Mafia Game Thread
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2ofclubs wrote:
Tenn always finds a way back in.

This must mean he is now slug or Gardener (for real) why else would E5 care

Game balance.  He could be a slug too. 

@ Jkl What is the reasoning for the jump on Rock? You can PM me if you don't want to risk helping slugs in thread.
Tennesseelogman wrote:
I AM ALIVE! :) :) :) :)

elysium5 wrote:  Posted: Today, 06:59 
Post #75
I hope everyone is ok with my decision.

i am waaaaaaaay ok with your decision
Live long and prosper
Tennesseelogman wrote:
alright plant people - we now have a lop-sided tomato type win situation very similar to the last game where a player has now come back as a known tomato. so everyone send me your roles and i will coordinate a juicy tomato win.
Live long and prosper
Hoodlum wrote:
I AM ALIVE! :) :) :) :)

elysium5 wrote:  Posted: Today, 06:59 
Post #75
I hope everyone is ok with my decision.

i am waaaaaaaay ok with your decision

took one for the team!
looks like slugs don't want a gardener around. :)
Warrant ☰ ★Officer I and a Gentleman
Hoodlum wrote:
alright plant people - we now have a lop-sided tomato type win situation very similar to the last game where a player has now come back as a known tomato. so everyone send me your roles and i will coordinate a juicy tomato win.

is it proven that you are a known tomato?

Warrant ☰ ★Officer I and a Gentleman
Tennesseelogman wrote:
well - i don't remember ely specifically stating in this game that there is no bribing the moderator. So i offered ely 300 tokens (which he needs desperately) to allow me to replace a player at random the first 3 times i died and to announce in the forum that i was a tomato plant - he must have forgotten that part of the deal. Some of you newer players should especially believe me and send me your role PM NOW. so beware - by killing me = you may actually be killing yourself
Live long and prosper
Anaxagore wrote:
salt me and you're killing another tomato. Let's hear from the Gardners. have they investigated anyone? PM me if you have Gardners. Otherwise, are we to think that they are inactive?

#lynch Rockbert
Rockbert wrote:
I am simply trying to work for town win here. I don't know why the jump on me. Here is my PM from Elysium:

Spoiler (click to show)
"A writer is a person for whom writing is more difficult than it is for other people."
- Thomas Mann
Rockbert is online.
Ryomyr wrote:
Well, I did read all of this, and the amount of reincarnations in these forums ... wow. If the slugs don't try for Tennessee again tonight, I would be shocked.

Let's cover the edges of the garden with salt as a precautionary measure:

#salt 2ofClubs
Rockbert wrote:
I AM ALIVE! :) :) :) :)

elysium5 wrote:  Posted: Today, 06:59 
Post #75
I hope everyone is ok with my decision.

i am waaaaaaaay ok with your decision

took one for the team!
looks like slugs don't want a gardener around. :)

just want to point out that he was not a gardener but a tomato plant. I wonder if he is a gardener now or a slug? It bears mentioning that Ely brought him back but I wonder if it would be for a tomato plant role or one that Dreamstreet occupied that was more crucial to the game balance, like a gardener or a slug, being that they are so few? Just a thought, not an accusation, but something we should discuss.
"A writer is a person for whom writing is more difficult than it is for other people."
- Thomas Mann
Rockbert is online.
Rockbert wrote:
I guess ThickTalon already said this. haha. Not enough coffee yet.
"A writer is a person for whom writing is more difficult than it is for other people."
- Thomas Mann
Rockbert is online.
Rockbert wrote:
Tenn always finds a way back in.

This must mean he is now slug or Gardener (for real) why else would E5 care

For the record in order to be open and honest with all, I do not like to mod kill and I do not like to change the dynamics of the game in order to maintain balance.

Sometimes players get lucky and sometimes they work hard to help give their team an upper hand. Things can also change pretty fast due to all kinds of circumstances.

I did not bring back Tenn in order to artificially create a better balance.

I simply decided to bring Tenn back as basically a sub for DS because there was no harm in doing so due to any previous messaging and it does not compromise the game at all.

It just puts an active player in a role that was unable to be continued by another player without creating any advantages or disadvantages to any other players.

I hope everyone is ok with my decision.

I also hadn't read this, so please disregard my previous comments on game balance.
"A writer is a person for whom writing is more difficult than it is for other people."
- Thomas Mann
Rockbert is online.
BadKarma wrote:
I hope that the morning or afternoon gardner will investigate me, or someone else you trust to identify a tomato plant so we can form a coalition of trusted tomatoes before we lose anymore to these disgusting slugs.

Didn't anyone notice the exchange JKL had right after RB posted this?? Can someone claim to have been investigated if they weren't? Could this be to make us all just discount him as potential slug?

By the way, don't you think it's weird JKL went right after the first person who declared themselves a tomato?

#Salt jkl3699
Buen Camino!
Tennesseelogman wrote:
jkl3699 wrote:  Posted: Today, 05:12 
Post #67
I was investigated last phase. Bow whoever the gardener is knows that I am a tomato

good point bad (no pun intended) there should have been 2 investigations last night - can anybody else verify that you get a notice of inspection?
Live long and prosper