Game Thread
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2ofclubs wrote:
Abs ?
Talon ? Hood clubs na
Chip? Leaning to Hood
Hood >clubs
Anax >clubs
Peri >Hood
Clubs >Hood
What are going to say when all but anax and your 3rd Cabal vote you. There's not 5 Cabal. Yes one has to vote for you to stay in hiding. Can't vote anax that's a tell.
We can ask an admin for a draw LOL
Hoodlum wrote:
well i will say gg. nice win Cabal. FBI will have lost. no coming back from a lynch on me. they'd just be going thru the phases.
Hoodlum is online.
elysium5 wrote:
There have been requests for a time extension due to my delayed start of the day.

I think this is fair so I will extend this day until tomorrow at 04:00 server time.

I apologize for the delay.
"Bad Deadpool... Good Deadpool!"
2ofclubs wrote:
Hoodlum said:
20 May 2022, 03:13
to counter the inactivities.
2ofclubs said:
20 May 2022, 03:32
It works.
Hoodlum said:
20 May 2022, 03:33
yeah. at this point, it might save you. talon popped in. chip hasn't been online for a bit
2ofclubs said:
20 May 2022, 03:42
Save me? it was heading to a draw then you would shoot me.
Hoodlum wrote:
a draw works for cabal.
i don't want a draw here today. i request time extension and for all votes to be in.
Hoodlum is online.
2ofclubs wrote:
Missed the leading PM. Notice his caps - is he flaunting the TeN (Tennesseelogman)
Hoodlum said:
20 May 2022, 03:13
LOL. LiKe My TiMe ExTeNsIoN play there?
Hoodlum wrote:
time has been manipulated by the late start. so we can't use the original deadline for this crucial part of the game. it just won't be fair, for that last cabal to expose themself. or for the FBI/DOC to get robbed from the same way because of a shortened phase, when they could have been active during the times this phase was suppose to start.

in the next 8 minutes, ill still be looking at that vote from the players that haven't voted yet. i believe that talon is keeping clubs in suspense, but i don't want clubs to get lynched, that way. the same scenario if talon wasn't here, and then Chip/Abs come one within the last 8 mins to vote.
Hoodlum is online.
2ofclubs wrote:
a draw works for cabal.
i don't want a draw here today. i request time extension and for all votes to be in.
he's WRKN4IT

Another taunt

I was being sarcastic about the draw .