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Anaxagore wrote:
I don't mind Virtuosity being late but please can we finish the game.
This is not the first time games end unclearly on D12 and it is frustrating as a player.
elysium5 wrote:
I don't mind Virtuosity being late but please can we finish the game.
This is not the first time games end unclearly on D12 and it is frustrating as a player.
Sorry about the cannonball run one. That was my bad. My laptop fried and I didn't have anything written down on actual paper. I write everything down now;)
"Bad Deadpool... Good Deadpool!"
Tennesseelogman wrote:
since their are only 3 or 4 players left alive in the light - would it be appropriate for someone else to facilitate the conclusion of this game? i have proposed this to virt but have gotten no response. i would think we just need for someone who is dead dead (out of the game) to agree to finish moderating the game. Then the remaining live players to message him with any additional actions that were requested during the last day phase. and then copy/paste the win clauses sent to you by virt and tell the new moderator of any additional actions you now have. i would do it but i will be absent for the next week.
Live long and prosper
Tennesseelogman wrote:
ok - periwnkle has also agreed to help you guys finish the game. i will send you a PM and see if we can
Live long and prosper
Tennesseelogman wrote:
request for info like this has been sent to the 4 remaining players

- please send us your original role PM from virt and any updates.
- let us know of any extra votes you have earned
- let us know of any abilities that you have used up and/or have left
- we will post lynch vote results as soon as we know if any extra votes or abilities have altered the results.

lynch vote results will be published as soon as all 4 have answered. the next phase will start and end asap after that.
Live long and prosper
Tennesseelogman wrote:
public lynch vote count is
thick - 2 - anax, blue
anax - 1 - thick
no vote - boo (late = does not count)
Live long and prosper
Tennesseelogman wrote:
2oc has offered to help also so please send your responses to the PM that includes him - thanks
Live long and prosper
Tennesseelogman wrote:
this will only work if all 4 of you provide accurate and honest info (even though this is mafia - now is not the time to lie) :)
Live long and prosper
Bluegoetz wrote:
I want to finish the game, but I’m not sure I like someone else just jumping in and taking over without hearing from virt.
He’s been online plenty so he’s not too busy to give an update, so something else might be bothering him? And it might add insult to injury to take the game away from him.
I’d rather him give some update or wait till beginning of next week.
periwinkle wrote:
I've suggested we include v98 in the messages as well so he can just resume his moderator duties when he is ready?
periwinkle is online.
Abs wrote:
Why is Virt online but not responding to this? Mada knows V98 right?
2ofclubs wrote:
Why is Virt online but not responding to this? Mada knows V98 right?
ND Ten is active in games with him. ???
2ofclubs is online.