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Leedog wrote:
Concerning Lord of the Rings:

It appears this guy owns the rights to the names/locations concerning Lord of the Rings, and doesn't seem to allow people to use them.


Recently, his company sued a English tavern over the rights to use the character names:


Also recently, a Russian author wrote a book from the "evil" side of the war:

"A newly translated Russian novel retells Tolkien's "The Lord of the Rings" from the perspective of the bad guys"


Here's an excerpt from the article:

"Although the new translation’s status as a potential infringement of the Tolkien copyright remains ambiguous, it may be less vulnerable to legal action since no one is seeking to profit from it."

I'm no lawyer, but it appears based on what the copyright owner did with the tavern, they would just ask D12 to take the map off the website since the maps likeness was not used for profit... that's if they ever found out in the first place?

But of course, might not be worth the trouble to begin with.

BrewDog wrote:
Can someone make a Chicago map similar to the Oregon Cities advanced map? And more importantly, how about a WWII map??? 
Cireon wrote:
I like the second idea, but I think there are already so many maps in the making, maybe mapmakers should focus on making existing maps of better quality before starting with all those new ones =/
“This is how humans are: We question all our beliefs, except for the ones that we really believe in, and those we never think to question.”
- Speaker for the Dead, O.S. Card
Leedog wrote:
Not every fresh, new idea will succeed... but we need more of them!!
Volvox wrote:
I would like a Canada map! Maybe a map of the human body (as if players were parasites?)
Leedog wrote:
I'm sure all the map makers here have thought about an area of the planet and if it could be turned into a map... but where is the "wow" factor? Is someone going to come up with a map of Rhode Island, just because a map of Rhode Island hasn't been done yet?

Sure, good ideas just don't fall off trees but when is enough... enough? How many maps of unknown or irrelevant areas does the website need?

I don't think history is being utilized enough. Glanru created a map about western trails but I ask... are people really going to gravitate to that theme/concept?

The website has no World War I map, World War II, Iraq War, Afghanistan War, Civil War, Revolutionary War, Map of Pakistan showing location of Bin Laden...

History and mankind's greatest wars have been forgotten... and Risk is about War isn't it??

If I'm wrong and more people feel it's about domination... then who would want to dominate a map such as ... Rhode Island??

Every map maker here has a map with the "wow" factor and I have total confidence you can all do it again... if you're up for the challenge??
Volvox wrote:
Everyone likes risk for different reasons my friend! I enjoy having plain old "areas of the planet" maps to play (other maps are neat too though).
Cireon wrote:
Despite the fact that I would prefer old maps being polished up than having new maps, just an idea for future reference: Pangaea. The territories in this map could be exactly the same is in the regular world map, but the connections between continents would be completely different because of the way they are arranged. Some territories probably need to be changed for balancing issues, but the world map should still be recognizable.

More info: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pangaea
“This is how humans are: We question all our beliefs, except for the ones that we really believe in, and those we never think to question.”
- Speaker for the Dead, O.S. Card
Glanru wrote:
I've done some looking into the Pangaea idea in the past. It's possible to make a map out of it, but the territories will have to be significantly different than the world map. First, entire regions would be vastly different. So even areas named after a region such as Siberia may have had land unrecognizable compared to today. Part of this is due to terrain being so different, I mean the Himalayas formed when India (reference Pangaea map it's near Antarctica and Australia) "slammed" into the rest of what is now Asia. Also, entire islands, island chains, and other archipelago may not have existed, or could have been solid connected land. Yet, I don't have a better idea for naming territories or regions at this time.
Matty wrote:
This is by far the most requested maps on the site.

But copyright :'(

"Strength doesn't lie in numbers, strength doesn't lie in wealth. Strength lies in nights of peaceful slumbers." ~Maria
wellington92 wrote:
hi Friend I suggest you these board maps :Iran , Madagascar ,India And URSS,BRAZIL .Please take a look in Conquerclub ,i think there are very goods maps ,can you create it ,,,, THANK YOU .
kkaiser wrote:
make some kind of small map...but not like Caribbean were the drop is all bias