Money & Masks 2
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2ofclubs wrote:
Its not town joining you. Its you and Juliet I am her +1. winning.
Unless you plan knocking players off in order ending with you Marion. Good luck seriously Good luck. I have more on this and so do you!!! I am not sure if i should say it openly c/o helping Mafia MDH.
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2ofclubs wrote:
I do believe you are cap. I've re-read the 1st 110 pages. 
You Capulate cant kill. me - It stated in the chat. That's the scenario with Mafia alive.
We have to lynch MDH. Period.
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2ofclubs wrote:
Please tell me you see that I can't die w/o taking your chance of winning to almost 0%.
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Hoodlum wrote:
if you feel i was capulate then elect me :)
i won't be lynching rheisel, and i suspect rheisel would die if you die, and she has to live to help me outnumber montague. i'd lynch marion and then between 3 of us we can distract mdh from killing, and then out vote him. i'd have the extra lord vote, purchased vote.

but i doubt it will go that way. i won't be elected. and i don't trust that you + rheisel win with me. it's not in my clause. outnumber is.
Warrant ☰ ★Officer I and a Gentleman
2ofclubs wrote:
The other side of that is if I live you have 95% winning. It's 99.99999% if MDH is lynched !!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
Why else would we put all our cards on the table posting full roles and PM's.  

Well it's 5am here and I need some sleep. 

2ofclubs said:
25 Feb 2021, 00:42
1) So vote for who ever including Marion even though they didn't campaign?
2) Will night afternoon phase be shorten too?

Virtuosity98 said:
25 Feb 2021, 00:44
1. Yes.
2. Probably.
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Hoodlum wrote:
if i lynch vote either of you rheisel/juliet, it's easy enough for you to put your combined votes on me. im sure mdh will do so to survive.
it's whether you believe i am mafia or capulet. this is your risk.

it's me or mdh as lord. i elect myself, i have +2. it's not a bluff, although it's never been proven in the game. you know marion has + votes, or it's assumed. i've said i am her counterpart of the houses.

if i was mafia, im sure the game would have been a lot different.
Warrant ☰ ★Officer I and a Gentleman
2ofclubs wrote:
elect phase is over. Rheisel Cap has the extra lord vote.
I know your Capulate (I just didn't want to give to much heads up to MDH).
Your suspect is answered in 3000.
Why not vote out MDH the known threat. Have even houses TLM theory
Naturally Dont trust montague. But Trust your Capulate Lord.
2 Caps Hood Rheisle and 2 Momtague Clubs and Marion. The only way you could lose is if Rheisel and I try and lynch you or Marian. Why let INACTIVE marion share in the win? 

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Hoodlum wrote:
Elect urself MDH. it's U or me vs the alliance in any case. A montague has to be lynched. They are undecided of who is mafia. elect mdh

LOL elect mdh
I am decided and I said that twice.
You call it an alliance, some call it love, and some its defiance.
The offer is to join the win as a town or we fight.

then this is debateable.
Warrant ☰ ★Officer I and a Gentleman
2ofclubs wrote:
Well I've disclosed everything. I will be voting to lynch MDH. Evening up the houses. Then voting to lynch Marion, Giving Capulate out number status.
Win clause: Survive with Juliet until endgame.   It includes others aka Hoodlum
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2ofclubs wrote:
No . I was LOL ing you said elect MDH

Election Tally:
rheisel - rheisel, 2ofclubs
Mdhaglund - Mdhaglund
Hoodlum - Hoodlum
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Hoodlum wrote:
mdh or me is my scenario for lord vote. not the alliance motangue/capulet (romeo/juliet

did mdh say unelect himself? i will check that. i don't think you said unelect rheisel
Warrant ☰ ★Officer I and a Gentleman