Game thread
  • 1025 posts
  • Page 44 of 69
2ofclubs wrote:
According to memory this is who I think everyone is. If people can fill the gaps, I’d be grateful.

1 hoodlum - Opera
2 thicktalon - Good Android
3 tennesseelogman - Opera
4 madagascarter - Good Android
5 antrison - ???
6 periwinkle - Maybe you claimed, I can’t remember
7 bluegoetz - Mailman
8 ryomyr - Asked me about buying Electric Animals. So seems concerned about emigrating
9 elysium5 - Good Android
10 2ofclubs - Bounty Hunter!!!
11 landocalriskian - EA dealer?
12 abs - ???
13 jkl3699 - ???
14 anaxagore - Was it Car Dealer?
15 orzhovboss - ???
16 spectre67 - Opera

Was there anything else?
Lol you all are talking after dead line.
Clubs claimed real good Human and hinted to ambulance driver/doc- maybe I can heal myself YOURE WASTING VOTE.
Odd player is what faction???
pygmyhippo277 said:
29 May 2022, 13:08
your money is returned

I will read on and be silent - maybe lol :P
2ofclubs wrote:
Maybe I am cop? Who else gave a PYG VERIFIED REPORT ON A PLAYERS IDENTITY?? Sorry Peri I couldn't respond to your inspect request but thought you were safe. Reread my 25w message.
I will only 100% Hard Claim Human still reading pages from the eclipse phase Lol
2ofclubs wrote:
Kudos to the Host. Great theme and twist even with aka blunders.
GG Ely Mada & Thicktalon
pygmyhippo277 wrote:
Alright, day 3 has now begun, no one was killed last night.

Please submit your day actions and your votes.
Eat my dust.
Tennesseelogman wrote:
good morning all - my opera is open for business now and we can chat if you want to and try to figure this out. ryo do you still want an invite?
2oc - you have said some interesting things and i would like to chat w you about them - will you pay/accept an invite to my opera? if so = my opera will be full for the day - i got a PM requesting an invite that i will honor. any others who want to chat (and we all need to in these uncertain times) let me know here in case ryo or 2oc don't feel the need anymore - or hood can hook you up. i do not want to waste an invite (i only get 3 whether or not it is accepted) on somebody who can not (apparently you can not if you are busy doing something else like driving your car around or feeding your animal - but i am not sure - you might want to ask pyg ahead of time if you have additional plans please) or will not accept the invitation. yesterday i ran out of invites and still had players wanting to chat.
i do have an interesting take on the way things are shaping up but would like to bounce it off some other players before discussing it here. but here is part of it - - it seems that the 16th player is a droid and may be our only hope left to kill the BH if that's what we think needs to happen. we also do not need to accidently kill the last droid which would likely result in a BH win.
the BH can retire droids day or night looks like - post #1 states that it is rumored that BH may also kill humans. if so - sleeping may not help since they can just kill during the day.
Live long and prosper
Hoodlum wrote:
gg mada. ely and thick.
i thought that it might have been a bad play to out yourself, especially from reading the first post of this thread, but wow, all 3 died.

if you want an invite to the opera, say so here. i can invite 3. 
Tennesseelogman wrote:
it is almost certain that theBH have a PM chat room. it also seems that they have no reason to kill faction members and that any human kills would be accidental while hunting for the last droid - so i think we humans who have been verified are safe for now. they have used only 2 of their kills so logically have at least 1 more - they knew mada was getting lynched and did not want to waste a kill on him.
Live long and prosper
Tennesseelogman wrote:
mada died - i would just like to point out that i thought it was a bad idea to lynch him therefore my push to lynch 2oc.
so in this game some may be saying "oh too bad - i wish i had listened to tenn." this has been the case for the last 6 games - somebody (rockbert most often would say something like " oh i was wrong about you again tenn - i should have trusted you" or "well by lynching you all us town people just lost the game"
the only time this did not happen is when i was the bad guy and my method of play was so different that i was found out and killed immediately.
in other words - when in doubt - follow my advise :)
Live long and prosper
Hoodlum wrote:
Wow! Ok so Droids outing themselves was not a great idea as it was like a big red target for the BH.

Next step is we need to find the BH scum!

do you believe the rumours about the Bounty Hunters killing humans? No human has died yet.
i think we should now all claim. vote an inactive who might be a bounty hunter.
the abstainers were spectre, antrison and lando i believe. spectre isn't a BH

Hoodlum wrote:
Wow! Ok so Droids outing themselves was not a great idea as it was like a big red target for the BH.

Next step is we need to find the BH scum!

do you believe the rumours about the Bounty Hunters killing humans? No human has died yet.
i think we should now all claim. vote an inactive who might be a bounty hunter.
the abstainers were spectre, antrison and lando i believe. spectre isn't a BH

just wanna know what a BH role says :)
Tennesseelogman wrote:
i would love to vote/kill a BH today mainly so that we can see his role assignment PM from pyg and find out what we are dealing with. but there may be a better move than that if any of us faction members are to have a chance now. i would love to discuss it privately w 3 of you.
Live long and prosper
Hoodlum wrote:
if you are a bounty hunter, i believe you are a hero, as pygmy writes.
i think the rest of the humans wanna probably get yous out.
i only wanna lynch an inactive BH, just to know their role.
however, i would like to invite any active BH's to chat with me, so you can convince me you aren't bad.
i read ya!