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Vexer wrote:
We need more 50-55 territory maps!

Specifically we need more maps that are good for 5 player live games. if each player starts with 11 territories then that equals 55. for 5p I would like to see a map with 3 regions that are 4 territories and 4 regions that are 5 territories. no regions smaller than 4 and then the rest don't matter but there should be at least one region with at least 8.
BrewDog wrote:
How about a NFL map? Use the existing map of the USA, make the territories the NFL cities and the divisions could provide the reinforcement bonus. http://www.nfl.com/standings I'd like to "own" the Packers, Vikings and Lions. Let me know what you think.
Glanru wrote:
The main issue that I see is, how you would effectively make any region? New York being in the same region as Miami is a bit odd on a map.
BrewDog wrote:
Similar to Oregon advanced where you can have a bonus for an area on the map and an additional bonus for owning an entire division. It would be fun for football time.
Zoob wrote:
I think someone with some imagination should build a planet map. We keep coming up with all of these earth maps but if we did a planet we could create whatever we wanted.
Jimi wrote:
What about Middle East map?

“While you were so busy forcing me into a boner, you forgot you were committing one yourself.”

marcoxa wrote:
made a full 50 state US map what do you think?
Vexer wrote:
some of the states are too small so the map could not work as is for this site. Also the jagged lines would need to be smoothed among other needed improvements. We also already have two united states maps.

You should upload your map at landgrab.net. They have no map standards and anyone can upload a map. use this link and then click on map editor:
marcoxa wrote:
thanks. i like doing digital design alot. i could use something fresh to work on though. any ideas?
BrewDog wrote:
How about a Chicago map? Cook and the collar counties for territories and the main towns and cities for added bonuses ala the Oregon map. Also possible highway, subway, airport and train lines to use for travel to attack territories far away.
BrewDog wrote:
K, Leedog has informed me on the steps I need to take to attempt my 1st map. I am going to give it a go. I was then thinking of new cool maps and thought, how about D-Day? I did find a map that could be a good starting point however its being used, at a cost, for the same purpose as ours on a lesser site.
Vexer wrote:
that's a really really hard map for a first map. there's no guarantee that we'd be able to get it to the quality required for this site. But if you think you have it in you then go for it. It's ok to get ideas from a map on another site as long as you make sure that no one is going to accuse us of copying when they see the end result.