• 125 posts
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Rockbert wrote:
KC321 still needs to be added it looks like.
"A writer is a person for whom writing is more difficult than it is for other people."
- Thomas Mann
Rockbert wrote:
Lando can't join right now but says he will sometime after the summer
"A writer is a person for whom writing is more difficult than it is for other people."
- Thomas Mann
Hoodlum wrote:
This requires 18 players. So putting it up for the sign-ups and will be played, after ely's and madas games are finished. Also to give players a chance to digest the dynamics before it gets started. It's pretty basic though, having done it similarly already. i don't want to answer too many questions when it starts going lol. :)

Player List
1. @Rockbert
2. @jkl3699
3. @ThickTalon
4. @Bluegoetz
5. @2ofClubs
6. @notoriouspat
7. @Tennesseelogman
8. @Madagascarter
9. @Anaxagore
10. @Abs
11. @elysium5
12. @Ryomyr
13. @KC321
14. @pygmyhippo277
15. @boomoo82
16. @Rcomer727
17. @huskers01
18. @@

Hoodlum is online.
Hoodlum wrote:
i wouldnt mind starting this soon..while i have a few days off work. i will try and get some players
Hoodlum is online.
periwinkle wrote:
If it starts this weekend, then I can play....so find 3 more people.  I know ill be offline starting August 3rd and if the game lasts that long that would be a crucially bad time for me to go MIA. My playtime is limited leading up to that day anyway.
pygmyhippo277 wrote:
If it starts this weekend, then I can play....so find 3 more people.  I know ill be offline starting August 3rd and if the game lasts that long that would be a crucially bad time for me to go MIA. My playtime is limited leading up to that day anyway.

All you have to do is blabber like 2 then you'll be killed early enough to not have to worry ;D`
Eat my dust.
ThickTalon wrote:
If it starts this weekend, then I can play....so find 3 more people.  I know ill be offline starting August 3rd and if the game lasts that long that would be a crucially bad time for me to go MIA. My playtime is limited leading up to that day anyway.

All you have to do is blabber like 2 then you'll be killed early enough to not have to worry ;D`

Yup....or just be absent like some others and stay in the game because people forget about you. that seems to work and win games. I might try this strategy....

  • show up once a day
    ask who is the bad guy
    vote (or don't)
    win the game
2ofclubs wrote:
Babbling doesn't always kill you ( I made 9 phases last game & finished 3 of the last 5 games).
Absent doesn't always kill you (it can get you lynched phase 1 or 2 or even mod lynched).
The doctor doesn't always protect you you die).
Your ability can be blocked or stolen (you die or lose).
One can be led down a rabbit hole (you die or lose).
One can be blinded by smoke and mud (you die or lose).
One can be hoodwinked (you die or lose).
One can be doubled cross (you die or lose).
Someone may not be claimed innocent (you die or lose).
Ones win cluase may be difficult (you die or lose).
Your team may be inactive or ununified (you die or lose).
You may be on the always kill or on 1st lynch list (you die or lose).
In closing;I am innocent, will protect you, on your team, following along, not athreat, you need my vote, solo, cant meet win clause and hard claim 100% truth.
Respectfully ♣︎♣︎
ThickTalon wrote:
Babbling doesn't always kill you ( I made 9 phases last game & finished 3 of the last 5 games).
Absent doesn't always kill you (it can get you lynched phase 1 or 2 or even mod lynched).
The doctor doesn't always protect you you die).
Your ability can be blocked or stolen (you die or lose).
One can be led down a rabbit hole (you die or lose).
One can be blinded by smoke and mud (you die or lose).
One can be hoodwinked (you die or lose).
One can be doubled cross (you die or lose).
Someone may not be claimed innocent (you die or lose).
Ones win cluase may be difficult (you die or lose).
Your team may be inactive or ununified (you die or lose).
You may be on the always kill or on 1st lynch list (you die or lose).
In closing;I am innocent, will protect you, on your team, following along, not athreat, you need my vote, solo, cant meet win clause and hard claim 100% truth.
Respectfully ♣︎♣︎

Let me sum this up:

2ofC - "babble":D