:
15 Sep 2022, 17:40
You are Hitler, leaeder of the German Army.

You have two special abilities you can use x1 during the game that are activated autoamtically (Shield) and only when you give the order (Kill). These can be use used in any Night Phase.

Your Win Clause is to eliminate the entire Allied Army faction members.

Whilst the Axis have lost their leader, the war is yet to find a victor….

It is now Night 5

Get your actions in

MacEohaid wrote:
Is the war over? If Hitler is dead then the war should be over. No?
2ofclubs wrote:
Abcde followers, You know what do. PM me with some questions and I will try and untwist for you. We have this with Adolfs plan (its not about adolf its about the faction win). Only Abs can mess this up.