2ofclubs said:
12 Aug 2022, 08:01
Interesting. Did you investigate Jkl and find him tomato and now going after Pyg who was on him?
Or did you investigate Pyg the 1st phase and find him slug?
I see the reasoning but Pyg was inactive. We now have some very suspicious behavior, comments and voting from a few players (Ryo, Thick, Jkl Ten) that hasn't been addressed. I am waiting for responses from the ones under the microscope or on the hot seat.
Mac you did claimed inspector and if that's the case why didn't you get killed vs hood? Mafia must of got lucky because I know Hood wouldn't have gave up his identity in thread or PM. Or you investigated Hood and revealed his identity accidently to a slug but you would have connected with him 1st instead of leaking it. So scum had to get lucky.
One would assume according to thread post and vote;
-You investigated pyg 1st but then didn't tell or vote. Hmm
-You claim you are following Hood but Hood no salted. Hmm
-You investigated JKL 2nd but voting Pyg because jkl is tomato.
If you are the gardener, great but stay low and don't disclose info to a slug or we are done for.
I am pretty sure Ten & Thick were tomatoes but now idk know with Ten pointing out Thicks night action comment. Waiting to see if one squirms sluggish. I have a no harm truce with Ten unless he turns scummy. Ten likes truces as well as trying to control games. I hope he hasn't hoodwinked me.
Sorry long read. Now you know how I over think and maybe we can work together. By the way it's 3am here Lol
2ofclubs said:
14 Aug 2022, 22:10
I am right there with you and Rock. Rock knows that via early PM. I am reluctantly trusting Ten and the No Salt strategy. But if he flips bad you guys will know it for sure. If he is good I can back him and his other 2 claimed good. And town will be more united in voting to avoid friendly fire, ties and slugs will start to shrivel up.

I don't think slugs will hit me but try their odds on getting lucky with another being Gardener.
MacEohaid said:
14 Aug 2022, 22:28
Why don't you think the slugs will hit you. You are one of the most outspoken like Tenn and Hoody.
2ofclubs said:
14 Aug 2022, 22:34
Because I am claiming tomato, willing to die for the gardener and they know all town and want the gardener. Also Ten wasn't able to make me look gardener for the tomato sacrifice of protecting the gardener nor was I previously suspected as gardener..
2ofclubs said:
14 Aug 2022, 23:34
Dont kill me unless your a slug and obligated too.
Spoiler (click to hide)
2ofclubs said:
14 Aug 2022, 02:48
Well I guess Thick and Anax are even bigger suspects. Who are we going to pressure?
Tennesseelogman said:
14 Aug 2022, 11:33
abs and rock are my top 2 at this point. but what does pressure do now - if tomato = there is nothing else to reveal. if gardener = we would not want them to reveal. if slug = why would they?
2ofclubs said:
14 Aug 2022, 14:46
Slugs aren't coming to the surface. The number of possibility is less because there are less town. I think k I am going to be the next oh sorry we were wrong. Might be ok and the plan to no salt and flush them out is working but I see towns dying. Not that slug prospects are narrowing or getting clearer.
I mean Pyg and Jkl were suspect from day 1.
It is a little more challenging w/o abilities game mechanics.
Tennesseelogman said:
14 Aug 2022, 18:18
why do you still jkl when he is the only 0one cleared per hood and gardener 2 per me?
2ofclubs said:
14 Aug 2022, 19:29
Was he cleared by Hood? And it's all hear say for all of us. Just not letting anybody slither by.
Nobody has done anything to awfully suspicious including a ax ju.ping on the gardener claim deflection.
Tennesseelogman said:
14 Aug 2022, 20:23
yes - he was cleared by hood to me and by the morning gardener to me
2ofclubs said:
14 Aug 2022, 20:40
Ok who else has been cleared? Have you cleared thick and have you been cleared?
Seems gardener hasn't found a slug or else you would be salting.
Imo Thick and Pyg are above 50% slimy. Bk and I are 99.99 town, Everyone else is 50/50
Tomatoes are fading in trust and numbers. Give us a rally post.
Tennesseelogman said:
14 Aug 2022, 20:47
i have not been cleared except by hood's trust in me that is only reported by me - so - no, not very convincing
thick has not been cleared
you have not been cleared
gardener has not been cleared and has had terrible luck/results
at this point i put all others at 50/50 which is not very good odds for a lynching
not much rallying i can do except to say stay the course
Tennesseelogman said:
14 Aug 2022, 21:04
actually - i was trying to put a target on your back to keep it off the gardener - i think you are tomato - but one of us tomatoes needs to die - not the gardener.
the odds of slugs hitting the gardener is going up - they now will likely eliminate me, you, jkl, and bad - plus they know the 4 slugs = that only leaves 5 guesses for them to hit the gardener
i tried to rally and divert away from the real gardener - we will see
2ofclubs said:
14 Aug 2022, 22:14
I don't think slugs will hit me but try their odds on getting lucky with another being Gardener.
Just let me know what you want me to do so I don't mess this up.
MacEohaid said:
14 Aug 2022, 23:37
You know what I am.
2ofclubs said:
14 Aug 2022, 23:39
Yes you are the last inspector.
2ofclubs said:
14 Aug 2022, 23:42
But Ten and Jkl didn't tell me. I am openly sharing PMs, posting in thread my thoughts and reasoning as well as concerns.
2ofclubs said:
14 Aug 2022, 23:43
I also asked to be inspected and told i was going to be.
MacEohaid said:
15 Aug 2022, 01:35
I'm not the inspector. I already made that clear on the general chat.
MacEohaid said:
15 Aug 2022, 01:45
2ofclubs said:
14 Aug 2022, 23:43
I also asked to be inspected and told i was going to be.
By whom?
2ofclubs said:
15 Aug 2022, 01:57
MacEohaid said:
15 Aug 2022, 02:35
Is Tenn a tomato or a gardener?
elysium5 said:
15 Aug 2022, 02:50