Have a cool idea? Suggest it here!
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Thorpe wrote:

For all you fans out there. See we are working on one!

Look in forum....Middengeard
95.5% of the time you kill a players cap before your 2nd turn in... you fail or die next
marcoxa wrote:
so after i finish my Keeva map i have an idea. see i get more fun out of designing the maps and such and as far as game play goes i am certainly not the best at knowing what works and what dos not. so here is an idea. if anyone has a cool idea for a map and proves to have good game play potential, i can do the designing part and trick it out for you. so this would be good for people who may want to design a map with a certain type of game play but does not have the design talents to pull it off. let me know what you think.
MuzuaneAskari wrote:
@marcoxa, I have an idea about a map I would like to play but I don't have the skills. How can we talk about it?
Gato que avanza, Perro que ladra
RickJames wrote:
Has anyone suggested a map for Oceania or the Roman Empire? I think it would be pretty cool to play these maps.
Cireon wrote:
An Australia map is in the makes: link

For the Roman Empire map, you should look at our existing Mediterranean map, because that basically is the Roman Empire: link

I have a really weird suggestion, so I am not sure how it would work. The map consists of a chessboard (so... 64 territories) and people can attack all countries that can be reached by the move of a knight (so 2 vertical 1 horizontal or 2 horizontal 1 vertical)...
“This is how humans are: We question all our beliefs, except for the ones that we really believe in, and those we never think to question.”
- Speaker for the Dead, O.S. Card
Matty wrote:
What are the regions...
"Strength doesn't lie in numbers, strength doesn't lie in wealth. Strength lies in nights of peaceful slumbers." ~Maria
gragg9 wrote:
you could just have quadrants as regions. Ive seen something similiar done before
Matty wrote:
Thing is, you want them to be defendable. Not too many borders.

But if you can come up with something (preferably not symetric), than I think this is one big awesome idea!
"Strength doesn't lie in numbers, strength doesn't lie in wealth. Strength lies in nights of peaceful slumbers." ~Maria
elysium5 wrote:
@Cireon. That Chess board map sounds like an interesting idea.
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elysium5 is online.
gragg9 wrote:
I don't don't know if anybody is familiar with the app (for droid) called Drisk, but it has a map called quadrants. It's not a chess board but it's a similar idea. I'll see if I can post a link with the image.
urgul wrote:
Arabia, East/West Germany, North/South Korea, real places that r having problems could be more realistic
Cireon wrote:
So I have been thinking about doing a map myself for a while. The main aspect I would like to work on is designing the gameplay (so territories, regions, bonuses, ...). Matty has told me he would like to help me out and the plan is to make a big map for 8/9 players, as we don't have a lot of those on DXII.

However, we both are not very good with graphics and therefore we would like to know if someone would do the graphics if we can supply the gameplay (so the outline and maybe the setup for a colour scheme). We should be able to figure out the basics, but those will probably not meet the DXII standards.

Also, we are still looking for something to base the map on. I myself would really like to have some more maps like Westeros and Tamriel, based on fictional worlds, but I am afraid you run into copyright problems really fast then. So if you have any ideas, let us know :)
“This is how humans are: We question all our beliefs, except for the ones that we really believe in, and those we never think to question.”
- Speaker for the Dead, O.S. Card
marcoxa wrote:
i have my map to finish, and i am collaborating with muz on another one. but once i finish up mine i should be able to collabe with you as well. i may do this exclusively now as making the gameplay is not my expertise. forgive me if i have behind on my work lately btw. its crunch time on school so i don't have much free time. summer come soon! :D
cajuntreefrogs wrote:
It would be cool if you guys added a map of the U.S. during the civil war. Or a map of South America during the conquistador age.